st Gerard prayer for pregnancy and expectant mothers

st Gerard prayer
st Gerard prayer
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If you are looking for st Gerard prayer for pregnancy and mothers, you are on the right post, christwin has compiled a list of prayers to st Gerard the powerful intercessor.

st Gerard prayer for pregnancy and expectant mothers

st Gerard prayer for motherhood

Oh Good Saint Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, you who do wonders in our day, I call on you and request your help. You, who while you lived on Earth, always fulfilled God’s designs, also help me to always do the Most Holy Will of Our Lord. Pray to the Master of Life, from whom all fatherhood proceeds, to bless me with the grace of motherhood and that I may raise children of God in this life and heirs to the kingdom of His Glory in the life to come. Amen.

st Gerard prayer for expectant mothers

Oh Almighty and Eternal God, by the intervention of the Holy Spirit, you who prepared the body and soul of the glorious Virgin Mary as a worthy refuge for Your Divine Son, and by the intercession of the same Holy Spirit, you sanctified Saint John the Baptist, even when he was in his mother’s womb; listen to the prayers of your humble servant who implores you, through the intercession of Saint Gerard, to protect me from all danger during pregnancy and watch over my son with whom you wished to bless me; May he be washed with the waters of Baptism, and after a Christian life on Earth, he may, together with his mother, reach eternal happiness in Heaven. Amen.

st Gerard prayer for pregnancy

Oh great Saint Gerard, beloved servant of Jesus Christ, perfect imitator of your Meek and Humble Savior, and devout Son of the Mother of God: kindle in my heart a spark of that heavenly fire of charity that shone in your heart and made you an angel. of love.

Oh glorious Saint Gerard, because when you were falsely accused of a crime, you endured, like your Divine Master, without murmurs or complaints, the calumnies of evil men, you have been elevated by God as Patron and Protector of expectant mothers. Save me from the danger and excessive pain that accompany the birth of the child, and protect the child that I now carry, so that he may see the light of day and receive the waters of baptism through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

A Mother’s prayer for the family

Oh Glorious Saint Gerard, who saw in every woman the living image of the Most Holy Mary, Spouse and Mother of God, and wanted her, with your intense apostolate, to live up to her mission, bless me and all the mothers of the world. Make us strong to keep our families together; help us in the difficult task of educating our children in a Christian way; give our husbands the courage of faith and love, so that, based on your example and comforted by your help, we can be instruments of Jesus to make this world more good and just. In particular, help us in illnesses, in pain, and in any need; or at least give us the strength to accept everything Christianly so that we may be the image of Jesus Crucified as you were. To our families, give us happiness, peace and the love of God.

Prayer of protection for a mother and her child

Oh Almighty and Eternal God, by the intervention of the Holy Spirit, you who prepared the body and soul of the glorious Virgin Mary as a worthy refuge for Your Divine Son, and by the intercession of the same Holy Spirit, you sanctified Saint John the Baptist, even when he was in his mother’s womb; listen to the prayers of your humble servant who implores you, through the intercession of Saint Gerard, to protect me from all danger during pregnancy and watch over my son with whom you wished to bless me; May he be washed with the waters of Baptism, and after a Christian life on Earth, he may, together with his mother, reach eternal happiness in Heaven. Amen.

Novena to San Gerardo

Start by putting ourselves in the presence of God and with the Act of Contrition.

My Lord Jesus Christ, God and true Man, Creator, and Father and my Redeemer! Because you are who you are and because I love you above all things, I am sorry, Lord, for having offended you (beat chest). I firmly propose never to sin again, away from all occasions to offend you, confess and fulfill the penance that was imposed on me. Amen.

Prayer to ask for Favour

Blessed Trinity, I, your son, thank you for all the graces and privileges that you granted to Saint Gerard, especially for those virtues with which you adorned him on earth and the glory that you now give him in heaven. Finish your work, O Lord, so that your Kingdom may come to earth. And by his merits of those who are in union with Jesus and Mary, grant me the grace for which I ask you (mention his request here).

And you, my powerful intercessor, Saint Gerard, always ready to help those who turn to you, pray for me. Go before the throne of Divine Mercy and do not leave without having been heard. To you I entrust this important and urgent matter (mention his request here). Graciously take my cause into your hands and do not allow me to finish this prayer without experiencing the effects of your intercession. Amen.


Oh Good Saint Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, you who do wonders in our day, I invoke you and request your help. You, who while you lived on Earth, always fulfilled God’s designs, also help me to always do the Most Holy Will of Our Lord. Pray to the Master of Life, from whom all fatherhood proceeds, to bless me with the grace of motherhood and that I may raise children of God in this life and heirs to the kingdom of His Glory in the life to come. Amen.

Prayer for every day:

Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, humbly prostrated in your presence, I thank you for the favors granted to your great servant Gerardo, especially for the virtues with which you adorned him in this life, and for the glory you gave him in the Darling. Since you glorified him so much before men, grant me through his merits, together with those of our Redeemer Jesus Christ and those of the Blessed Virgin, the grace I ask of you. And you, my powerful advocate, and model of charity, intercede for me. Make sure that this novena does not end without experiencing in some way the effects of your intercession. So be it.

The prayer of each day is read and at the end, the following prayer is read:

My Saint, Patron of Mothers and children, grant me the grace that I particularly ask of you. So be it.

(Three Hail Marys)

V/.Pray for us Saint Gerard

R/.So that we are worthy to achieve the promises of Christ.

Oh God, who wanted to draw blessed Gerardo to You from his tender age and make him a living image of your Crucified Son! Grant us that following his example, we too may be transformed into that Divine Model, Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


O Glorious Saint Gerard! That from the earliest childhood you heard the voice of God calling you to the highest holiness, pity my soul that lives in the midst of the dangers of the world, grant me that firmly believing what the Holy Church proposes me to believe, live as a Christian and reach the eternal happiness of Heaven.


O Glorious Saint Gerard! Paragon of detachment, who from your most tender years despised the things of the earth, make me put my trust only in Christ, my only Treasure, who can only make me happy in time and in eternity.


O Glorious Saint Gerard! Seraphim of love, who despising all earthly love consecrated your life to the service of God and your neighbor, promoting the glory of the Lord in your humble condition, always ready to help the needy and comfort the sad, obtain for me the grace that loving God, my only good, and my neighbor for his love, deserve to live united to Him in glory.


O Glorious Saint Gerard! White lily of purity, that for this angelic virtue and for the great innocence of your life, you received from the Child Jesus and from his Immaculate Mother sweet proofs of the most tender love, grant me the grace to strive more and more in the combat of life, and thus obtain the crown promised to the one who perseveres.


O Glorious Saint Gerard! Model of obedience, that during your life, you heroically submitted your judgment to that of those who represented Christ for you, thus sanctifying your most humble actions: Obtain me from the Lord, joyful submission to his holy will and perfect obedience, to thus resemble Jesus, my model, who was obedient to the Cross.


O Glorious Saint Gerard! Perfect imitator of Jesus, Our Redeemer, for whom the greatest glory was to be humble and despised, achieve for me that I too, conceding my lowliness and littleness, be deserving of the kingdom promised to the meek and humble of heart.


O Glorious Saint Gerard! Heroic and very patient in suffering, who rejoiced in the pain of illness and suffered slander and contempt with joy, grant me to carry with courage and resignation the Cross that will enrich me with heavenly goods in time and in eternity. .


O Glorious Saint Gerard! True lover of the Divine Eucharist, who spent long hours prostrate before the Tabernacle, savoring beforehand the delights of paradise, obtain for me the Spirit of prayer and a tender love for the Blessed Sacrament, so that frequently receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus, grow up and deserve the priceless grace of loving him to the end.


O Glorious Saint Gerard! Privileged creature of Heaven, who received the Divine Child from the arms of the Most Holy Virgin and had the joy of being consoled at the hour of your death with the presence of this heavenly Lady, grant me the grace to love her and serve her during life, so that be my joy and consolation in this valley of tears, until later, together with you, I deserve to sing the mercies for all eternity.

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