26 Effective prayers for depression and anxiety

prayers for depression and anxiety
prayers for depression and anxiety
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Depression can make you feel helpless, but you can turn to our almighty Helper to find a way out with these 25 effective prayers for depression and anxiety.

Depression is defined as “a common mental disorder, characterized by the presence of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-esteem, sleep or appetite disturbances, feelings of tiredness, and lack of concentration.”

Depression can become chronic or recurrent, significantly impairing performance at work or school and the ability to cope with daily life. Offer this prayer for yourself, for someone close to you, and for the many who suffer from Depression.

Here are 26 effective prayers for depression and anxiety

Prayer for strength to fight Depression

Lord of the armies of heaven, come fight for me. I lack energy and find it increasingly difficult to perform my daily tasks. I don’t feel like I can go on. Fight for me, God, and lift me out of this slimy pit of misery. You are my unwavering hope. Fix my steps and prevent me from falling again! Thank you, Lord, because when You are for me, nothing can be against me. Amen.

Prayer for an Uplifting Approach

Omnipresent God, everywhere simultaneously, You know the state of my heart. You know my sadness and my loneliness. Lord, help me to focus my thoughts on what is true, honorable, and right. Help me to focus on Your blessings, Your love, and Your provision, instead of negativity and problems. Accompany me, God of peace, and take me out of this despair. Amen.

Prayer for pessimistic feelings

My Lord, my Almighty, I am weighed down by these low and pessimistic feelings that never seem to end. Please listen to me and help me. I thank you, God, for always being with me, for personally going before me and never failing me or abandoning me. I don’t have to be afraid or discouraged. When I cross these waters, You are with me. Thank you for your constant presence. Amen.

Prayer to resist the devil

Jehovah Jireh, my provider, come to my side in your loving kindness. I have a hard time concentrating on things I need to pay attention to, I forget details and I have a hard time making decisions. I am tired all the time and feel desperate. Lord, Your Word says that if I resist the devil, he will flee from me. So, in the name of Jesus, I command the depression to go away and my brain to function properly. Amen.

Prayer to overcome my emotions

Almighty, come to my side and help me overcome these emotions of guilt, helplessness, and worthlessness that hold me back. Oh God, guide and direct my thoughts to the right paths, assist and strengthen my mind and body, protect me and defend me from the lies of the devil, and give me success in this battle and victory over depression. In the name of Jesus, my Mediator, I pray. Amen.

Prayer to sleep well

My Almighty Source, I ask for your provision in the area of ​​sleep. You know how tired I am. You know how disturbed my sleeping habits are, due to this disease of depression. Either I sleep too much or have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Lord, may I find true rest in the shadow of your wings. May I be able to sleep soundly and soundly for the right amount of time, with restful sleep that restores my mental functions and body energy. Amen.

prayer for action

Lord of Hosts, I seek your help in taking steps to improve my mental health and restore some routine to my life. Please guide me on this journey. I humble myself before Your power, knowing that You will lift me up. I thank you for restoring me, sustaining me and strengthening me. You will place me on a firm foundation; power to You forever! Amen.

prayer for a way out

My God, you are unique in your beauty and compassion. Look at my state, I beg you, for my mind and body are suffering. I can’t bear to get out of bed and face the day. A dark cloud surrounds me, and these pains are persistent. Lord, break through and make a way out for me. I will praise you, Lord, at all times. Amen.

Psalms for Anxiety

prayer for freedom

Oh God, You always see me, and you know how this depression prevents me from leading an active and normal life. I’m just a shell of a person. Lord, heal my brain and my body. I am sure that the same divine power that freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt will free me from this disease and I will once again have an abundant life. Amen.

Prayer to my faithful companion

Lord, my companion, You know how irritable and restless I feel. You know I’ve lost interest in the things I used to enjoy. Lord, don’t fail me. Please free me from these harmful thought patterns. Help me not to be afraid and not to sink into darkness. Lord, with you as a faithful companion, this depression will be overcome. Amen.

Prayer for the Oil of Retirement

Jehovah Rapha, my healing God, these feelings of emptiness and sadness persist, and I often feel anxious and find myself adopting unhealthy eating habits. Please intervene, precious healer, and let the power of your Holy Spirit flow through my brain and body with the oil of joy and renewal. I thank you that your eyes watch over me and that your ears are open to my cries for help. Amen.

prayer for despair

Lord, my guardian, you know my thoughts. You know how desperate I feel. Nothing good ever seems to happen, and sometimes that dark voice whispers to me that I should get it over with. Lord, take me out of this abyss. I know that you are close to the brokenhearted, and that you save those who are downcast in spirit. I take refuge in You during this time of trouble. Save me from harm. Amen.

Prayer for Radiant Joy

Heavenly Father, You know very well what is going on in my life. You know I feel powerless and worthless. I feel so bad about myself and the way I’ve lived my life. In my despair, I beg you to bring me out of despair and remind me that I am loved and accepted by you. I thank you that when I turn to you for help, my face will be radiant with joy and no shadow of shame will darken my countenance. Amen.

 prayer for victory 

Jehovah Nissi, You Lord are my banner. I praise you because I am in victory. Although these symptoms of depression persist, and I am extremely tired and think slowly, I know that there is a higher reality, based on Your Word, that tells me that through Your stripes I am healed. Let all who are defenseless take heart. Father, may your healing come quickly. I keep praising you! Amen.

Prayer for safety and guaidiance

Eternal God, today my thoughts are focused on my losses and failures. Hope escapes me and sometimes I feel like killing myself. O Father, save me from myself! I thank you that your angel is a guardian and that you surround and defend all those who fear you. You surround me with songs of liberation. You cover me with Your mercy, Your peace, and Your consolation. I will praise your greatness, I will exalt your name, Jesus, because you are my mediator, who advocates for me at the right hand of the Father. Amen.

Prayer for Joy 

My God, you are constant in your character; You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just as Jesus walked the earth and healed all who came to Him, You extend your healing hand today. Lord, please extend your healing hand now, because my mood is so low, and my digestive problems are so bad that I can barely eat anything. My Lord, I will taste and see that you are good, and joy is mine when I take refuge in You. Amen.

Clothe me in the garment of praise prayer

God Almighty, today I am so irritable, so restless. I feel more moody than usual. Sir, how much longer? Will I find joy again? Will I be in a good mood again? Lord, please clothe me in the garment of praise in exchange for the spirit of heaviness. Lord, I revere you and I know that those who fear you have everything they need. My eyes are fixed on You. I wait, praising Your name. Amen.

A Prayer for divine light

Jehovah Shalom, Lord of Peace, my chest is heavy and I just want to stay in bed. I don’t even want to move, this depression is so debilitating. Oh Lord, he takes my pains and touches these weary bones, so he can raise me up to dance again. Lord, as I seek you in my anguish, he sends currents of your divine light to my spirit, to renew it and establish it in security and peace. Praise be to you, merciful Saviour. Amen.

A Prayer for divine intervention

Lord, my shepherd, I need your care and guidance. I feel so depressed that I don’t want to be with anyone. I know that turning away from others and feeling sorry for myself only makes me feel worse, but I can’t break the cycle. I need your divine intervention. I thank You that when my heart is sad and I turn to You, Your light breaks through the clouds and brings me radiant joy and hope. My spirit is calm and sure that You will protect me. Amen.

A Prayer for the Rivers of Mercy

Eternal God, I have lost interest in almost everything I once loved. I don’t feel like eating anymore. O Father, let this dry and thirsty soul be quenched by your rivers of mercy. Put in my mouth a new song, a hymn of praise to You. Your joy is my only strength. Let others see the work you have done to restore me to perfect sanity, let them marvel and put their trust in you. Amen.

Prayer for a positive outlook

Almighty God, may your power permeate my mind and body and help me adopt a positive attitude for the future. I find it hard to concentrate, even on small things, and I feel overwhelmed when I have to make even a small decision. Why am I so discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in you, God because you will save me and restore me. Amen.

Prayer for a change of attitude

Lord, you are the beginning and the end, the only God. I am amazed to have access to You, Lord of the ages, and I humbly ask You to help me change my attitude so that this depression no longer controls me. Help me to change it so that it stops having a negative impact on my daily life. I give you my worries and concerns because you care about me. In the name of Jesus, my Savior and Healer, Amen.

Prayer for the healing of my mental faculties

Oh, Existing, this depression makes it difficult for me to concentrate and I have a hard time remembering details. Lord, You know that I need to be mentally sharp for my work, so I ask You to heal my mental abilities. Give me back an optimistic and cheerful state of mind. I know that all things are possible with you, God, and I choose to believe in your miraculous power at work in my life. Amen.

A prayer for energy

My unchanging God, I ask you to help me be intentional about the things I can do to improve my mood, like exercising, volunteering, and going out. I know that these activities will help me get out of depression, but I lack energy. Lord, give me the discipline, willpower, and energy I need to be proactive in fighting depression. Amen.


5 Psalms for Anxiety to help overcome Depression

bible verses about anxiety and depression.

15 Effective Prayers for depression and loneliness

Prayer for a landslide victory

Lord, my spirits are low, lift me up. Holy Spirit, teach me to pray with a faith that trusts in God’s answer. Help me to remember that nothing can separate me from your love, neither my fears of today nor my worries of tomorrow. Help me to act with the certainty that overwhelming victory is mine through Christ who loves me. Amen.

Prayer to Our Lady of the Smile to heal depression

Oh, Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, who with a clear smile designed to comfort and heal your daughter Saint Therese of the Child Jesus from depression, giving her back the joy of living and the meaning of her existence in the Risen Christ, we ask you that you look with maternal affection at so many sons and daughters who suffer from depression, psychiatric disorders and syndromes, and psychosomatic ills.

May Jesus Christ take care of and give meaning to the lives of so many people, whose existence is sometimes deteriorated.

Mary, may your beautiful smile not let the difficulties of life darken our soul. We know that only your son Jesus can satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts.

Mary, through the light that springs from your face, transparent the mercy of God.

May your gaze caress us, and convince us that God loves us and never abandons us, and may your tenderness renew in us self-esteem, confidence in our own abilities, interest in the future, and the desire to live happily.

That the relatives of those who suffer from depression help in the healing process, never considering them fakers who use the disease with interest of comfort, but that others value them, listen, understand and encourage them.

Virgin of the Smile, reach us from Jesus true healing and deliver us from temporary and illusory relief.

Healed, we commit ourselves to serve Jesus with joy, willingness, and enthusiasm as missionary disciples, with our testimony of renewed life.

Beloved Lady of the Smile, pray for us.


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