7 Reasons God is Greater than the highs and lows of Life

God is Greater than the highs and lows of Life
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When we talk about reasons God is Greater than the highs and lows of Life, as Human beings, we will never fully understand all that God is, but he has revealed much about himself in his Word. Reading the Bible helps us better understand the character of God.

For centuries, people have looked to a higher power for guidance, comfort, and inspiration. In many religious traditions, this higher power is known as God and is believed to be the creator and ruler of the universe. But what makes God so special? Why do so many people find solace in their faith, even in the face of life’s highs and lows?

One popular saying in Christian circles is “God is greater than the highs and lows,” which refers to the idea that God’s love and power are constant, regardless of the circumstances we may find ourselves in.

This belief is based on the notion that God is not only present in the good times but also in the difficult times, and that we can rely on God’s strength and grace to see us through. follow us to explore more.

7 Reasons God is Greater than the highs and lows of Life

Follow us as we explore some of the reasons why God is considered greater than the highs and lows of life. Whether you are a devout believer or simply curious about the role of religion in our lives, we hope that this discussion will offer some insights into the enduring appeal of faith in a higher power.

God is not one thing today and another tomorrow, but he is and will be the same forever.

what is God's purpose for man

here are some of the attributes of God are as follows:

1. God is holy

The holiness of God speaks of his majesty and greatness, of his purity and of his moral perfection. In God, there is no stain or sin. In God, there is no defect or evil. God is unique. There is not, nor ever will be, in all creation, anyone so perfectly holy as our God. This is one of the reasons why he is the only one worthy of all our praise and adoration.

No one is holy like the Lord; there is no rock like our God. There’s no one like him!
(1 Samuel 2:2)

However, God does not allow his holiness to keep him away from us. He is not an unattainable God.

 He is a compassionate God, full of grace and love who wants to intervene in our lives giving us courage and encouragement in the most difficult moments of life. How should we approach him? With a humble and contrite attitude, always recognizing his holiness and our immense need for him.

Because the exalted and sublime says it, the one who lives forever, whose name is holy: I dwell in a holy and sublime place, but also with the contrite and humble in spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and encourage the heart of the broken.”
(Isaiah 57:15)

Other verses on the holiness of God :

I am the Lord your God, so sanctify yourselves and stay holy, for I am holy. Do not become unclean because of the animals that crawl. I am the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be his God. So be holy, because I am holy.
(Leviticus 11:44-45)

But the Lord Almighty will be exalted in righteousness, the holy God will show himself holy in righteousness.
(Isaiah 5:16)

The year of the death of King Uzziah, I saw the Lord, exalted and sublime, sitting on a throne; the fringes of his cloak filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each of whom had six wings: with two they covered his face, with two they covered his feet, and with two they flew. 

And they said to each other: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory ».
(Isaiah 6:1-3)

Rather, be holy in all that you do, just as the one who called you is holy; for it is written: “Be holy, for I am holy.”
(1 Peter 1:15-16)

Each of them had six wings and was covered with eyes, above and below the wings. And day and night they repeated without ceasing: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who he was and who is and who is to come.”
(Revelation 4:8)

2. God is eternal

God has no beginning and will have no end. He has existed forever and will exist for all eternity. This is a difficult concept for us human beings to understand who count everything based on time: seconds, minutes, years, seasons… But God is not limited by time.

Contrary to everything else in the universe, God was not created by anyone: he is, has existed from eternity, and will exist for all eternity. When Moses asked God his name, God replied “I AM THAT I AM.” That is the eternal name of God and the name by which he is and will be known by all generations. A name that proclaims the eternity of him.

Moses said to God: Suppose I go to the children of Israel and say to them: “The God of your fathers has sent me to you.” If they ask me: “What is your name?”, what will I answer?
God said to Moses: I AM THAT I AM. 

And he added, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: ‘I AM, he has sent me to you.’
God further said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘The LORD, the God of his fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever; This will be the name by which I will be remembered from generation to generation.
(Exodus 3:13-15)

Other verses about the eternity of God :

Since before the mountains were born and before you created the earth and the world, from ancient times and until the last times, you are God.
(Psalm 90:2)

But you, Lord, reign forever; your name endures for all generations.
(Psalm 102:12)

Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? The Lord is the eternal God, creator of the ends of the earth. He does not get tired or fatigued, and his intelligence is unfathomable.
(Isaiah 40:28)

The eternal God is your refuge; he forever he holds you in his arms.
(Deuteronomy 33:27a)

I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.
(Revelation 1:8)

Therefore, to the eternal, immortal, invisible King, to the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
(1 Timothy 1:17)

3. God is omnipotent

When we say that God is omnipotent or almighty, we refer to the fact that he can do everything. There is nothing that God cannot do! God’s power is limitless in all aspects and never ends. For this reason, God can do what he wants at the time and in the way he wants.

When God appeared to Abram, he introduced himself as follows:

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said: I am God Almighty. He lives in my presence and be blameless.
(Genesis 17:1)

God introduced himself as the Almighty God. From the beginning of the conversation, God wanted to make it clear to Abram that everything he was going to say and the promises he was going to make he would fulfill. Nothing is impossible with God, and we-just as Abram did-must believe and trust in his complete and unending power.

Other verses on the omnipotence of God :

I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob under the name of Almighty God, but I did not reveal my real name, which is the LORD.
(Exodus 6:3)

Who like you, Lord God Almighty, surrounded by power and faithfulness?
(Psalm 89:8)

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High welcomes himself in the shadow of the Almighty.
(Psalm 91:1)

Our Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; His name is Lord Almighty.
(Isaiah 47:4)

Oh Lord my God! You, with your great strength and your mighty arm, have made the heavens and the earth. There is nothing impossible for you.
(Jeremiah 32:17)

For men it is impossible —Jesus clarified, looking at them fixedly—, but for God everything is possible.
(Matthew 19:26)

Because since the creation of the world the invisible qualities of God, that is, his eternal power and his divine nature, are clearly perceived through what he created, so that no one has an excuse.
(Romans 1:20)

Because all things proceed from him, and exist through him and for him. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
(Romans 11:36)

Then I heard voices like the rumor of an immense crowd, like the roar of a waterfall and like the rumble of powerful thunder, which exclaimed: Hallelujah! The Lord, our Almighty God, has already begun to reign.
(Revelation 19:6)

4. God is omniscient

To say that God is omniscient is to say that he knows all things past, present, and future. Your knowledge of him knows no bounds! God knows absolutely everything about the Universe, about humanity, everything that has existed, and what will exist. There is nothing that can escape his knowledge.

God doesn’t just know everything in general terms about humanity and everything around us. He also knows all of us completely and personally. Psalm 139 expresses it very well. In that Psalm we see that God knows when we move or sit, what we think, what we speak… everything!

Lord, you examine me, you know me.
You know when I sit down and when I get up;
Even from a distance you read my thoughts.
You know my bustle and breaks;
all my ways are familiar to you.

The word still does not reach my tongue
when you, Lord, already know everything.
Your protection surrounds me completely;
You cover me with the palm of your hand.
Such wonderful knowledge is beyond my comprehension;
It is so sublime that I cannot understand it.
(Psalm 139:1-6)

In Matthew 10:29-30 we read: “Aren’t two sparrows sold for a little coin? However, not one of them will fall to the ground without the Father’s permission; and he has counted even the hairs of your head for you.”

There we see that everything in creation is important to God, both the birds and the human beings, and God knows everything about each one of them. God’s knowledge is so detailed that even he knows the number of hairs on our heads!


Other verses on the omniscience of God :

The eyes of God see the ways of man; he watches every one of his steps.
There are no dark places or deep shadows that can hide the wrongdoers.
(Job 34:21-22)

Exalted is our Lord, and great his power; the understanding of him is infinite.
(Psalm 147:5)

Our ways are in the sight of the Lord; he examines all our paths.
(Proverbs 5:21)

Thus says the Lord, who makes these things known from ancient times. (Known to the Lord are all his works from ancient times.)
(Acts 15:18)

No created thing escapes the sight of God. Everything is in the open, exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we must give an account.
(Hebrews 4:13)

In this we will know that we are of the truth, and we will feel safe before him: that although our hearts condemn us, God is bigger than our hearts and knows everything.
(1 John 3:19-20)

5. God is love

The Bible says it very clearly so that we have no doubt: God is love (1 John 4:8). God’s love is the truest and purest love that we could ever imagine. His love has nothing to do with human love that is sometimes full of ups and downs and uncertainties. God’s love is not based on feelings or emotions but is action.

Jesus Christ is the greatest and clearest expression of God’s love. After man sinned in the Garden of Eden, a separation barrier was created between man and God as a consequence of sin. However, God acted, he offered the solution. He extended his hand to us through Jesus. He sent him to earth as a sign of his immense love and his desire to have a personal and eternal relationship with us.

But God, who is rich in mercy, out of his great love for us, made us alive with Christ, even when we were dead in sins. By grace you have been saved!
(Ephesians 2:4-5)

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save it through him.
(John 3:16-17)

The Bible also tells us that God has a special love for those who love Jesus.

Who is it that loves me? He who makes my commandments his own and obeys them. And whoever loves me, my Father will love, and I will also love him and manifest myself to him
(John 14:21).

Other verses on God’s love :

The great love of the Lord never ends, and his compassion never runs out.
(Lamentations 3:22)

Dear brothers, let us love one another, because love comes from God, and everyone who loves is born from him and knows him. He who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 

This is how God manifested his love among us: in that he sent his only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is what love consists of: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be offered as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins.
(1 John 4:7-10)

If someone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. And we have come to know and believe that God loves us.

God is love. He who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. That love is fully manifested among us so that on the day of judgment we appear with all confidence, because in this world we have lived as Jesus lived.
(1 John 4:15-17a)

All the paths of the Lord are love and truth
for those who fulfill the precepts of his covenant.
(Psalm 25:10)

To you, my strength, I will sing psalms, for you, O God, are my protector.
You are the God who loves me!
(Psalm 59:17)

But God demonstrates his love for us in this: that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
(Romans 5:8)

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor demons, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything in all creation will be able to separate us from the love that God has manifested to us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 8:38-39)

A long time ago the Lord appeared to me and said: With eternal love I have loved you; That’s why I follow you faithfully.
(Jeremiah 31:3)

Look what great love the Father has given us, that we are called children of God! And we are! The world does not know us, precisely because it did not know him.
(1 John 3:1)

6. God is unchangeable

Immutable means that it does not change, that it cannot be changed or changed. God has been, he is, and always will be the same… from eternity and for all eternity. His character or the essence of what he is does not change: what he is today, he has always been. 

The God who is with us today is the same one we read about in the Bible. He has the same power, he has the same love, and he is just as holy.

Human beings are constantly changing. We are born as babies, we grow up and get stronger, but then we gradually decay. Not only our physique changes but also our temperament and emotions. The Bible explains something about the difference between humans and the eternity and immutability of God in Psalm 103.

Man is like grass, his days bloom like the flower of the field: shaken by the wind, he disappears without a trace. But the Lord’s love is eternal and he is always with those who fear him; his justice is with his sons’ sons, with those who fulfill his pact and remember his precepts to put them into practice.
(Psalm 103:15-18)

Knowing that God never changes should bring peace to our hearts. In a world as uncertain and as full of changes as the one we live in, it is good to know that God is our strong and firm rock, our refuge. We can lean on him at all times.

The Lord is my rock, my shelter, my deliverer; he is my God, the rock in which I take refuge. He is my shield, the power that saves me, my highest hiding place!
(Psalm 18:2)

Other verses on the immutability of God :

I, the Lord, do not change.
(Malachi 3:6a)

Every good gift and every perfect gift descends from above, where the Father who created the celestial lights is, and who does not change like the stars or move like the shadows.
(James 1:17)

God is not a mere mortal to lie and change his mind. Does he not keep what he promises or carry out what he says?
(Numbers 23:19)

In the beginning you established the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain. All of them will wear out like a dress. And as clothes you will change them, and you will put them aside. But you are always the same, and your years have no end.
(Psalm 102:25-27)

But the Lord’s plans remain firm forever; the designs of his mind are eternal.
(Psalm 33:11)

That is why God, wanting to clearly demonstrate to the heirs of the promise that his purpose is immutable, confirmed it with an oath. He did it this way so that, through the promise and the oath, which are two immutable realities in which it is impossible for God to lie, those of us who, seeking refuge, cling to the hope that is before us, have a powerful stimulus.
(Hebrews 6:17-18)

Since before the mountains were born and before you created the earth and the world,
from ancient times and until the last times, you are God.
(Psalm 90:2)

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
(Revelation 22:13)

7. God is omnipresent

God is everywhere always. There is nowhere we can escape his presence From him. He is always present in all places and at all times in history, be it the past, the present, or the future, since he is not limited by space or time.

Solomon understood this concept very well. He knew that God’s presence is not limited to a specific place. He was sure that God is everywhere and that no space can contain him. In 1 Kings 8:27 Solomon prayed before the altar of the Lord saying the following:

But will it be possible, my God, for you to dwell on earth? If the heavens, however high they may be, cannot contain you, much less this temple that I have built!
(1 Kings 8:27)

God is not only in the temple or in the places we consider “sacred.” He is everywhere, he sees everything. We cannot flee from the presence of God and this should comfort us as his children. 

God is always with us! He does not leave us alone at any time or in any place. We can turn to Him with complete confidence at all times and in the midst of any circumstance.

In Psalm 139 we find some key verses to understand the omnipresence of God.

Where could I get away from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I went up to heaven, you are there; if I lay my bed at the bottom of the abyss, you are there too.
If I were to rise on the wings of dawn, or settle at the ends of the sea,
even there your hand would guide me, your right hand would sustain me!
And, if I said: «Let the darkness hide me; let light be made night around me”,
nor would the darkness be dark for you, and even the night would be clear as day.
The darkness is the same for you as the light!
(Psalm 139:7-12)

Other verses on the omnipresence of God :

Am I God only up close? Am I not also God from afar? says the Lord.
Can the man find a hiding place where I can’t find him? says the Lord.
Am I not the one who fills the heavens and the earth? says the Lord.
(Jeremiah 23:23-24)

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, watching the good and the bad.(Proverbs 15:3)

Thus says the Lord: Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool. What house can they build me? What abode can you offer me?
(Isaiah 66:1)

But you, when you start to pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is in secret. So your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
(Matthew 6:6)

The eyes of God see the ways of man; he watches every one of his steps.
(Job 34:21)

Though they hide in the depths of the grave, from there my hand will bring them out. Even if they go up to heaven, from there I will bring them down. Even if they hide on the top of Carmel, I will look for them there and catch them. Even if they hide from me at the bottom of the sea, there I will order the serpent to bite them.
(Amos 9:2-3)

The Lord looks over the whole earth, and is ready to help those who are faithful to him.
(2 Chronicles 16:9a)

I have already ordered you: Be strong and brave! Don’t be afraid or discouraged! For the Lord your God will accompany you wherever you go.
(Josue 1: 9)

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I assure you that I will be with you always, until the end of the world.
(Matthew 28:19-20)


There are many reasons why people turn to God for comfort, guidance, and strength in the face of life’s highs and lows. Believers often cite the constancy of God’s love and power, the promise of eternal life, and the sense of purpose and meaning that comes from a relationship with God. Others find solace in the community and support that comes from belonging to a religious community.

Whatever the reasons, it is clear that faith in a higher power can be a powerful source of comfort and inspiration in difficult times. While we may never fully understand the mysteries of the universe or the nature of God, we can take comfort in the belief that we are not alone, and that there is a greater purpose to our lives than we may realize.

Whether you are a believer or not, we can all benefit from taking a moment to reflect on the role of faith in our lives and the ways in which we can draw strength and inspiration from the world around us.

In the end, it is up to each of us to find our own path and to seek out the sources of comfort and meaning that resonate with our own unique experiences and perspectives.

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