The 6 sins against the Holy Spirit you should Know

Bible study on holiness
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The 6 sins against the Holy Spirit reveal the ways we can blaspheme him. Which is condemned by the bible and has spiritual and physical consequences. That is why it is important to know them and avoid grieving the Divine Spirit of God at all costs. As the word asserts:

“Therefore I say to you: All sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven them. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, he will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, he will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come” (Matthew 12.31–32)


The 6 sins against the Holy Spirit

Catholic adoration prayers

One of the most emphatic themes that we will find in the Holy Scriptures is that referring to the sins committed against the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Christian believers, as well as unbelievers, can and do alike sin against him. But what is the nature of these sins and how can we avoid them. Within the sins against the Divine Spirit of God, we find:



1. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

Of all the sins that exist, men can blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, and this is the worst of all. The reason is exposed because it is the only sin that God does not forgive and condemns.

All other sins that are committed against the Holy Spirit are done by believers. We can ask forgiveness for them, be forgiven if we repent from the heart, and start anew.

However, it did not happen in the same way when we blaspheme against the Divine Spirit of God because this sin is called “the unforgivable sin”. It was also done by the enemies of Jesus Christ when they accused him of casting out demons by the power of Satan after Jesus firmly stated that he did so only by the power that the “Spirit of God” gave him. He then told them:

 “Therefore I say to you: All sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven them. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, he will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come ” (Mark 3:28-30)

What is meant by the unforgivable sin is that no one who is under the rebellious, decisive, and effective power of the Holy Spirit has carried out this sin. But when one resists the Holy Spirit to such an extent that she no longer exerts herself to obtain or receive her favor, then there is imminent danger.

In this sense, Stephen certainly pointed out, that just as the parents of his listeners refused to take seriously the proclamation of God’s prophets and messengers or to believe them, so they too were guilty of similar sins. That is to say that the unforgivable sin totally encloses the irrevocable rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the word Stephen makes mention of this fact when he preached his sermon before his martyrdom: “You stiff-necked, and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers, so also you” (Acts 7:51).

 In the Old Testament, many resisted, slandered, persecuted, and always sought to ridicule the prophets. And since these were inspired by the Spirit of God, these people were really resisting the Holy Spirit.

So when Stephen said that the people he was preaching to refused to listen to Christ’s apostles and his elect, who spoke by the Divine Spirit of God, what he was really doing was resisting the Holy Spirit.

So evil minds will always go against the Holy Spirit, and when these kinds of people act like that, they will not be able to receive the word of God in all its power unless the Holy Spirit gains victory over them and they can repent with the weather.

In this sense, the only way a sinner can be forgiven for resisting the Holy Spirit is to stop doing so and surrender wholeheartedly to the Lord Jesus Christ. This type of person who has resisted only has hope of being saved if he immediately repents and allows the Spirit to enter his heart.


2. Grieving the Spirit

Another sin against the Holy Spirit is to grieve him and this sin can be committed by a Christian. Paul exhorts us and tells us the following: “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30).

It is very important to be attentive and take Paul’s word that tells us that we are sealed for the day of redemption. This means that we are Christians and will continue to be.
So what Paul refers to are the things that we as believers do unconsciously, hurting his heart and hurting his very essence. Therefore, there are things we do that can cause pain to the Spirit.

But how can we sadden the Holy Spirit if we are believers? Our behaviors can sadden him as we do the opposite of what he is. So if we lie, deceive, have doubts, are anxious,  inclement, do inappropriate things, arrogant, then we will be saddening the Spirit of God because we are acting against the principles that he instills in us in the word.


3. Quench the Spirit

Those who blaspheme against the Spirit are unbelievers. But Christians can grieve and quench the Spirit. The term “quench” means “extinguish”, and it certainly fits the perfection of the word that describes the Holy Spirit as fire.

In this way, when we extinguish the Spirit, we are extinguishing the fire.
This means that we suppress his power and love when he is trying to carry out his purpose in us.

We quench the Spirit when we do not revive our souls when we do not use the means of grace that we have within our reach when we stop praying, proclaiming the name of Jesus, or reading the Holy Scriptures.

Therefore, the fire of the divine Spirit in us goes out to the extent that we cool down and no longer require the presence of the Lord. Which distances us from him and exposes us to the loss of salvation.

In the same way, we can quench the Spirit by doing the wrong things in the eyes of God, such as criticizing, minimizing others, and saying profanity, among other bad things.
No Christian is certain that he will not sin, which is why he must always be under the cover of the Holy Spirit so as not to fall into temptation and thus deviate from the path that leads us to salvation.


5. Scrupulous Conscience

Scrupulous conscience refers to the exaggeration of the size of sin and its consequences. So the person who has this kind of thinking feels that he is not capable of receiving God’s Mercy.

He totally closes himself off and refuses to receive grace and therefore does not repent, since he thinks that everything is already lost, that everything he does will be in vain since he considers that he is already condemned. This person sees his sin as something superior that is far above God’s forgiveness and his Mercy.

But the word is clear in affirming that if we confess our sin from the heart we can be forgiven, as can be seen in this passage: “He who hides his sins will not prosper, but he who confesses and turns away from them will obtain mercy” (Proverbs 28, 13)”.

It should be noted that it is important to point out the difference between repentance and remorse since the latter refers to the feeling and accusation that the enemy puts in our hearts, and that makes us believe that our sin is unforgivable and that God will never erase it. Which turns out to be a great calumny to the love that God has for his children and it is a great arrogance to consider God as a cruel and vengeful being.

In this sense, the person who has these thoughts moves away from the Holy Spirit, stops praying, no longer repents, and no longer seeks him or reads the word because he considers that everything is already lost for him. His life is depressing and empty, and this is due to his total ignorance of him because God is able to erase our sins and no longer remember him. But there must be genuine repentance, where the person is able to open his heart to God. In this regard, the word indicates the following:

“But God shows his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Because if being enemies, we were reconciled with God through the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we will be saved by his life. And not only this, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation” (Romans 5: 8-11)

So as Christians we are justified by the divine covenant of Christ on the cross, where through his sacrifice he freed us from the yoke of sin, defeating Satan and his army of evil. However, we must be attentive and watch every day so as not to grieve the Spirit or quench it.

5. Lax Conscience

This type of conscience is when we think that the Mercy of God is so great and powerful, that we do not need to repent of our sins or the conversion of our lives, since God will always forgive us no matter what we do and that we do not need to repent.

The person with this type of lax conscience thinks that all human beings make mistakes and live without giving importance to his sin because he considers himself too weak to resist sin. But it is also important to know that God is merciful but he is also a just God, and this is something that the lax person cannot grasp because he takes advantage of the goodness of the Lord.

But God knows hearts, so this type of person is totally wrong in his convictions and lives like a mediocre believer

The Lax of conscience does not seek confession, he is obstinate in his sin and lives a mediocre Christianity. Faced with this type of attitude, the Holy Spirit is excluded and annulled by this type of self-sufficient people who abuse the Mercy of God.

On the other hand, there are those people who sin saying that later they will regret what they did and God, without any problem, can forgive them. However, the word exhorts us to move away from sin, to always seek the presence of God, and not to tempt the devil so as not to lose our most precious treasure, which is salvation.


6. Refusing to accept salvation through forgiveness

When we refuse to accept salvation, we are without a doubt sinning against the Holy Spirit, and this happens when the person is obstinate in such a way that he does not accept that he must repent of his sins and resists obtaining forgiveness, without knowing or unaware that this sin against the Holy Spirit can lead him to hell, not because the Lord does not want to forgive him, but because he refuses to receive the grace of forgiveness.

In this way, it is important to be clear that sins against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven because the person does not repent because he rejects the power of God because he denies salvation, and not because God does not want to forgive him because he does not want him to no soul is lost. But forgiveness must be obtained from the heart, you cannot force the person. Therefore, as Christians, we must not turn away from the Lord or grieve him. We must maintain communion with him, fast, pray without ceasing and read the Holy Scriptures to know the truth, in order to stand firm in Christ who is our rock and salvation.

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