In life, we all go through difficult times. The important thing is to be held by the hand of God in each of the difficulties that arise.
That is why this time we bring you a selection of some verses from Psalms for Difficult Times, which will help you to face these circumstances in your life, and come out safe with God’s blessing.
It is our sincere prayer that God may touch your heart through these words that we dedicate to you and through His holy word.
“May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
May the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
May he send you help from the sanctuary;
May Zion support you.”
Psalm 20.1-2 NIV
If there is something we learn from the book of Psalms, it is that God is attentive to our cry when we carry our heart and pour it out before Him, a clear example of this appropriate procedure is found in countless Psalms for Difficult Times, in the beautiful and inspiring Word of God.
So the first thing you should do in times of difficulty is to praise God, adore him, and recognize that you really need him, because only in Him can you overcome any situation and emerge victorious.
Worship God despite the situation.
“I call on the LORD, who is worthy of praise,
And I am safe from my enemies.
In my distress I called on the LORD;
I cried out to my God,
And he heard me from his temple;
My cry reached their ears!”
Psalm 18.3 and 6
“My God, I cry during the day and you do not answer me;
I cry at night and find no rest.
-But you are holy, you are king,
You are the praise of Israel!
In you our fathers trusted;
They trusted, and you delivered them.”
Psalm 22.1-4 NIV
Pour out your heart before God.
“I am tired of sobbing;
All night I flood my bed with tears,
My bed soaked with my tears!
My eyes fail because of the pain.”
Psalm 6:6-7th
– “Like water I have been poured out;
Dislocated are all my bones.
My heart has become like wax,
And it melts in my gut.”
Psalm 22:14
-“LORD, hear my righteous request;
Hear my cry;
Listen to my prayer
Well, it does not come from deceitful lips.”
Psalm 17.1
Cry out, pray, and moan to God knowing that only He can help you.
“I cry out to the LORD with a loud voice,
And from his holy mountain he answers me”.
Psalm 3.4
“Answer my cry,
My God and my defender.
Give me relief when I am distressed,
Take pity on me and listen to my prayer.”
Psalm 4.1
“Listen, LORD, to my words;
Consider my moans.
Hear my pleas, my king and my God,
Because I raise my prayer to you.
Psalm 5.1-2
“You, LORD, listen to the request of the defenseless,
You give them encouragement and attend to their cry.”
Psalm 10.17
Psalms for difficult times.
When you are sick.
“Have compassion, SEÑOR, because I fall;
Heal me, LORD, that a cold of death runs through my bones.
Turn, LORD, and save my life;
For your great love, save me!”
Psalm 6.2 and 4
When enemies and adversaries attack you.
“Take care of me like the apple of your eye;
Hide me, under the shadow of your wings,
Of the wicked who attack me,
From the enemies that have surrounded me.
Psalm 17.8-9
“The LORD lives! Praised be my rock!
Exalted be God my Savior!
He is the God who vindicates me,
The one who puts the peoples at my feet.
You deliver me from the fury of my enemies,
You exalt me above my adversaries,
You save me from violent men.
Therefore, LORD, I praise you among the nations.
And I sing psalms to your name.
Psalm 18 46-49
- 5 Psalms for healing the sick
- Psalm 46:5; God is within her she will not fail KJV meaning
- Psalm 91 Bible Study with Complete Verses
When you feel like you can’t anymore.
“You, LORD, keep my lamp burning;
You, my God, illuminate my darkness.
With your support I will launch myself against an army;
With you, my God, I will be able to storm walls.”
Psalm 18.28-29