The Power of Prayer

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Why The Power of Prayer.?  James 5:16b affirms the power embedded in Prayer.

Tremendous power is what prayer carries.

Such powers as the one the Apostles displayed in their days.

After they engaged in prayers continually, Acts 2: 42, 46, they commanded so much power that made the lame to walk and many healed. That is, they performed notable miracles that the people testify that they cannot deny the miracles. Acts 4:16


Prayer as we know is communing with God and thereby connecting to the flow of His Power. As we ask in prayers, the power of God is released to bring to pass whatever is requested so we can receive what we asked for.
We ask because what we are demanding for is not available or what is required to be made manifest in the physical what exists in the spirit. This will bring about the unleashing of the power from on high for its manifestation.

Also, effectual prayer is based on taking the word of God as it relates to and affirms our needs and present our request to God on that basis.

Checkout: 9 Powerful Prayers for trusting God

The word of God is the carrier of God’s power. Gen. 1:3, Psalm 107:20.
So, as we anchor our prayers on the word and we release our faith, the power of God is made manifest. This is how the power of God is communicated in prayers.

Always locate the relevant word that supports your prayer request before you ever go to God in prayers. By the word all things were made and by the word, God is upholding all things. John 1:3, Hebrews 1:3.

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