4 Great characters of the Bible You Should Know

4 Great characters of the Bible You Should Know
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Who are the great characters of the Bible?

The Bible is full of several emblematic figures who marked their time. Passing through Abraham to Jesus, how many men and women have responded to God’s call and left their mark!

 In this article, we propose to paint some of these personalities, highlighting their call and the exploits achieved.

4 Great characters of the Bible

Below are the top great characters in the bible.

  • Abraham, the father of faith.
  • Moses, the faithful man in all my house.
  • David, the man after my heart.
  • Jesus, the divine character.



1. Abraham, the father of faith.

Examples of obedience in the bibleAbraham is called the father of a multitude. His story is told from chapter 12 of the book of Genesis. He responds to God’s call to settle in a distant country he did not know.

He has experienced many difficulties, especially in his life as a couple. He yielded to his wife’s pressure by going to his servant Hagar who will give birth to him Ishmael. This, however, was not the child of promise. When he was beginning to be very advanced in age, God will give him his son Isaac after 25 years of waiting. (Genesis 21)

Abraham was a true worshipper. Wherever he went, he erected altars to God. He was the first to mention the term worship in the Bible (Genesis 20). In Hebrews 11, Abraham is listed as a hero of faith. He is called as the father of faith.

By faith Abraham offered up Isaac, when he was tested, and offered up his only begotten son, he who had received the promises, and to whom it was said, In Isaac shall be named for you a posterity. (Hebrews 11:17-18)


2. Moses, the faithful man in all my house.

bible verses about snow

The word Moses means saved from the waters. He is the main character of the book of Exodus. Moses is known for his leadership and also his level of intimacy with God.

He grew up in opulence, as he was brought up in the king’s court. He therefore received a royal education from the Egyptian civilization. 

Everything was going well until the day he killed an Egyptian who was oppressing one of his Hebrew brothers. The news spread and to save his life he fled away from pharaoh. The times of flight were going to be very instructive for Moses. For he was going to experience a personal encounter with God who called him to His service.

Moses had the heavy mission of returning to Egypt to speak to Pharaoh in order to let the people of Israel go to seize the land that God had promised them. After times of hesitation and stammering, Moses accepted and led the people of Israel out of Egypt.

Two qualities have always challenged me when analyzing the life of this man:

  • His love for Israel.

Moses truly loved God’s people. He interceded and wrestled with God to claim His favor, when God decided to exterminate the people because of their disobedience.

Once he said this:

Moses returned to the Lord and said: Ah, this people have committed a great sin. They made themselves a god of gold. Now forgive their sin! Otherwise, erase me from Your book that You wrote. (Exodus 32:31)

Moses therefore interceded with love.

The second thing I remember about his life is the level of intimacy this man shared with God. The Bible states that God speaks to Moses face to face, as he speaks to a friend. He experienced a deep dimension with God. Twice he spent 40 days of total fasting where he would receive instructions from God for the people of Israel.

He is the only man who was buried by God Himself on Mount Nebo (Deuteronomy 34:1-9). Isn’t that wonderful? Here is the testimony of God concerning this man:

Not so with My servant Moses. He is faithful in all My house. (Number 12:7)

faith over fear quotes

3. David, the man after the heart of God.

 David is the youngest among his eight brothers. He would feed his father’s flock. God raised him up from the forest to reign in place of Saul as king of Israel. David’s life can inspire us on many things. We would like to note three characteristics:

  • An outstanding composer.

David wrote most of the book of Psalms that we read every day in our times of worship or devotions. Who does not rejoice in the words of Psalms 8, 23, 27, 46 to name but a few. David was an excellent musician and a passionate worshipper. The Bible relates that he played music for Saul when he was agitated by an evil spirit (I Samuel 16:23).

  • A man who depended on God.

David’s dependence on God has always fascinated me. Before starting a fight, David consulted the Eternal to know if he is in the right direction (I Samuel 23:2, II Samuel 5:19).

 His desire to always do God’s will should be an example to us because victory lies in doing God’s will.

  • A man who admitted his faults.

Like any man, David knew how to commit sins such as his adultery with Bathsheba, the murder of Uriah, etc. He always acknowledged his faults, asked for God’s forgiveness. The words of Psalm 51 illustrate the state of his heart well:

O God! have mercy on me in Your goodness; according to Your great mercy, blot out my transgressions; wash me completely from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. I have sinned against You alone, and I have done what is evil in Your eyes, so that You will be just in Your sentence, blameless in Your judgment. (Psalms 51:3-6)

God bore witness to David’s life by saying that he is the man after my own heart:

I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22).


4. Jesus, the divine character.

Parable of the Talents and their True Biblical MeaningWe cannot end the list without mentioning the greatest figure of humanity: Jesus, the Savior. The Bible says that in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Colossians 2:9). He is the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1:15). He came as a man on earth to give His life for mankind (John 3:16).


One day, He will return to take all those who believed in Him, walked with Him (John 14:3).

You who read this article, I personally invite you to discover this character. It changed my life as it does for thousands of people. It can give meaning to your existence and make you a champion!

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