“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; Luke 4:18.
We must stop being mediocre believers and then we must become faithful believers who depend on the presence of God in our lives. Why is this important that we as believers do it? The main reason is that the presence of God in our life is what gives us victory in times of trials and processes; There is also another reason; Then let’s study the word of God that the Spirit of the Lord says is upon me.
(Isaiah 61: 1-3) “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; He has sent me to preach good news to the downtrodden, to bind up the brokenhearted, to publish freedom for the captives, and to open the jail to the prisoners; proclaim the year of Jehovah’s goodwill, and the day of vengeance of our God; to console all the mourners; order that the afflicted of Zion be given glory instead of ashes, oil of joy instead of mourning, a mantle of joy instead of the anguished spirit; and they will be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, for his glory. “
Isaiah lived when God’s people were divided into two kingdoms; Israel was the northern kingdom and Judah was the southern kingdom. The northern kingdom against God had sinned greatly, and the southern kingdom was in the same direction.
1. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
Life has ups and downs. We have experiences that are negative but also positive. We usually go up to the heights and then we go down to the valleys. We experience sad and happy moments. Because that is life. Jesus’ life was no different from ours. Well, he also suffered negative and positive experiences. In the Gospel of Matthew we can read that when Jesus was baptized, the Spirit of God descended on him in the form of a dove and the voice of God was heard when he said:
(Matthew 3:17) “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased .” a glorious moment in the life of the Lord. After this glorious event immediately, the same Spirit led him to the desert to be tempted by the devil, forty days and forty nights. A very difficult moment! However, the Lord Jesus overcame temptation and returned victorious from the desert.
Through this reading, Jesus declares that the Spirit of God is upon him. As a confirmation of what God said about him. God the Father was well pleased with Jesus. A sign of power, authority, holiness, and dominion, Jesus gives us teaching that, whether on the top of the mountain or in the valley of shadow and death, as long as we are directed by the Holy Spirit, we will please God, we will be more than victors.
The road of life has many ups but also many ups, and what really matters is that we let the Spirit of God take control of our life and all of our circumstances. The church needs authoritative, spiritually empowered, self-controlled, active, and militant believers.
These kinds of Christians emerge when we allow the Holy Spirit to descend upon us and take full control of all our circumstances. That is good times or bad, in the valley or in the mountains, we have a full assurance that; God is in control of our life.
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2. Because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.
Jesus came to a poor town that was in need, surrounded by problems and calamities. People were discouraged, disappointed, and desperately looking for a way out, someone who could feed their hope. Well, this time is very similar to the time of Jesus, since we live in a society full of conflicts and scandals.
Negative things are like a river that overflows and drags with everything in its path, floods our lives and sometimes we feel like we are drowning. But notice that in this passage the message that Jesus Christ gives us is a message that shows us that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
At this time, people need to hear a message that gives them hope, a message that illuminates the darkness, that encourages discouragement, and spiritual apathy. A message that restores and heals our sick soul that is polluted with iniquity and sin.

3. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted.
People in love aren’t the only ones who are broken-hearted. The broken-hearted are all those that iniquity has been in charge of destroying, those that it has impoverished, disfigured, and completely despoiled. What today has led them to spiritual death is not feeling like a living, or having goals and objectives in life.
Today human depravity and corruption have reached very alarming levels. Since many have abandoned moral values and the fear of God, the man seems to have disappeared. Humanity is completely disfigured and scarred, Isaiah says it is a rotten sore.
But the Lord left us surprising revelations to apply at all times, the Bible tells us that Jesus sets us free, that he heals our pain, and forgives our sins. Isaiah said: (Isaiah 53: 5) “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our sins; the punishment of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes, we are healed. “
The key and the power of the church are in the blood of Jesus. If you feel broken-hearted? Are you discouraged? Has someone broken your heart? But you must let the blood of Christ cover your soul and cleanse your being. Because: (1 Corinthians 5:17) “If anyone is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation, the old things have passed away and, behold, all have become new.”
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4. To proclaim freedom to the captives.
One of the most horrible evils of humanity is living in slavery. God created man with the gift of having free will, and when that freedom is deprived, man does not remain passive in the face of this matter. Today we continue to fight against an oppressor, who gives us spiritual slavery, this is the worst of all dictators and the worst oppressor of humanity, iniquity.
Iniquity has all the people of the world enslaved since this is the root of sin. Paul in Romans 7 describes the power of sin over humanity. But our hope is that Jesus promises us that we can be delivered from the oppressions of iniquity and also from enemy number one the devil.
Many times we cannot understand what happens to us, because we fight to be free and we want to be faithful to God, but we cannot, our very sinful nature and contaminated with iniquity, prevents us from doing so.
Let us recognize that only the power of the Holy Spirit can free us from this condition. Let God fill our lives with his purifying and sanctifying power, may he take us from glory to glory and power to power.
5. And sight to the blind.
Today with so much knowledge, we remain blind to spiritual things. We have not yet understood that we are spirit. However, God continues to make an effort to teach us what his will is and also how much he loves us.
When Christ dwells in our hearts, we are people with a spiritual vision. Our days are bad and we need to be like never before a church with a vision in the supernatural, we need to be leaders with vision, children of God who can see beyond the adversities and the material and economic possibilities that are presented to us in this world.
Illustration: The prophet Balaam.
One of the enemy’s weapons is to blind us to the reality of our spiritual condition, to confuse us so that we are limited in the things that God wants to give us. An example in the Bible is Samson. He had not realized that he had already failed until they had him captive until they gouged out his eyes, and they had him as a beast of burden grinding wheat. Until he was humiliated and mocked by his God.
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We must be very careful. Open the eyes of the spirit wide, and let us be sensitive to the works that God wants to do in our lives. We have to let God give us a clear vision. We need to open our eyes of understanding and see that the enemy makes war on us. If we don’t do it to him, he doesn’t do it to us. For this reason, we must make war and always seek the will of God and for this, we need the power of the Holy Spirit through complete sanctification.
6. To set the oppressed free.
We live in a world where the devil uses anything to keep us down. In Christ, there is hope for all the oppressed, and that is that the poor will prosper, the hungry will be satisfied, the cold will be comforted, all the sick will be healed, of the poor is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5: 3) We must not be intimidated by the devil’s threats, Christ died to give us both spiritual and material abundance. The Bible says that: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
So what you have to do is trust God, he prospers us. But we are also the ones who decide to get out of the oppressive state of the enemy. If you are sick? Trust that Jesus will heal you and that the Spirit of the Lord is upon you. God through his Holy Spirit can free us from all our situations, from the condition in which we find ourselves, from the current circumstance, no matter how difficult it may be. God can do this and you just have to declare that ” the Spirit of the Lord is upon me.”
The kingdom of God is a kingdom of designs and action, for religion will never be able to eliminate poverty, it will not be able to satisfy the spiritual hunger of hungry generations that groan for the power of the Spirit, it will not be able to give love to the orphan and warmth to the cold. . But Jesus, together with the true children of the kingdom, if they can do it through the perfect love that Christ has placed in the hearts of those who seek him, through his Holy Spirit.
7. To preach the pleasant year of the Lord.
The kingdom of God that Christ established not only has an aspect of the past, but it has a future dimension. The good news of the gospel of Jesus. It is not just history, but it speaks of the glorious future of the church, which we must establish here and now; bring those designs of God down from heaven to earth.
There is a glorious future for God’s people! Better days will come, which we will enjoy the wonders of God, but we only have to work to obtain it, everything has sacrificed, and what we can easily obtain disappears.
We have hope for our humanity, for the Lord’s church, for our nations, for our home. God has already left us answers to all our problems in the word, believe and act that it is already done, and you can begin to receive the promises that God has established for you. Do not limit the power of God and decree this word in your life the Spirit of the Lord is upon me.