The Meaning of When I Am Weak He is Strong – 2 Corinthians 12:10

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The verse When I am weak, then I am strong (2 Corinthians 12:10) tells us about our human weakness and God’s strength. How does this verse apply to our daily lives? This article presents the meaning of 2 Corinthians 12:10 in our personal lives and ministry, and how to be strong in the Lord and not depend on ourselves for anything. Are you spiritually weak? Don’t worry, Christ can strengthen you through these verses!


The Greek word for weakness is astheneia, which can mean “without strength” or “unwell,” or “feeble.” This passage illustrates the inability of Paul to get away from troublemakers. He prayed to God to remove the trouble, but instead, the problem was given to show the strength of God. It is a good reminder to have a lowly spirit and remain humble in the midst of advancement.


Paul found spiritual pleasure in his infirmities

As a Christian, we have no excuse to be proud of our weaknesses. Our afflictions, though, are not our fault. Jesus’ strength is made perfect in our weakness. This is why Paul finds joy in his suffering. He knows that his sufferings are a way of demonstrating the power of Christ in the world. We don’t love pain, but we should embrace it as a spiritual source of power.

Paul is bold enough to boast about his infirmities, a trait most of us would hate to exhibit. However, he is certain that God will turn his weakness into a strength. We must remember that God is sovereign and does not take away His messengers from His plan. Our weaknesses will become our strength. But we must also remember that we are not to boast about our weaknesses, as we would rather glorify our strengths.

The thorn in Paul’s flesh was a messenger of Satan. He begged God to remove it. However, God provided a blessing. He allowed the thorn to make Paul humble. Moreover, he gloried in it, as it was a source of power, joy, and strength. It was here that Paul learned that a place of infirmity is also a source of spiritual pleasure.

Christians have often used the thorn in Paul’s flesh as an excuse to submit to their infirmities. But the thorn did not actually hinder Paul’s ministry. Paul was able to obtain revelations through his infirmities, which led to his spiritual growth. Consequently, Christians should never use their thorn to justify their sins. But we must recognize that it is the messenger of Satan and part of God’s plan for Paul.

Paul was a man of suffering. He suffered many insults and hardships during his ministry. The book of 2 Corinthians 11:25-26 refers to the persecutions that Paul faced. In verse 25, he uses the Greek word for “hunter” and ‘prey” to describe his suffering. Paul was in a tight situation and he was a victim of persecution. The thorn, however, was the messenger of Satan.


God’s strength shows up in weakness

Jabez's Prayer

The Bible teaches that God’s strength shows up in our weakness. Paul, for instance, asks God for help when he is being beaten. His perceived weakness is that he is unable to defend himself from an attacker. However, God tells Paul that his weakness shows his dependence on God and the perfect strength He has bestowed on him. He is humble and grateful for the help he receives from God, even when it comes through our weaknesses.

In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, God shows up in our weakness to show His power. The word for weakness in the Greek language is astheneia. It can mean “weakness,” “unwellness,” or “feebleness.” Paul’s plight illustrates God’s power in our weakness, and he prays for the trouble to be removed. But God provides the trouble in order to reveal His power and wisdom to us.

In the midst of his weakness, Paul shares his struggle with others. He calls his weakness his thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, and says God used it to open the door to the gospel to the gentile world. Paul also asks God to heal his weakness three times, twice in the letter to the Corinthians. In the meantime, he is confident that he has received God’s strength and is able to preach the gospel in a new way.


Defending the Crucified

“Defending the Crucified” is an excellent song by the band Tori Amos and is the perfect example of the word crucifixion. It’s a clever word play, referencing a popular song by Army of Lovers. While the crucifixion is a symbol of death, it has special meaning in Christianity, as it represents salvation. While many secular critics see the crucifixion as gruesome torture, the reality is quite different.

The word “crucifix” is derived from the Latin word cornu, which means “horn.” Some scholars believe that the seat actually had a pointed shape that served to torment the crucified person. This would make sense, considering that Seneca observed that the victims were nailed with their private parts impaled. This phrase was largely used in Christian literature until the Council of Nicea. Today, it is an important reminder for Christians to study the Bible, understand church history, and be able to defend the crucifixion of Christ.

Criticizing a Believer

Having a lowly spirit in the midst of high advancements

Throughout the Pauline Epistles, we see that Christ shows up in our weakness as a way to display his strength. We can see how Paul’s suffering and affliction brought him to a point where he knew his weakness was a source of strength. We see the way he took delight in his weakness, which was the strength of Christ. We see this as a powerful example of a life lived for Christ.

The third heaven experience that Paul had is detailed in Second Corinthians 12:1-10. During this time, he received revelations from God. The ”thorn in his flesh”, which is not a literal thorn in Paul’s flesh, was given to him to humble him. But God did not take away this thorn; instead, He told him that his grace was more than enough, and that His power was perfected in his weakness. This experience caused Paul to develop contentment in his weakness and to boast about his suffering.

The apostle’s humility was demonstrated by his lowly spirit. He was not behind the chief apostles in dignity. His humility was obvious, but it was not overtly obvious. In fact, Paul was known as one of the most humble of the apostles. He possessed a lowly spirit in the midst of his high advancements. Yet, he believed that his abasement would lead to exaltation.

Ultimately, we need to recognize that our weakness makes us strong. We must not forget our weaknesses before we can understand our weaknesses. We can not pretend to be strong when we are merely weak. Neither can we expect to achieve anything of great value if we don’t know what we need. The strength of the Lord is in our weakness, not our strength. So, we must not let our own weaknesses be our hindrances.

This is a powerful statement, but one that requires a deeper explanation. The apostle Paul was a servant of God who was akin to himself. Ultimately, the servant of God demonstrates that the strength of the Holy Spirit is unbound, and the greatest moral miracles can be worked in a humble human heart. But we must remember that it is the servant of God who leads us into a new state of humility.

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