6 important Prayer to bless a new home and for protection

Prayer to bless a new home
Prayer to bless a new home
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We show you a powerful Prayer to bless a new home that is used when a person or their family moves to a new house. 

one of the most important actions to do when a person moves to a new house is to say a prayer of blessing. 

Home is one of the greatest blessings that our God gives us, and it is that being able to count on a place of refuge and family support is one of the wonders that can accompany us throughout our lives, which, although with time they pass unnoticed, they are undoubtedly invaluable. For this reason, envy and evil spirits tend to constantly attack and disturb him.

Surely you have noticed that there are people who fill the house with bad energy, that, once the visit is over, a disharmony or a strange or “bad feeling” sensation appears. This is due to bad vibes, something that, although it is not alarming at first, if it is not corrected and attacked at the root, it can become quite dangerous.

We show you the blessing prayer of a new home, a Roman ritual that millions of people practice in the world. 

Blessing of a new home

Lord, Almighty God, bless this home to be the refuge of health, chastity, self-conquest, humility, kindness, mildness, obedience to the commandments, and thanksgiving to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May the blessing remain forever on this abode and those who inhabit it. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the home

May the Peace of God be in this home! May the love of God be in your hearts! May the Light of God be in his soul! May the Wisdom of God be in your minds! May the Virtue and Purity of God be in his feelings! May the Strength and Vitality of God be in the members of this family! May the Health and Well-being of God be in your bodies! May the grace of God be in his prayers! May the talent and Genius of God manifest through your senses! May the fullness of the Victory of your own Divine Plan manifest through your souls at the conclusion of your life on Earth! AMEN!

Prayer to bless a new house

My God, at this moment I thank you for all your goodness and favors that have been granted to me, especially for my new home. This one has been difficult for me to achieve, but today I can see it with my own eyes, and fully enjoy it.Lord, I faithfully ask you to bless every foundation and corner of my house, so that with your presence love and harmony always reign. May evil, hatred, and envy never pass through the door, and may it always be peace, tranquility, and hope that reign in all spaces.

Almighty Father, may your precious blood cover this place from floor to ceiling, so that we may commune with your Christian commandments and precepts. Keep away from here the slander and vices promoted by the enemy.

Allow us, our Lord, to spend many happy days under your protection. You taught us that he who builds a house on the rock would never be disappointed, that is why today I consecrate my new home to you because only you can give the best fruits of life to people, I beg you with faith and certainty of that you hear me every day. Amen.

Prayer to protect the home from envy

Lord Jesus,
At this time I ask you in a special way to bless my house,
to go through every corner, taking possession of it,
so that nothing bad can have a place and so it can be a propitious space in which
love for you and my fellow men nestle.
I ask you Lord to be the shield of my house so that no one can hurt us
and we can always experience your peace.
I praise and bless you because I know you are taking possession of my home,
my family, and my heart. Amen


Prayer to bless a catholic house

Oh most pure, Virgin Mary, Mother of God! I ask you to cover my home, my wife, my children, and my relatives with your sacred mantle. So that the love of God and the protection of the Angels are always with us and never lack us. In peace are our nights because we welcome your guard.Purify and clean with your infinite love every inch of this house, and clear our existence of all curses, darkness, and problems, so that we may be in communion with your beloved son, Jesus. Pray for us Holy Mother, that we may be free from the temptations and traps of the enemy.

Keep anyone who comes with dark intentions away from our home, and repel any action of envy, resentment, and evil of people against our home. Allow only luminous forces to dwell and may the Holy Spirit protect us with the fire of love. We ask this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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3 Prayer for house blessing and protection

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Prayer to bless a house under construction

Oh my God, Great and Mighty! You, who have created everything beautiful, good, and full of life in this universe, you who have been the cause of the goodness and gifts granted in life, I praise and bless you for your wonderful kindness and eternal wisdom.Beloved heavenly protector, at this moment that I see how my home begins to take shape, I thank you infinitely for the great help that has been given to me to finally see this dream come true.

Allow me, Father, to advance in this goal from your hand, always under your guidance and your glorious blessing. May my efforts have results, and through these, my family and I can enjoy a better home. I take this opportunity to invoke you and call you to continue to accompany me on my way and hustle and bustle, and it is because, with your support and love, I feel safe and confident.

May your Holy Angels accompany us to finish placing each element in its place, and that, as faithful custodians, protect the perimeters from any fault, danger, or envy, do not allow evil to approach our future home, and may your invaluable power take care forever.

I pray on my knees before you, sure that you hear me and send me blessings every second of the day. I beg you for the blessing of my home under construction. Amen.

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