What does it mean to fear God as a christian

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What does it mean to fear God As a Christian, find out more about this topic here

Many get lost and stray in their faith because they find it difficult to understand the meaning of the fear of God. Others use this ignorance to justify their carelessness by shouting the paradox of love and fear. This assertion, such as it is – “to fear God” – also remains something rather confused for the lost souls who want to find the truth again but who desist when they have the impression of having to precisely “be afraid” of one. tyrant.

There is nothing like it! God is not a despot. In the proper and common sense of the term, the verb “to fear” is synonymous with being afraid or being terrified. But to have the fear of God is quite another thing. First, let us remember that God is a God of love, of unconditional love towards His children as His creatures. His divine love present in grace does not take on martyrdom or pressure, but patience and kindness.

We, therefore, understand that to fear God is not to feed fear towards Him. On the contrary, it is about giving Him back the love He has for us. Our fear of God comes to establish reciprocity in a relationship where only one member is loved without being loved. In this way, the univocal love of God towards us is transformed into reciprocity because we submit. The fear of God is the product of a sincere heart which truly anchored in its faith in God, loves him without contours. A love that is expressed through respect, submission, and obedience.

To fear God is to rely on Him, to serve Him with dedication in obedience and keeping the commandments. It is to submit to Him with love, devotion, fidelity, and integrity of heart. To fear the Lord is simply to dwell in the dimension of the Holy Spirit. In other words, adopt an attitude pleasing to God and feed on His Word in order to be a living offering. This is the very essence of fear in God. Thus it is written: ” Besides, brethren, since you have learned from us how you should behave and please God, and this is what you are doing, we pray to you and we conjure you in the name of the Lord. Jesus to walk in this regard from progress to progress (1 Thessalonians 4: 1).

We, therefore, understand that fearing God consists in shedding everything that is enmity to Him in order to succinctly climb the rungs of spiritual maturity. This includes thirst for God, seeking Him, clinging to Him, and being obedient: “You will go after the Lord your God, and you will fear Him; you will keep His commandments, obey His voice, serve Him, and cleave to Him (Deuteronomy 13: 4). Likewise, the fear of the Lord is enlarged by the fact of celebrating Him, of worshiping Him, of magnifying Him, by giving thanks for the benevolence and the infinite love which He shows towards us. Let us remember this verse which exhorts us: “… fear God, and give Him glory…” (Revelation 14: 7).


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What does the fear of God involve?

  • The fear of God does not exempt from obedience.

1 Samuel 12:14 “If you fear the Lord, and serve Him, and obey His voice, and are not rebellious against the Word of the Lord, you will cleave yourself to the Lord your God, you and the king who reigns over you. “

  • Blessings are the grace of lovers of the Lord.

Psalm 111: 10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who observe it have a sound reason. His glory endures forever. “

Proverbs 15:33 “The fear of the Lord teaches wisdom, and humility precedes glory. “

Proverbs 22: 4 “The fruit of humility, of the fear of the LORD, is riches and glory and life. “

  • The fear of God causes loathing for sin.

Proverbs 23:17: “Let not your heart envy sinners, but always fear the Lord”

  • The fear of God implies an exclusive and sincere love.

Joshua 24: 14: “Now, therefore, fear the LORD, and then use L e with integrity and loyalty. Destroy the gods that your fathers served across the river and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. “

Indeed, we cannot claim to fear the Lord if we are still attached to false worldly gods.

In short, fear of God overcomes confusion, misunderstandings, and prejudices. In other words, it is worshiping Him, worshiping Him with all our heart, staying in virtuous paths, walking in all His ways. Therefore, let us keep in mind that “  Happy is the man who is continually in fear! But whoever hardens his heart falls into calamity (Proverbs 28:14) ”.


We should fear the lord because it is commanded.

What does it mean to FEAR God? Understanding the relationship between God and believers is part of the broad commandment to “fear God”.


First, we need to recognize that God is merciful, loving, and forgiving. But He is also holy, just, and righteous. Understanding God’s character and knowing Him (cf. Pr2:5 means to accept the fact that God’s justice and His holiness (i.e. purity, perfection, and completeness in character and separation of evil) make Him judge sin. To fear the Lord means to be able to see His character.


To fear the Lord is to revere Him and honor Him as the God who has great glory, power, majesty, and purity. For example, the Israelites were terrified when God showed Himself to them at Mount Sinai by displaying His power through ” thunder, lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain and a loud trumpet blast They begged Moses to relay God’s message so that they wouldn’t have to meet God ( Ex 20.18-19). When the psalmist reflects upon God as Creator, he said: “Let all of the earth fear the Lord; let all people revere Him.” It was His words that made it possible. He also commanded it to remain firm. Ps 33.8-9


True fear of God causes believers to trust Him alone for salvation. After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and saw God destroy the Egyptian army that pursued them, they ” fear the Lord and trust Him.” Ps. 115:11. The psalmist urges those who fear God to “trust the Lord-He’s their help and shield.” Fearing God creates confidence, hope, and trust in Him. This is essential when we look to God for mercy, forgiveness, and grace ( Lk 1.50), and spiritual salvation.
Fearing God is to believe and trust in God.


Fearing God means recognizing that He is angry at sin and has the power and authority to punish those who are arrogant against Him or break His laws.

This was the fear that Moses felt when he spent 40 days and nights praying for the sinful Israelites. ” I feared God’s anger and wrath, for He was angry with you ” ( ). The NT’s Hebrews author acknowledges God’s coming vengeance and judgment, and then writes ” It is a terrible thing to fall in the hands of God” ( ). Fear is to be afraid, especially when you’re caught on the wrong side.

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Fearing God is rooted in the various meanings of “fear of God”, as discussed above. There are many types of fear. However, we can respect his power and wrath. It all connects.

  • Because of His incomparable power as the creator of all things, we should be humble before Him ( Ps 33:6-9; 96:4-5 and Jnh 1:19).
  • Additionally, His amazing power over creation, including humankind, is reason to fear God ( E 20:18-20; E 3:14; Jnh 1:1-16; K 4:39-41).
  • Realizing God’s Holiness (i.e. His purity, perfection, and separation from evil) is the normal reaction of the human spirit ( Rev 15.4).
  • Anybody who witnesses or experiences a manifestation of God’s glory (Mt 17;1-8) cannot help but be afraid.
  • We should be grateful for the many blessings God continually gives us, including the forgiveness of sins ( PS 130:4); 1Sa 12.24; PSD 34:9 and 67.7.
  • The fact that God is a God who judges the whole human race and is a God for justice should be enough to cause godly fear ( Dt 17:12-13; Isa 59:18-19); Mal 3;5; Heb 10:26-31). It is a shocking and unavoidable truth that God is always aware of our motives and actions, good and bad. We will be held responsible for them both now and in the future.


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How can fearing God impact our lives?

Fear of the Lord is more than just a Biblical principle, teaching, or idea. It has many practical applications in our everyday lives. These 6 steps will help you get started:

 1. 1. We Become Obedient

 First, if we truly fear God, we will follow His commands, live in accordance with His Word, and say “No to sin.” God created fear among the Israelites at Mount Sinai so they could learn to reject and avoid sin ( Ex20:20). Moses made repeated references in his last address to the Israelites to fearing God and serving and obeying him (e.g. Dt 5:29, 6:2, 24, 8:6; 10;12, 13:4; 13:12, 17:19, 31:12).

According to the psalmist, fearing God equals delighting in His commands ( Ps 112:1 ) and following His principles ( Ps 119:63 ).

Solomon taught that by fearing the Lord, a man can avoid evil ( Pr 16.6; see. 8:13). The whole responsibility of the human race can be summarized in Ecclesiastes by two simple requirements. Fear God, and keep His commandments ( Ecc 12.13). Contrary to popular belief, those who live in deceitful ways or ignore God’s will are doing so because “there is not fear of God before their eyes” ( Ps 36:1-4).

 2. We Teach our Children

 The fear of the Lord should not only affect individuals’ lives but also their families. Dt 4:0, 6 – 2, 6- 9. God commands His followers to teach their children to fear Him and to teach them to hate sin. ” The fear of the Lord is the beginning to wisdom” ( 111:10; pr 9:10). Job28:28; Pr 1:7). The primary goal of a Christian for their children is to teach them how to live according to God’s wisdom principles ( Pr 1:16). It is crucial to teach them to fear God.


 3. We Grow in Sanctification

 The fear of God has a sanctifying effect (i.e. it purifies, separates from sin, and spiritually matures) on God’s people ( Jn 17.17). It makes us hate sin and avoid evil ( PR 3:7; ).
It makes us be more careful about what we say ( pr 10:19; ECC 5:2 and 6-7). It helps us to keep our moral sensibilities and consciences strong. The fear of God has a spiritually cleansing and purifying effect that lasts forever ( Ps 19:9).


 4. We Worship Whole Heartedly

 God’s people worship Him with all their being because of the holy and reverent fear they have for Him. Ps 22.23. People who fear God will worship and honor Him as Lord overall. David stated that worshiping congregations are the same as those who fear God ( Ps 22:25). When the angel proclaims the eternal gospel, the “good news” about Jesus Christ, to everyone on Earth, he adds immediately, “And give Him glory… Worship Him Who made the heavens and earth and the waters of water” ( Rev 14:6-7).

 5. There is a Promise Reward

 God promises to reward those who fear Him. Pr 22.4. Other promised rewards include protection against death ( Pr14:26-27), provision for daily necessities ( PS 34:9, 111.5), and a long lifespan ( PR 10:27). Ecc 8-12-13.


 6. We Gain a Humble Confidence

 Fearing God can bring you humble confidence and an overwhelming sense of spiritual comfort. Acts 9.31 – The fear of God with the encouragement by the Holy Spirit. People who don’t fear God will feel little to no protection and presence from him. But those who obey God’s Word and fear God will feel a deep sense of spiritual security and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. They can rest assured that God will ultimately “deliver” them from death ( Ps33:18-19).

John 4:18 says, “There is no fear of love.” Fear is a result of punishment, and perfect love can drive out fear. Fearful people are not perfect in love. This verse might seem contradictory to the previous information. It’s all about perspective. When we are filled with God’s perfect love and washed over, we don’t need to fear His wrath.

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