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Understanding the secret of power. What is the secret of power, Why are some believers powerless and some powerful?
It is important that We address the issue of powerless believers. This is such an important part of the Christian experience and such an area of confusion and misappropriation that it must be addressed as a significant part of any approach to living a more meaningful and more powerful life.

Power is a potent force in the world, and it is an appropriate one for certain believers within certain circumstances. It is something that is greatly misunderstood, something around which much misunderstanding has been cast, something that must be clarified if you are to begin the great journey of discovering Knowledge, the deeper Intelligence that the Creator of all life has given you, and if you are to follow this Knowledge and to learn to express it and to render its gifts into the world, which is your purpose.


Whats the secret of power? According to the books of James 5:17b, it read thus;
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much’. James 5:17b.
The hour of prayer is the hour of power.

Power is needed in life to fulfil destiny and surmount obstacles. It takes power to subdue the works of darkness. The tragedy of our generation is not the powerfulness of the devil but the powerlessness of the saints. To bring the power of darkness under control, you need the power of God.

What’s the secret of power as a believer?
One major secret of power is Prayer. Men of prayer are men of power. In Acts chapter 3, Peter went to the temple at the time of prayer and met a crippled man by the gate. He demonstrated the power of God and the man rose up and walked. You see, the hour of prayer is the hour of power.

Elijah is another example of a man of unusual power because of prayer. He connected Divine power and changed the climate and weather; he had power to subdue the principalities of a territory because of prayer.

Prayer is the secret of power. This is why a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. The reverse is true; a prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian. Make up your mind to pray in order to connect the power of God.
The hour of prayer is the hour of power, so therefore, Desire the manifestation of God’s power in your life and also Prioritize prayer and communion with God above everything in your life.

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