In this article, we have gathered 50 Questions About Christianity and Answers, Whether you are looking for biblical answers to tough questions, questions Christians ask or if you want to stimulate the knowledge of adults or clarify some doubts, the following biblical questions with answers will delight you.
There are many “Christianity questions that cannot be answered” in Christianity. Religion needs a belief in concepts that exist and justification we cannot explain (Faith).
While many individuals firmly hold to their belief in Christianity, others could have second thoughts about it.
Fear of the unknown, which results in a situation where many questions remain unanswered, is one of the main reasons individuals quit other religions.
Top 50 Questions About Christianity and Answers
We would look at 50 questions that Christians have below.

1. If God is almighty, why did it take him six days to create everything? Why didn’t he do it all at once?
If God is almighty, he has the right to do things as he sees fit. The fact that one would have done it differently is beside the point. He went through what happened, precisely because God is almighty.
2. Why doesn’t God heal people who have amputated limbs?
This, in its depth, is the question of “Why does God allow there to be suffering in the world?” with a specific example. Anything can be substituted: Why does God let children be born blind? Or with cancer? Why does God allow people to lose a limb? It all has to do with the same thing.
3. If God is so perfect, why did he create something so imperfect, allowing pain, suffering, and atrocities on a daily basis?
The reality is that God created everything good, without pain and without suffering. God created “…and saw that he was good.” Then, man, yielding to sin, allowed evil, pain, suffering, and atrocities to take place.
4. Why does that lady need the walker to walk again when God healed her last Sunday? Did she only deserve temporary healing?
I do not know the circumstances of the event to answer with certainty. However, it is possible that some “pastor” or “preacher” who was not from God deceived her by saying that she was healed. But, there is no way of knowing until the details of the circumstance are known.
5. How did Noah get the millions and millions of species of animals into the ark? It does not require a mathematical genius to realize the impossibility of the fact.
It is understood that the Flood was local to the area they were in, so only the local fauna needed to be collected and not the “millions and millions of species” of animals from other regions (such as kangaroos or penguins).
6. If Noah managed to get all those animals into the ark for 40 days and 40 nights, how did the penguins get back to the Arctic? How did koalas get to Australia without eucalyptus to eat on the way?
[See previous answer.]
7. Why do innocent children have to suffer from terminal illnesses like cancer? What is this part of God’s plan, exactly?
All that is a disease and natural catastrophic events are considered “amoral evils.” Also, this question is like Question #2.
8. How does the Bible explain that the Earth is between 6,000 and 8,000 years old, but dinosaur bones are over 65 million years old?
Invalid question. The Bible does NOT teach that the Earth is between 6,000 and 8,000 years old. Whether that is how some interpret it is another matter.
9. Why can’t an almighty God forgive sins after death? Example: A Christian man, who apparently has his name in the Book of Life, makes a stupid decision and decides to drink too much at a party. On the way back to his house, he collides with a bus and kills his passengers – a mother and her two children – as well as himself. The man had a life faithful to God, but he made a stupid and serious mistake. If this man did not ask for forgiveness before his neurons ceased to function, God will judge him and send him to hell forever.
The Bible shows us that Christ’s salvation is accepted by realizing our need for Him as Savior. This always happens before you die. Already after death, we will not need faith to believe, so post-mortem salvation would not please God. Therefore, there is a response to the Grace of God to receive salvation, which was God’s initiative. That transaction is in this lifetime.
It is important to emphasize how hell works: The government of my country does not call me and say: “Look, you have not committed any crime for ten years. Not a single crime! You have built up credit with the government and now you can go and rob a bank without jail time!” God doesn’t send me to hell for what I do right, I go to hell for what I do wrong. Stupid decisions are still conscious decisions, which is why they carry consequences. One does not go to Heaven by doing more good things than bad. One goes to hell when one breaks the laws of God.
However, for the one who received Christ, we could ask the question like this: “If I sin and do not repent in time for my death, does God save me?”
That question deserves an article by itself, however, and without entering into a theological discussion of how the Grace of God works and whether salvation can be lost or not, we would say: that God examines the heart of each one, our decisions, intentions and spiritual state with Him. So the decision to save or not belongs to God. There are too many unknown factors for us to be able to reach conclusions with any degree of certainty. We trust that by exercising our faith in Christ, we will be saved. God is the one who saves, not our (good) deeds.
10. God wants everyone to worship and follow him. If they don’t, they go to hell forever. What does this attitude say about his character? By definition, he would be described as a tyrant.
It can be understood why God would be conceived of as a tyrant by someone who refuses to worship him. However, for the person who is amazed at the awesome glory of God, worship is a natural response. If God is the highest Being, then there is no one else who deserves worship – and it would be wrong of God not to demand it.
11. If Jesus died on the cross and spent three days in hell to pay for the sins of the world, why do we have to go to hell ourselves and pay for them again? So, God is being paid for our sins twice. Wasn’t Jesus’ sacrifice enough? If that’s the case, what does it matter if he died for us if his sacrifice means nothing?
This is a classic misunderstanding of what Jesus did. In short, His sacrifice does not apply to those who do not believe in Jesus, nor what He did: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, emphasis added).
12. If God wants us to worship and follow him, why didn’t he create us that way? *The expected answer will be answered in the next question*
To truly love him and to know love in its fullness, it is necessary to be able to choose him. Our free will has an active role in this.
13. What is the use of having free will if the intention is that we do not use it? Sure, we can exercise our free will, but we will burn in hell for eternity. Russian roulette? Sounds like a trap to me.
God lets you use free will as you like. Exercising your free will isn’t what gets you to hell, it’s what you do with it. I read something that interested me. I don’t remember who wrote it, but it says that God is so good to us, that if we choose not to serve and worship him (as in question #12), God doesn’t force us to be with him. For the person who doesn’t want to love God, being in Heaven would be hell.
14. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, why does God kill Lot’s wife just for looking in the wrong direction? *Warning: Sarcasm in the making* God is merciful… of course.
God did have mercy. He told him to 1) get out of there, and 2) not look back, “lest you perish.” (Genesis 19:17). She disobeyed and suffered the common punishment for that time: death.
15. What is the purpose of hell? If it is to punish sinful behavior, shouldn’t it be used for corrective purposes? Since one would burn forever, one would never have a chance to prove that they learned their lesson. Would it make sense to live a faithful Christian life of glorifying God and accidentally sinning by speaking evil the moment you drive into a truck and be damned to hell for eternity?
The consequences of sin do not have to do with the one who sins, but who is sinned against. If I kill an ant, what are the consequences? None. Ants don’t have enough intrinsic value to penalize me. Well, what happens if I kill a dog? Probably the owner of the dog will sue me or I will be fined. The dog is worth more than the ant. What if I murder another person? The consequences are already more serious: life in prison and, depending on where he commits the crime, the death penalty. Now, what if I commit a crime against an eternal Being? The consequences have to be eternal.
To sin against God is to commit a crime against an eternal Being. Therefore, sinning – since it does not happen “accidentally” – has eternal consequences, and does not carry a “correcting purpose.” (Speaking evil is a consequence of a heart in that state: Matthew 15:18)
16. We know that we feel physical sensations through electrical impulses that send information to our brains, through our nervous system. Once we die, we don’t feel pain because these impulses don’t occur and our brain stops working. How is it that we feel the flames of hell for eternity? Could it be that God allows us to feel this torment for eternity out of sheer malice for not worshiping him?
This question presupposes that the human being is only physical. JP Moreland and Gary Habermas’s book entitled “Beyond Death” provides empirical evidence that this is not so, but that we have something called “soul” which is what feels. Think of it this way: we don’t see with our eyes, we use our eyes to see. In the same way, the body does not feel, but we use our body to feel. The fact that we do not have a body does not mean that we stop feeling.
17. If God is perfect and his creation is perfect, why did he fail several times? He had to impose suffering on the human race because Adam and Eve defied him by eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – failure! He had to flood the planet 1,600 years later, eliminating almost all human beings – failure! He had to confuse human language in the Tower of Babel incident so they couldn’t communicate – failure! How is this a log of a perfect Being?
In all the examples that were given, the human being receives the consequences of the abuse of his free will. God did not fail, man did.
Anyway, God created man – not additional gods. The words “in His image and likeness” do not mean that we are exact replicas of God, but rather that He has placed His nature in us: we think because He is a thinking being, we create because He is a creative being, we know good and evil because He is a moral being… and so on. Of course, we are not mini-gods and our imperfection is only a reflection of our need for Him. He did not create us imperfect, but sin keeps us from imperfection. This is why it is so easy for us to identify imperfection and seek perfection – it is a deep longing for God to restore us to what we are supposed to be: perfect and one with Him.
18. If God is almighty, why doesn’t he reveal himself to everyone, at the same time, once and for all, thus ending this little game of free will and temptation?
He already did.
19. If, in the beginning, there was only God and He created everything, why would He create angels with the ability to challenge Him? This led Lucifer to question his authority, because he wanted to have the same authority as God. This led to the fall of Satan, the notorious enemy of God and his followers. Failure, again!
I know that my children will misbehave at some point. That is no reason not to have children. Part of the price of being free (so that we make our own decisions) is the risk of rebellion on our part (or that of the angels, in this case).
20. Why do you trust “El Plan de Dios,” given its record of failures?
Since it has been successfully demonstrated that none of the failures mentioned were on God’s part, such a “record” would first have to be established. I trust God because, even though I am unfaithful, He remains faithful – and without failure.
21. [NOTE: this question is a direct and literal translation:] Thomas, a disciple of Christ, was a skeptic. He walked with Jesus while he was on Earth and saw all the miracles he did. However, Thomas did not believe when they said that Jesus had risen – he required physical evidence. Jesus let him touch his wounds and provided Thomas with evidence. Why doesn’t God do the same thing with doubting people today? If Thomas had been born a century later or today, he would burn in hell for doubting. Paul was born after the death and ascension of Christ. Throughout his life, he did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God and even persecuted and killed Christians, thinking that religion was a dangerous belief system. Suddenly, a light from heaven and Jesus himself appeared to Paul, saying that He was the true God and that he was persecuting the followers of the true religion. From that point forward, Paul was a Christian. If God was willing to break the routine to prove to Paul that He exists, why doesn’t it happen today? Why is God unwilling to teach those who doubt the same degree of physical evidence? Why do we have to be different from Thomas and Paul?
I begin by saying that the idea that Paul was born after Jesus’ death and ascension is wrong. It was not so. Paul was born around AD 2, making him contemporary with Jesus. Now, I think this is the same question as #18, with the difference that Thomas and Paul saw Jesus before he died and after he rose again – that’s the difference between them and us. Regarding “why doesn’t God reveal himself in the same way to us?”, see the answer to question #18.
22. Christians argue against evolution by saying that there are no half ape and half man walking around today, right? So why don’t we see giants, talking snakes and donkeys, and other mythical creatures mentioned in the Bible?
First, not all Christians are opposed to evolution (in its entirety). Second, it’s not hard to believe improbable things – specifically if you think things like DNA information arose randomly.
23. If we are only supposed to have sex for the purpose of procreation, and doing so outside of marriage is sinful, why did God create us with an abundance of nerves in our reproductive organs, making sex extremely pleasurable?
First, procreation is only one of the purposes of a sexual relationship. The three main purposes of a sexual relationship are: Procreation (Genesis 1:18), Unification (Genesis 2:24), and Recreation (1 Corinthians 7:3); These three things are completed and complemented within the marriage. Second, This question makes no sense to me. Is one not supposed to enjoy the process of procreation?
Sex is more enjoyable when done within a framework of eternal commitment, where the three purposes mentioned above complement each other for a healthy relationship.
24. Why do Christians share the same divorce rate statistics as the rest of society? How do Christian marriages fail if they are sanctified by God? Hmm… interesting.
Again, it has nothing to do with God, but with people. In a recent post, God designed marriage and family in a way that has been ignored and changed by how society at large approaches love relationships and marriage.
But, if we – as Christians – are doing the same thing that everyone else is doing when it comes to our love relationships and marriage, why are we surprised when the results are the same?
25. In the book of Luke 19:27, Jesus says: “And also those of my enemies who did not want me to rule over them, bring them here, and behead them before me.” This seems pretty clear that Jesus would have the Christians kill non-believers. How do you explain this? Turn them or kill them, right?
This is but one version of something we already know will happen to those who do not follow Jesus and reject him. Apart from that, it is clear that it is not a mandate for now, as the author suggests, but when He returns in all his glory to take the kingdom that he went to seek.
He came as a servant. He then he will come as King. This is the time of mercy – where everyone has the opportunity to proceed to repentance. On his return, Jesus will come as judge and mete out judgment.
26. If God created everything, why did he create AIDS, influenza, Ebola, and other diseases like that? These viruses are living things. You can’t use free will on this one. Is this part of “God’s plan”?
Let’s start by saying that viruses are NOT living beings. Unfortunately, free will does have to do with it, because with sin, disease entered. All-natural things that cause harm (from hurricanes and earthquakes to cancer and AIDS) are known as “amoral evil” or “natural evil,” which is evil without any moral intent.
27. Why does God answer the prayers of the person in the United States who asks for a raise in his job, but does not answer the prayers to stop the hunger that millions and millions of children suffer around the world? This must be part of the infinitely wise “plan of God.”
The entire world produces enough food to feed each person who lives in it (all 7 billion) with more than 3,000 calories a day. The problem is not God, it is our irresponsibility and selfishness. If I make the decision to grab a gun in my hand and kill someone, would it be fair to ask God why He lets people kill each other? If it was me who did it, why blame God?
Now, if I can make the decision to go and feed these children and I don’t, why complain to God about the hunger that attacks them?
28. If the Word of God is supposed to be the infallible word of God himself, how are we supposed to trust it enough to live our lives 100% according to it, when hundreds of books have been excluded from the original texts? through the many translations and revisions, it has had?
This question demonstrates the author’s lack of knowledge about Biblical transmission.
29. Why is there no evidence of any of the miracles that God performed? None at all.
Given the historical reliability of the Bible, it seems to me that there is sufficient evidence. Indeed, if there were no evidence, where does the question come from?
30. If God and Jesus are the same, having the same mind, power, and knowledge, then why did Jesus plead with himself in Gethsemane not to be crucified? Also, why did Jesus ask himself why he had abandoned himself by letting himself be crucified?
This question demonstrates the author’s lack of knowledge about the concept of the Trinity. The Son prayed to the Father, not to himself. Read here about the Trinity.
31. If you believe that eternal life is more important than your physical life and you believe that all children are innocent in the eyes of God, why not kill your children to guarantee their entrance to Heaven? You can’t tell me what it is because killing is a sin. First, you can repent and be forgiven. Second, if you are willing to sacrifice your life for your child’s and you think that eternal life is more important than this life, then it makes sense that you should kill your children to ensure their entry into Heaven before they are mature enough. enough to be responsible for their own sins.
This argument fails in the fact that it misunderstands what God is. God is a person, not a set of rules. There are no loopholes through which we can enter Heaven without God noticing. You cannot manipulate God or cheat the “system,” so to speak. These would be characteristics of a pagan god, not the Sovereign God of the Universe.
The way to get to Heaven is through the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. This glorifies God. Killing children does NOT glorify God, apart from the fact that murder is a sin. That “repent later” thing doesn’t work because it’s the same thing: it’s assuming that God is not sovereign and is limited to a set of rules. He sees our hearts and judges our intentions.
If the intention of repentance is to “find [the] life” in eternity, Jesus says that he will lose it (Matthew 10:39).
32. Furthermore, if you believe that all children are innocent in God’s eyes, wouldn’t it be reasonable to suggest that doctors who perform abortions win more souls for Christ than Christian missionaries? Why not blow up a little school? For sure, many children would go to heaven with the fact.
33. If you do NOT think that children are innocent in the eyes of God, would it be fair to suggest that God is a monster for sending babies and children to hell when they die? Do you see the puzzle in this?
The argument lacks logic. If children are NOT innocent, why would God be “a monster” for judging them as guilty?
34. It is a common belief among Christians that the only unforgivable sin is knowingly rejecting Jesus Christ as Savior. With that said, it is also a Christian belief that those people who have never heard of Jesus and the Christian Faith (such as individuals in remote tribes, babies, etc) do not have the concept of Christ and the Christian faith and therefore do not they can consciously reject Jesus Christ. This would allow them to enter Heaven automatically. That said, why tell someone about Christ? Why preach the Gospel and put them in a position where they can consciously reject it? If they are already going to Heaven because of their ignorance about the word of God, why not leave them alone? You would be effectively winning more souls for Satan by preaching the gospel. You should reconsider being “Fishers of Men.”
First, that is not an unforgivable sin. Second, it is wrong to think that the person who has never known God goes directly to heaven (or hell). And finally – since the Word says they are “without excuse” (Romans 1:20) – preaching the Gospel is one of the most loving things one can do for another person.
35. Imagine that I have the power and ability to feed millions of people and undo suffering. Now, imagine that I decide not to do it just because these millions of people dislike me. They would probably dislike me more, right? Why then is God allowed to do this? Wait; God’s plan, right? Of course.
The problem with the argument is assuming that the reason hunger and suffering don’t end is that there are people who dislike God, rendering the rest of the argument invalid. The “reason” mentioned is not the reason why God is slow to eliminate suffering and judge evil. God delays his promise to eliminate suffering out of love and mercy for those who, precisely, are displeased with Him.
2 Peter 2:9 says: “The Lord does not delay his promise, as some considerable delay, but he is patient to with us, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance. ” (emphasis added).
36. Why are there more atrocities committed in the name of God than anything else?
These “atrocities” were committed by people who did not understand the faith they claimed to represent. The fact that atrocities have been committed in the name of God does not mean that God approved (or would approve) of them.
As long as there are men corrupt enough to confuse people and misrepresent God’s Word, it will continue to happen. It does not mean that God takes part in it, nor that he approves of it.
37. The Bible teaches that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. If it is so difficult for the rich to get into Heaven, why are there so many wealthy Christian people? Why don’t these Christians divest themselves of their riches to make it easier for them to get into Heaven? Doing this would also help those in need since God refuses to help them.
This argument, while valid, is not against Christianity, its truthfulness, nor against the existence of God. The argument is against a certain type of Christian person, who does not exemplify the humility and service that Jesus lived and commanded.
What Jesus said in Matthew 19:24, he said as a precaution. In the context of the Rich Young Man, he despised following Jesus because he loved his riches more. Jesus wants us to love him more than anything we can have in this world, including our own family (Matthew 10:37).
And who says that God “refuses to help them”? What evidence do you have?
38. Based on the previous question, if it is impossible for a wealthy person to enter Heaven, why would God create a Heaven with streets of gold, mansions, etc? It seems that He wants us to be poor in life so that we can be rich there. Is God using the sinful value of greed to entice people to believe in Him? Does it make sense?
First, the premise of the question is wrong: It is not “impossible” for a wealthy person to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Given the ease of loving the material more than the eternal, it is difficult to enter the kingdom of Heaven but it is not impossible.
He says so in the same verse. Second, it seems to me that the fact that gold is used as pavement points to the fact that what we consider “wealth” here on Earth is not the same as back in Heaven. This is apart from these descriptions of Heaven being chosen for their beauty, not their monetary value. Third, it is not logically consistent for a holy God to use sin to lead to Heaven.
39. If God is perfect, then His creations must be perfect, right? This means that the Earth is a perfect creation. So why would God create another perfect place (Heaven), using it for us to believe in Him? What assurance do we have that Heaven will be better than this other “perfect” creation, Earth?
The Bible says that God created and was “good,” not perfect. False premises lead to false conclusions.
40. God let Jesus be tempted by Satan in the desert. Again, if God and Jesus are the same entity, what is the point of God allowing himself to be tempted by Satan to see if he would give in to the temptation? In addition to that, if He knows everything, He knew the outcome and could have prevented the whole thing from the beginning.
Again, the author presents a lack of knowledge about what the Trinity is. Also, how does knowing the result of something exempt you from the test?
41. If Heaven is a place free from sadness, pain, and suffering, how can you be happy in Heaven knowing that most of humanity is burning in hell for eternity – especially if some of these may be loved ones?
Logically speaking, if Heaven does not contain sadness, pain, or suffering, it will not have the things that can cause them either. In Isaiah 65:16-17, God says that troubles “will be forgotten” and that he will create “new heavens and a new earth” where “of the former, there will be no remembrance, nor will it come to mind anymore.”
42. Seeing how everything we enjoy in this modern world is the product of science, why do Christians fervently deny the scientific facts that defeat so many aspects of the Bible and their religion in general?
Where are these scientific facts and what part of the Bible and/or Christianity do they defeat? There is nothing in science that defeats what the Bible affirms.
43. If Christianity is the only true religion, why do practitioners of other religions feel so filled by their faith and have the same result as Christians?
This question would be valid if Christianity were exclusively based on experiences and feelings, like the rest of the religions. Unfortunately for the author, Christianity is anchored to historical (documented), logical, scientific, and philosophical realities that make Christianity grounded in reality and truth.
The experiences and the feeling of being “filled by your faith” is not – nor should it be – the only thing that moves Christianity, but the knowledge of the evidenced truth of the existence of Jesus.
44. If God created everything, then why did he create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and put it in the middle of Eden for Eve to eat of its fruit if God did not want Eve to eat of its fruit? Also, why did God create the serpent that he tempted Eve? Sounds like another trap to me.
Interestingly, it seems to me that if God had NOT put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, we would be asking ourselves, “Why didn’t God put the tree of knowledge…?” Again, it has to do with free will. We would not be free if we could only choose one thing. It would be contradictory on God’s part to make us free entities and not give us the freedom to choose.
45. In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve, right? Later Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel. What happened after? How did humans spread? Incest is genetically detrimental to offspring, as well as being immoral. Either there was incest, or God created more people. Same thing with the Deluge. […] Mathematically speaking, incest was necessary to repopulate the Earth.
46. Why does God allow things to happen among His followers that He has already denoted as sin (such as incest in the previous question and killing) as long as it is all done in His name? Remember, more deaths have occurred in the name of God than anything else in history.
The incest in the previous question was not sin yet, since it happened before God established the law. Also, not everything that is said to be done in the name of God is done by God. [See the answer to question #36]
47. How did Adam become 930 years old, Seth 912, and Methuselah 969 when anthropological evidence shows that we have progressively increased our longevity throughout history? If they lived that long at that time, then it would be the opposite: longevity decreases throughout history, right? That would mean that people 500 years ago were supposed to live to be 200 years old. Why is there no evidence of this in birth and death records for the time, nor in archaeological or anthropological evidence?
There is an argumentative error called “Suppressing Evidence” that is made when evidence that goes against the stated point is ignored or removed. Longevity has increased from the last two centuries to today (not since the beginning of mankind) and it hasn’t been by a significant amount. The Bible clearly demonstrates how the years of the Biblical Patriarchs have decreased, specifically in Genesis 11, which shows a drastic reduction in the years of life, making them closer to what we know today (120 years).
Therefore, the evidence does show a decrease in age throughout history, until it has remained stable between 70 and 80 years of age (Psalm 90:10).
48. God has killed more people than Hitler, Mussolini, Hussein, Milosevic, bin Laden, and Jim Jones combined. Why wouldn’t you follow them instead of God? Based on this standard, these monsters are compassionate next to God.
The premise is false. According to numerical analyzes of democide (means killing a demographic; genocide and mass murder), “God” hasn’t killed more people than all the political leaders mentioned or atheistic causes.
49. Why, when a Christian is faced with questions that have incredible negative implications for the logic of their faith, do they conveniently say that it is part of God’s plan? Is his understanding so limited by his own understandings of what religion and God is that this is his only answer? Going by the failures mentioned above, God’s Plan does not seem to be very good.
The premise makes an argumentative error, generalizing Christians (“biased generalization”). As I have proven by answering all these questions, there is truth and logic behind the Christian faith.
It is not based on anything, but it is based on historical, logical, philosophical, and even scientific truths.
50. Why does God give us the ability of logic and reasoning and wait for us not to use it when faced with a belief in Him or His word?
The person who thinks like this has never read the Bible. God wants us to use our minds (and therefore our reasoning and logic) to love and know him (Matthew 22:37). The reasoning and the discovery of the truth, only bring you closer to God, not away from Him.
What is prayer and why is it important to Christianity?