16 Bible verses with advice for young people

The Role of Wisdom in Everyday Life
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Youth passes very quickly and that is why we must make the most of every second.
We must invest our life in what is really worthwhile while we have health and strength.

There is nothing safer and more successful than investing in the Kingdom of God that will last forever. Young people who dedicate their lives to the Lord will not be frustrated because they know that God blesses those who serve him.

Don’t waste time with trivial things, live for the Lord from your youth!

Below you will see 16 verses with advice that will help you in your walk with Jesus, in order to live a life more focused on his love and his will for your life.

1. Seek true strength

You may think that physical strength is the most important and valuable thing you have as a young person, but here we see how important it is to remain in the Word in order to defeat the evil one. Strengthen your spirit, read the Word every day and you will win.


2. Live according to his Word

How can the young lead a life of integrity?
By living according to your word.
(Psalm 119:9)

Do you behave according to what society says or do you seek to please God? Live a life of integrity, according to the Word. Be interested in knowing what God expects of you in each situation.

3. Recognize the greatness of God

Only God is worthy of our praise. He develops a spirit of gratitude, praise, and worship that recognizes the greatness and incomparable power of God.

4. Walk with God

It is good that a man learn
to bear the yoke from his youth.
(Lamentations 3:27)

Thinking of a yoke brings to mind two oxen that have no choice but to go the same way. What if from now on, from your youth, you choose from your heart to make God that inseparable companion, to carry the yoke with him and let yourself be guided by him? Surely over the years, you will be able to look back and see the beauty of a path walked hand in hand with the Father.


5. Keep His words in your heart

The Bible talks about a lot of topics. If you read it daily and memorize it, you will know the correct way to act in each situation and you will live a more pleasant and satisfying life.

6. Be happy and enjoy, but do it with caution

Rejoice, young man, in your youth; he let your heart enjoy adolescence. Follow the promptings of your heart and respond to the prompting of your eyes, but know that God will judge you for all of this.
(Ecclesiastes 11:9)

God doesn’t mind if you enjoy life. Quite the contrary! He wants you to enjoy your years of youth, to live the life that he has given you. You just have to do it in a prudent way, basing your actions on what you know will gladden the Father’s heart.

7. Be humble

If you want to enjoy God’s grace and unmerited favor, be humble. Do not impose your criteria. Treat others with respect and humility. God will exalt you at the time he sees fit.

8. Obey and honor your parents

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, because this is right. “Honor your father and your mother — which is the first commandment with a promise.
(Ephesians 6:1-2)

Children must honor and obey their parents. This means treating them with respect and dignity. If you know the commandments, then you know the promise contained in this commandment: that you may have a long life and that it may go well with you (Deuteronomy 5:16).


9. If you seek God with all your heart, you will find him

If you want to experience more of God in your life if you long to know his good plans for you, seek him from your heart. He allows himself to be found, and his presence is accompanied by blessings and the freedom that is in him.

10. Your facts show what you are

By his actions, the child lets us see if his conduct will be pure and upright.
(Proverbs 20:11)

No matter what we say, our actions show the reality of what is in our hearts. Purity and rectitude must be noted in the way we treat others and in the way we behave.


11. Seek God from now on, do not wait for difficulties to come

There are people who think that life with Jesus is one that is full of restrictions and that is why they prefer to wait to make the decision to serve him. Don’t make that mistake. Decide to serve God from your youth. The peace, the love, and the hope that he brings into our lives empower us and prepare us for times of difficulty. His presence is enough to manage to face the bad days with optimism.

12. Be a good example

Let no one despise you for being young. On the contrary, that believers see in you an example to follow in the way of speaking, in conduct, and in love, faith and purity.
(1 Timothy 4:12)

Sometimes we think that it doesn’t matter how we talk or how we behave since others don’t even notice. But it’s not like that. It is very encouraging and inspiring to see a young man or woman loving God with all their heart and behaving in accordance with their faith. Challenge yourself to be an example in your speech, your walk, and in your interpersonal relationships.

13. Choose your friends well

It is wise to choose friends well and listen to the advice of our parents or adults who love us and share our love for God. This does not exclude that we greet and smile at those we meet on our way. Every human being deserves our respect and recognition. But it is important to have friends who share our values ​​and dreams, and who encourage us to make wise decisions.


14. Allow God to be part of your story

You, Sovereign Lord, have been my hope; in you I have trusted from my youth.
(Psalm 71:5)

One of the greatest satisfactions is to look back and be able to see the signature of God in our lives, his intervention, his love, and his fidelity. Give yourself this gift and decide to trust him from your youth, let him be the owner of your heart. You will not regret it!

15. The key to prosperity and success

Why Do the Wicked Prosper?

Do you want a successful and prosperous life? Meditate on the Word of God and do what it tells you. God knows what is best for you and he wants to guide your steps. Yes, many times it takes courage to choose to obey God rather than men. Don’t be afraid, he is with you.

16. Live a life worth imitating

Let us live decently, as in the light of day, not in orgies and drunkenness, nor in sexual immorality and debauchery, nor in dissension and envy.
(Romans 13:13)

Be light, live a life that inspires others to be better, a life that shows that in Christ we are complete. He tries that wherever you go, everyone who knows you says: “My life is better because I met him”.


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