How to Find The Wisdom of God

6 Psalms for comfort and strength
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Do you want the wisdom of God? Here’s how to find it.

It is important when reading the Bible to know who the Bible passage you are reading is for, otherwise you will quickly be confused. Many young people in the Lord read the Bible at random and hope that the Lord will speak to them that way.

Many of us have had this experience of opening the Bible at random and finding a text in which there are words that bless, encourage, and promise us great things. It has also happened to us that we came across harsh words of judgment that left us in awe and confusion.

The Word of God is the truth. We must understand that in His Word the Lord is addressing different types of people: the Jewish people, the enemies of the Jewish people, the pagans, the Christians etc.

There are statements that are told to us in the Word of God that have really been made and yet are not true. The Book of Job is a perfect illustration of this. In this book, many of the things that are said about God are but the reflection of philosophical ideas that have nothing to do with who God really is. Moreover, the Lord will reproach Job’s friends for their words (Job 42: 7).

We need to understand all of these things in order to approach God’s Word in a useful and constructive way for our life and without fear.

The fear of God:

For us children of God, we must receive the Word of God in the light of the Covenant in which we find ourselves and in the light of our identity in Jesus Christ. For us who have believed, we have passed from death to life, we are no longer under judgment or condemnation, we are children of God. If a child has a panicked fear of his father, it shows that there is a serious problem with the father. We have a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants to take care of us.

1 John 4:18 – Fear is not in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear is punishment, and he who fears is not perfect in love.

One could identify the fear of God with boundless respect and admiration. Respecting God is respecting and obeying His Word without asking questions, knowing that God gives us direction for the sole purpose of blessing us and making our lives successful.


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:

Proverbs 1: 7 – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction .

Biblical wisdom is knowing how to apply the Word of God to our lives. If someone does not have the fear of God in their heart, they will be unable to receive and understand the Word of God. This person will interpret the Word of God according to his own criteria, according to his intelligence and sometimes even his twisted mind and will not see the benefits in his own life.

the Bible is much more than a book of precepts, to have a good life or of recipes to obtain supernatural results.

King David was a man who feared God in him. While being persecuted and hunted down by King Saul, he once had the opportunity to get rid of his enemy. Saul was at his mercy, sleeping in the cave in which King David had previously taken refuge (2Sam. 24: 3-7). The people who were with him were then inciting him to kill Saul.

1 Samuel 24: 5 – And David’s men said unto him, This is the day in which the LORD said unto thee, I have delivered thy enemy into thine hand; treat it as you see fit. David stood up and gently cut off the hem of Saul’s mantle.

Cutting off the edge of Saul’s mantle made David’s heart beat faster. While he had received the royal anointing in place of Saul, he could easily have convinced himself to kill his enemy, but he did not do so because he had the fear of God within him.

If you do not truly have the fear of God in your heart, it will come at the time of temptation or at the time of any opportunity, the opportunity for you to even come to forget what the Word of God says. by finding excuses and excuses that will make you lose your integrity.


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To fear God is to choose to please and obey Him before serving our personal interests. If you have the fear of God in your heart, there will be times when you have to give up some things, but do not worry, for all that we sacrifice in the name of the fear of God, will be greatly returned to us at times a hundredfold and may -being in another form by the Lord Himself.

Matthew 10:39 – Whoever keeps his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for Me will find it.

Today, we live in a society rebellious to any form of authority, rebellious to God and His Word. So let’s stand out and cultivate in our lives the fear of God, which will allow us to live in a much deeper relationship with our Lord.

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