Meaning of Luke 23:34: Father Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do

Meaning of Easter
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The meaning of the phrase Father forgive them for they know not what they do is found in Luke 23:34. The Holy Bible points out that Jesus had to observe from the cross an episode that must have generated a lot of unease and concern.

In that unfortunate and sad episode, the Roman soldiers were betting on their clothing, one of the malefactors who was on the cross next to him expressed expletives, the religious leaders mocked the pain and suffering of the holy father and the crowd cursed him.

The meaning of Father forgives them because they do not know what they do

Despite his pain, suffering, and agony, Jesus Christ was bewildered and worried by those who insulted and punished him. The only thing he asked for was forgiveness for them.

The lord cried out for the spiritual absolution of the thieves on the cross who mercilessly mocked him, of the Roman soldiers who had spit out his humanity, who had flogged him, and the same ones who had placed a crown of thorns on his head and killed him. they had been crucified on the cross. Likewise, he apologized to the furious crowd that had mocked him.

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Important aspects of the phrase

It is important to keep in mind that one of the main aspects of the phrase Father forgives them because they do not know what they do is that Jesus Christ was willing to forgive them since forgiveness was the main reason why he was on the cross. The words Father forgive them denote the noble heart and soul of God.

In his agony, Jesus expressed Father forgive them because they do not know what they do, since he was fulfilling the prophecy He bore the sin of many and interceded for the transgressors, Isaiah 53:12, contained in the Old Testament. From the suffering that he was undergoing on the cross, Jesus interceded for those children of sin.

These sinners who placed Jesus on the cross had no idea of ​​the relevance and divine dimension of their actions. The soldiers of that time did not show a negative or vengeful will towards him, they simply received superior orders that if they did not comply, it would bring them very unfavorable consequences.

In this way, those who were condemned were treated and in their ignorance, these practitioners of sin thought that Jesus Christ deserved the hostile and cruel punishment that he was receiving at that time.

They had no knowledge that they were crucifying the son of God, the Jewish leaders of that time had cruelly and ruthlessly lied to them to make them believe that Jesus was a fraud and a destabilizer.

When Jesus Christ expressed to his Father, to forgive them because they do not know what they are doing, he revealed his infinite compassion for those children of sin, and despite all that cruelty, he had the mercy to love and forgive them.

The phrase Father forgive them because they do not know what they do was answered in the lives of many people. A Roman centurion who was present at that unfortunate episode and witnessed the death of Jesus expressed that he was fully convinced that the man who had just been unjustly crucified was the son of God.

Jesus Christ on the cross granted forgiveness to those who wanted to believe in him. During his suffering, he had paid the penalty for the sins committed by other beings who were submerged in total ignorance.

The reason for the phrase Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing is due to the human incapacity revealed at that time. It made no sense for humanity to reject and punish the son of God, it was complete madness, a crazy decision, that is why Jesus, overwhelmed by his suffering and pain, expressed that prayer of forgiveness and reconciliation.


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The situation changed completely with this phrase of Jesus, when he died it was a sacrifice that resulted in the forgiveness of sins. From that sacrifice on the cross, the veil that separated people from God was broken and from there the connection to his word and message was released, granting access to all his children.

At that time, Jesus Christ was not praying for the sinners who were crucifying him, he was praying for all those beings who had to believe in him for salvation and forgiveness. To all of them, the father granted forgiveness, admitting the request made by his son.

This phrase from Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing should lead to the adoration of his presence and his work, for the great love that he showed with his sacrifice, his word and his forgiveness.

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