5 Short daily Prayers to have a Blessed Day

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Seeking the face of the lord early in the morning is very important which is why we bring you short daily prayers to commit your day into God’s hands each day.

Do you want to have the protection and all the blessings that the Lord has prepared for you on this new day? We encourage you to make these beautiful prayers to have a blessed day, may the Almighty always be by your side at every dawn. Remember that you can complement them through the prayers of the Catholic Church so that your requests are always heard.    

These short powerful morning prayers will help you have a blessed day.

The best prayers to start and have a blessed day

If you want all things to go well for you, whether in the workday or at school/university, you need to ask for the Father’s protection. You can do this through simple acts, such as praying. Read these beautiful prayers out loud every morning when you wake up and you will see how God’s blessings descend on you. 

Short daily prayers to have a blessed day


1. Prayer to start the day

Today is a beautiful morning to thank you for all the good you always do for me and my family, Beloved Father. I raise my voice to heaven so that you listen to this prayer that I dedicate to you with all faith and humility. Allow me to succeed today in everything I set out to do, because I want to achieve all my goals and faithfully follow your purposes for me.

Don’t let bad energies get close to me and harm me, keep away all the people who with their envy hinder my path. Help them to rectify their actions, so that they can know your Name and your word of life. 

Bless me with your great Power Heavenly Father, deliver me from falling into temptation. I want to be a better Christian every day to serve you and glorify you. Grant me all the wisdom to choose properly and not lower my head in the face of adverse situations that may arise today. In your hands I place my destiny, my dreams and goals, never leave my side because from your hand everything is better. Amen.

2. Waking up prayer

Almighty God, hear my words, heed my call. That during this new day I can follow your teaching of life, that my actions are fair and correct towards my fellow men. I beg you to make of me what you want me to be. Allow me to extend a helping hand to anyone who is facing hard times and needs words of comfort.

May hope and faith be renewed in the hearts of those who are sad and downcast.   That people who are sick can get ahead and recover successfully. I ask that my thoughts always be good and pure, as well as that my attitude be positive. Allow me to do well at work today, I want you to be present in every step I decide to follow.

Make me a more empathetic and considerate person with those who are part of my environment. Take away selfishness, envy and bad feelings from my being, eradicate them completely Lord. I want to be more devoted to other people and more than receiving, I want to give in the way that Jesus Christ taught us. Amen.

3. Prayer to have a good day

Oh my God, how beautiful this morning that you give me the opportunity to admire. Great and wonderful is your creation. I appreciate being able to be part of this earthly plane that you have prepared for us, your beloved children. On this day, I want to ask you with all my heart to be present in every minute and every hour of my existence.

Join me in every decision and in every little action, I take for my neighbour. Stay forever by my side and give me words of strength to encourage those who deserve it most. May your divine grace always be with me and may I start my day with the best possible attitude, because I want to take advantage of all the blessings you pour out on us. 

Teach me which is the path that I must follow and how I must act to please you, as well as to know the eternal life that you promised us. Purify my heart, my soul and spirit to be a better person, who has the possibility to see beyond the appearances of those who are part of my existence. Amen.


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4. Prayer to enjoy the day

Lord Jesus, hear my prayer to start this beautiful day. Today I find myself on my knees before his Sacred Presence so that you guide my steps and my actions. Allow me to follow your example of love and kindness towards others. Make me more humble, remove all the worries that overwhelm me so that I can enjoy this wonderful day that the Father grants us.

Give me a little of your wisdom so that I know how I should behave before unexpected situations, be they good or bad. You are good, merciful, and kind, that’s why I admire and love you so much. Help me to reflect your infinite love, especially with those most in need through actions.

Mould my being in the image and likeness of the Heavenly Father. I ask you to appreciate and enjoy all the wonders of the world. May your shelter and shelter always be available to those of us who adore you and cry out. I put my whole life in your powerful hands, I trust completely in You, Jesus. Amen.  

5. Prayer to receive the blessing of the day

Almighty Father, today I want to glorify you, thank you and praise you for this beautiful sunrise. I am truly grateful to be able to open my eyes and appreciate the wonders you have created on earth. Thank you for blessing my awakening, for the sun’s rays that illuminate my path and help me to be closer to you.

Bless the food that my family and I will consume, I want you to be present throughout my workday. I want to serve you every day, be a better Christian and always follow the path that will lead me to eternal life. Thank you for my friends, family and close people who make me so happy.

I trust that your Holy Spirit will infuse me with his divine gifts to be a faithful servant, always following your Holy Will. Pour out your sweet blessings Lord on my home and my family. May my actions reflect obedience, and make me be an instrument of your peace. Amen.

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