Proverbs 3:1-22 meaning and explanation

proverbs 3:1-22 meaning and explanation
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The steps of a man on the path of life are steps that show a new responsibility, these bring us to today’s topics, proverbs 3:1-22 meaning and explanation.

He has left his home, preparing to face life, in which he is putting himself in direct contact with reality. You are given this advice that your steps be ordered according to what the Word of God says. How important is this today? It is good advice, very helpful advice that can be found here.

Wisdom is here described as if it were a woman. However, for us, wisdom is personified in the Lord Jesus Christ. Said the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:30, But through him, you are in Christ Jesus, who has been made us wisdom by God. The young man needs Christ.

Proverbs 3:1-22 meaning and explanation

we begin to consider that The young man has to listen to God’s law

Proverbs 3: 1 Meaning And Explanation

“My son, do not forget my law, and may your heart keep my commandments”

These proverbs are also headed by the expression My son. We have to understand that we are in a Jewish context. However, these tips are of great importance to us today.

It says here that your heart keeps my commandments. Isn’t that statement something interesting? That is more than just submitting to an obligation. You hear so much saying today that it is our obligation as believers to do this or that. Well, dear listener, it is not our obligation. It is our loving devotion to the will of God. Do you remember what the psalmist said?

In my heart, I have kept your sayings, so that I do not sin against you. (Psalm 119: 11) And do you remember what was said in Ezra 7:10 about that young priest named Ezra? That he had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord and to fulfill it; and teach statutes and judgments in Israel. It is necessary for the day in which we live, that there is a preparation of the heart.

Then let’s remember when, in John 14, the Lord Jesus Christ was gathered with His own in the upper room; Do you remember how you talked to them?
He did it in a loving, intimate, and personal way, of things that He had not revealed before. 

And He said to them, according to 14:23: Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him.

Do you love him, dear listener? If you love him, then He wants to talk to you.

 So we don’t consider it an obligation. What we are doing through the radio is because we love Him, and we are trying to do what He wants us to do.

 And He wants us to spread His Word. He is sowing the seed; that is the image we have of him, and we are sowing that seed under his direction. We do it out of love, and we believe that is the foundation. 

Because He said, He who loves me, Let us remember the conversation that the Lord Jesus Christ had with Simon Peter, who had denied Him before, and how terrible that experience was! 

After the resurrection, when He was on the Sea of ​​Galilee, Christ had prepared breakfast for them on the beach, and when Simon Peter appeared before Him, we believe that He did not want to even look the Lord Jesus in the eye. And the Lord did not ask him, “Why have you denied me?” What was asked was: Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me? (John 21:17). If you love him, that feeling makes this life brighter, richer, and more wonderful.

Proverbs 3: 3-4 meaning and Explanation

 “Mercy and truth never depart from you: tie them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”

Here mercy is mentioned, which is compassion. John said that the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through the Lord Jesus Christ. What is mercy? It is grace, it is more than kindness.  Mercy and truth.

 Here the young man is advised to Tie them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. And verse 4 says:

“And you will find grace and good opinion in the eyes of God and men.”

The result of obeying that advice is beautiful.



Proverbs 3: 5-6 meaning and explanation

proverbs 3:1-22 meaning and explanation

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your understanding. Acknowledge him in all your ways and he will make your paths straight.”

And they are not only known but also favorites. We sometimes wonder if those who are reciting those verses realize the rich grain of truth where they come from. We have to remember that these verses were directly addressed to the one who thoroughly studies the Word of God.

As Paul told the young preacher in 2 Timothy 2:15: Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Having studied the Word of God and knowing something about God’s mercy or compassion, grace, and truth, and holding on to these realities, the writer advises the young man what we have read in these verses 5 and 6, that in another version it says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and not in your intelligence.

Now, let’s reflect for a moment. We have here very solemn advice, and yet it offers a wonderful certainty of guidance on a path of peace. What a contrast to Proverbs chapter 28, verse 26! who says: He who trusts in his own heart is a fool.

On the other hand, it is a beautiful experience to be able to trust Christ with all your heart, to surrender, and commit yourself totally to Him.
This complete, integral commitment is very necessary today. Sometimes we find ourselves faced with situations that we do not like, in which we feel insecure, unsafe, or in danger.
Here it says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. And so He has led us here, through varied and troublesome circumstances. And it will continue to do so.

The author of these Bible studies, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, recounted that he recognized that he did not fully trust the Lord until he suffered from cancer. Then he learned to take the days as they presented. But when he realized that he was suffering from this serious illness, he no longer thought about life that way.

 Every time a new day dawned, he would look up to the sky and say, “Lord, thank you for bringing me to a new day.” Perhaps the sky was cloudy and the sun was not shining, or perhaps it was a bright day. “But in any case,” McGee said, “I always thanked God.” And regarding this last proverb: Acknowledge him in all your ways and he will make your paths straight, said the aforementioned professor who took him a long time to learn what those words meant in his practical life.

Let us remember that the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 6:22: The lamp of the body is the eye; so if your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. There is a surprising fact. If you give yourself to God by committing yourself to Him, if you find yourself walking a certain path of life or doing some activity, it is surprising how everything else takes its proper place. Then your whole body is full of light. The whole of life is filled at that moment with light.


Proverbs 3: 7-8 Meaning and explanation

“Do not be wise in your own opinion, if you do not fear the Lord and turn away from evil because this will be medicine for your muscles and refreshment for your bones.”

Another version translates verse 8 thus: “This will bring health to your body and strengthen your being.” We truly believe that if you trust the Lord, dear listener, your health will improve. It is reassuring to rest and lean on Him, rather than on yourself.

The Apostle Paul, writing to young Timothy, said to him in his second letter 2:19: Let everyone who calls on the name of Christ turn from evil. This behavior will keep you away from sin, away from all those things that corrode not only your spiritual life but also your physical life.


Proverbs 3: 9 Material blessings have a spiritual meaning

“Honor the Lord with your goods and with the first fruits of all your fruits; then your barns will be filled with abundance and your vats will overflow with new wine.”

This represents a total surrender and commitment. Remember what God said to Israel when He put them in the promised land: The land is mine, I give it to you. The Israelites had to give a tenth part, that is, a tithe of the products they harvested and made. And we believe that what they gave to the Lord was three tithes. At the very beginning of the harvest, they brought the first fruits or first fruits. With that action, they recognized that God was the owner of everything. It was evidence of a total commitment to Him.

No one can say that you are fully committed to the Lord until you consider that He is the owner of everything and act accordingly. Because He is the one who has given her everything. Now someone might say, “Well, I have worked very hard to get everything I have.” But who gave you the health to work, dear listener? Who gave you the job? Who made it possible for you to earn money? Dear listener, God did all of that for you.
And you have to acknowledge it. And that is evidence of total surrender.
Someone may also say that this sounds very material to you. Well no, this is truly spiritual. We have to say that genuine spirituality does not consist, for example, in the duration of your prayers; but in the number of your goods that you dedicate to the Lord in proportion to your possibilities. That is the way one can evaluate and determine the level of spirituality in a person.

We have found that the person who speaks the most is the one who contributes the least to the work of Christ. Experience has shown us that this is true. And it must be said that God promises His blessing to those who honor Him with the goods they receive. And we do not say it. The Word of God says it. Saint Paul said in 2 Corinthians 9: 7, God loves a cheerful giver.


Proverbs 3: 11-12 The Lord’s correction

proverbs 3:1-22 meaning and explanation

“Do not despise, my son, the discipline of the Lord, do not tire of him correcting you, because the Lord reproves whom he loves, as a father reproves the son whom he loves.”

Dear listener, if you are His child, God is going to correct you, He is going to discipline you through this life. God never corrects those who are controlled by the devil, but he does rebuke his own. This is good evidence that you belong to Him.

Let us remember that in the Book of Job 5:17 and 18 we read the following: Blessed is the man whom God corrects; therefore do not underestimate the correction of the Almighty. Because he is the one who makes the wound, but he bandages it; he strikes, but his hands heal. Now let’s remember that correcting, disciplining, are not punishing. Punishment is sometimes confused with discipline.

The criminal has to be punished; but the son must be corrected, that is, reprimanded, disciplined. And this is the method that God uses for His own, for those who belong to Him.


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Proverbs 3: 13 The happiness of finding wisdom

“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom and obtains intelligence”

Happy is the person who finds Christ. For us today, he is the wisdom of God. And verse 14 says: “Because your profit is more than the profit of silver, your profit more than that of fine gold!”

Here wisdom is portrayed as having a school. She is represented as feminine because she stands in contrast to the strange woman. Now, in verses 15 and 16, of this chapter 3 of Proverbs we read:

“She is more precious than precious stones: nothing you could wish for can be compared to her! Long life is in her right hand, and in her left, riches and honor.”

And God had promised long life in the Old Testament to those who served him. Here wisdom is presented as superior in value to the most desirable or covetable things that can be found on this earth, and for which the human being has made the greatest sacrifices, the most arduous efforts, even going so far as to give his life for them. In other words, the wisdom of God, His Word, and the knowledge of it is the most valuable treasure that human beings can find. These words are an encouragement for us to deepen our study of the Bible as much as possible, to find the spiritual treasures and the message that God wants to communicate to us.


Proverbs 3: 17-18 Explanation

And then we are told in verses 17 and 18 of this chapter 3:

“Her ways are pleasant ways; all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life for those who lay hold of her, and happy are those who hold her back.”

It takes study, effort, and time to assimilate the Word of God. The Spirit of God does not open the Word of God to lazy minds, but to those who are awake, with a willing mind, and who want to learn and know the will of God. One of the big problems today is that many people are unwilling to make the effort to study the Bible. Much of this laziness is obscured with pious jargon and platitudes. Some seem to have developed a neat vocabulary that sounds good and hides a great ignorance of God’s Word. Its study indeed requires work, but the paths of wisdom are pleasant, and all its paths are paths of peace.



Proverbs 3: 19-20 Meaning and Explanation

“The Lord founded the earth with wisdom, He established the heavens with understanding. With his knowledge, the seas were divided and the heavens drop dew.”

You and I live in a universe that is highly ordered. Many of those who work in the space program are Christians. And we are glad to know that many of them listen to this program in other countries and support it. We find it strange that people who study the laws of nature and explore the secrets of the universe do not conclude that we live in a universe that could not simply come out of nowhere.
And if so, how did it come about, and when? This universe is so ordered that man can board a spaceship, pilot it through space to another planet like the moon, for example, and return. The human being is considered very intelligent, but all he has been able to do is discover some laws of God that keep the entire universe running like a gigantic computer.

Dear listener, If this universe came out of nowhere like this, gradually or suddenly, it could not function with such precision. The people of the space program can project that little multi-functional computer and send it on a ship into space at the most appropriate time and to the predetermined location because God has established very exact laws. God created those laws in His wisdom. And we have to recognize the intelligence of God.

He would surely appreciate it very much if we showed more intelligence and greater knowledge of Him and His ways. And we can only do that in His school, which is the Bible. Let’s now read verse 21: The people of the space program can project that little multi-functional computer and send it on a ship into space at the most appropriate time and to the predetermined location because God has established very exact laws. God created those laws in His wisdom.
And we have to recognize the intelligence of God. He would surely appreciate it very much if we showed more intelligence and greater knowledge of Him and His ways. And we can only do that in His school, which is the Bible.


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Proverbs 3: 21-22 Meaning And Explanation

 The people in the space program can project that little multi-functional computer and send it on a ship into space at the most appropriate time and to the predetermined location because God has established very exact laws. God created those laws in His wisdom. And we have to recognize the intelligence of God. He would surely appreciate it very much if we showed more intelligence and greater knowledge of Him and His ways. And we can only do that in His school, which is the Bible. Let’s now read verse 21: and greater knowledge of Him and His ways. And we can only do that in His school, which is the Bible. Let’s now read verse 21: and greater knowledge of Him and His ways. And we can only do that in His school, which is the Bible.

 Let’s now read verse 21:

“My son, do not leave these things from your eyes: be prudent and discreet.”

Here in the expression do not leave these things from your eyes refers to the knowledge of God, which prints a character of quality to the person. And finally, for today, verse 22 of this chapter 3 of Proverbs says:

“That they will be life for your soul and ornament for your neck.”

This life for the soul comes from the wisdom that is acquired by studying the Word of God. And, dear listener, let us remember that the Bible affirms that the wisdom of God has been personified in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of life for the soul, as this last verse that we have read affirms. It is the source of eternal life, and the source of abundant life here on earth, which reveals itself in an attractive character before God, and before other people.


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