9 importance of praying in tongues

9 importance of praying in tongues
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Why is it important to pray in tongues?

When we are born again or believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our spirit undergoes regeneration; we become a new creature according to 2 Corinthians 5:17. 

And Jesus before returning to His father, let His disciples know the things that we will be able to do because of the new birth. 

These things actually represent the commission that every member of the body of Christ is called to fulfill (Mark 16:16-18). 

On this list of miracles that will accompany us, the item that especially interests us in this article is speaking in new tongues.

Speaking in tongues is therefore that spiritual language which cannot be learned or understood by our human intelligence. 

With this supernatural language, we communicate directly with God (1 Corinthians 14:2). 

The Holy Spirit gives our minds a new language, which the Bible also calls the tongue of angels (1 Corinthians 13:1).

9 importance of praying in tongues

In 1 Corinthians 14:15, the apostle Paul lets us know the 2 ways to pray. He says: “I will pray in the spirit, but I will also pray with the understanding ”. So it is not enough to know that there is a way to pray in the spirit (to pray in tongues), because we do not rejoice in a thing because of the knowledge we have of it but much more because of the knowledge of the effects it produces. 


Why is it so important to pray in tongues?

  1. Praying in tongues edifies ourselves (1 Corinthians 14:4, Jude 1:20).

  2. When we pray in tongues, our spirit is in direct contact with God who is Spirit Himself. We speak to Him through divine means, without possible interference!

  3. Praying in tongues keeps us continually aware of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. It helps us to be always attentive to His presence in us and it will influence our life.

  4. Praying in tongues allows us to pray according to the perfect will of God. When we pray in tongues, we pray as the Holy Spirit gives us utterance (Romans 8:26). The Holy Spirit will not pray for us, He is sent to help us pray. And this prevents any possibility of self-centeredness in our prayers.

  5. Praying in tongues allows us to pray coded prayers (mysteries) that the devil has trouble decoding (1 Corinthians 14:2).

  6. Praying in tongues takes you out of the confines of the flesh into the abundant supply of the Spirit of God.

  7. Praying in tongues takes you beyond what intelligence knows.

  8. Speaking in tongues broadens your perspective of the power of God in your life.

  9. Speaking in tongues allows you to understand the scriptures from a divine point of view and not just an intellectual one.

Prayer in the Spirit is the prayer of the new creature that we are in Christ and it begins at the divine investiture, namely at the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Sad to say, some Christians still don’t believe in speaking in tongues. 

If you are one of them, let me tell you that not believing in speaking in tongues does not make it wrong or heretical. You are actually depriving yourself of this great blessing and advantage that God has made available within His Church. 

So, if you have never received this gift, I encourage you to sigh after this gift, to enjoy the benefits it provides. And for you who are already talking, desire even more depth!

12 Power-Packed Reasons to Pray in Tongues

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