Sometimes we believe that when we do not forgive, or are not forgiven, things remain only in resentments and bitterness, however, there is something further in the spiritual world regarding forgiveness.
In the Bible, forgiveness is not treated as something specific interpersonal, but rather as the treatment that God gives us and we must reflect it in others, therefore, we invite you to investigate some of the Benefits of Forgiveness according to the Bible.
Why do we need forgiveness?
The most important thing about forgiveness is that we need God’s forgiveness.
In this regard, the preacher, the wise Solomon, made a statement in his book of Ecclesiastes stating that it was God himself who placed Eternity in the heart of man without his understanding . (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
That is why all people in some way have a void in their hearts that is only filled when they accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior of their lives.
Only there is that need for forgiveness satisfied in the human heart, and we are born again, just as Jesus one night explained to Nicodemus as John refers in his gospel in chapter 3.
How do we find God’s Forgiveness?
Finding God’s forgiveness for most people is a simple matter, especially if they are people who have been raised with the notion that God exists .
Believe it or not, there are a large number of people who are not inculcated with the values of God or the existence of God, and it is more difficult for them to understand why we need God’s forgiveness.
Fortunately, God is a loving father very interested in his creation and will always find a way to bring us closer to his kingdom.
On the other hand, there are Christian people who think that God is a solemn judge, when this is not the case, these types of people have found God’s forgiveness and justification in the sacrifice of Christ.
But whenever they can, they punish, condemn and blame themselves for their daily sins, causing their faith to wane.
- Prayer of repentance and forgiveness
- 4 Top Secrets of Effective Prayer
- 5 Times God showed mercy, grace and forgiveness in the Bible
Our Father always has open arms.
The beauty of the cross is that there, with arms wide open, our savior awaits us .
It doesn’t matter what you have done or what you are going to do, Christ died for you there, and if your sin is charged, there is no longer any condemnation for us.
This does not mean that we will sin deliberately but rather that whenever our heart is repentant and we humble ourselves before him, and he will forgive us, and embrace us on his cross.
The human being since Adam sinned has been deserving of death, as the Bible expresses it:
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Walking with Jesus.
So let ‘s not blame ourselves anymore, nor let anyone do it, if we are concerned about how our behavior has been so far that makes us worthy of judgment, let us repent wholeheartedly and keep the ways of God that only then will we clean our way.
Well, what Jesus Christ wants is a contrite, repentant and humiliated heart before him, and he has promised to cleanse us of all our wickedness and never remember our sins, so much so that the Bible says that if they are like the reddest crimson he it will return as white snow.

To whom much is forgiven much loves.
Now, in the Bible it also appears that:
“Freely you have received, freely give” Matthew 10:8b
Which means that we must forgive others . I know that it does not seem like something simple, especially when there is suffering, pain, separation, deception and even death between people, however the biblical mandate is to forgive.
And it is that The greatest benefit of forgiveness is FREEDOM , the freedom to love, the freedom to present ourselves before God with our prayers and with our offerings.
Well, if we cannot love a neighbor that we see, how can we love a God who is invisible.
So the next time bitterness, resentment or heartbreak knocks on your door, remember for the love of Christ, forgive.
If you want to know more about the Forgiveness of God, we invite you to see the following sermon by Pastor Dante Gebel that we leave here, or you can see it on his official YouTube channel where there are countless sermons for your spiritual growth.