Detail explanation for Spiritual Meaning of Prayer

5 Proven Strategies to Build Your Faith in God and Deepen Your Connection
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Here is a Detail explanation for the Spiritual Meaning of Prayer.

Prayer is communing with God on basis of His promises ( His Word) to bring us into His will, empower us to possess our possession, and to fulfilling our destiny. Mat. 6: 9-11

The secret of answered prayer demands total submission to God and His help.

Foundation of Answered Prayer

The foundation of answered prayer understands that God is sovereign, unquestionable, and all-powerful.

According to Psalms 24:1, the Bible affirms God’s sovereignty. The entire earth is His and only His WILL will be done in the earth. Mat. 6:10. This is why it takes prayer, and very fervent prayer as a way of life to access, understand and walk in His will on daily basis and although one’s lifetime.


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vehicle to answered prayer

The vehicle to answered prayer is faith. Until we believe God without reservation we cannot access His power and answers to our prayers.

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Faith come by hearing the word of God

For faith to be faith, it must be anchored on the following:

* His Word Rom 10:17

* His Presence Psalms 16:11

* His Power Mat. 28:18

* His Wisdom 1Timothy 1:17

* His love John 3:16


As we grow in the understanding of the above about God our faith shall become built up and very strong to access His nature the more in prayers and all blessings that God has reserved for us on the earth.


When your prayer life becomes filled with testimonies of answers you will get more desirous to pray the more.

Final Words;
If your prayer life is not bringing forth results get to understand and imbibe the secret, foundation, and vehicle of answered prayer as shared here.

Be blessed.


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