12 Good Promises of God in the Bible with Explanation.
From Genesis to Revelation, we can read about normal people who received these covenants. They are sealed by the highest authority, the word of God.
When God makes a promise to his people, it will be fulfilled.
What is a promise
A promise is a covenant or statement that exactly what is said will be done, or that something will happen as stated.
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Promises of God
We are not the Savior of the world, but we are destined to live and prosper in his service. Understanding biblical prophecies are key to fully embodying our God-given potential. Here we show you 12 promises of God that are in the scriptures.
Although we may already be able to recite them by heart, believing and actually living them can be challenging. So I invite you to read these words again, words that were written about you long before your birth:
1. If you wait on the Lord, your strength will be renewed (Isaiah 40:31)
Of God’s promises, this is one of the most beautiful, and it can be applied to us today. If we wait on God, he will appear and renew our being.
When you are discouraged, thinking that you can’t take it anymore, that your time to leave has come, remember this promise. Remember that God has the power to renew your strength if He wants to. Lean on Him, and receive a renewal like an eagle.
2. Seek God first, and all things will be added (Matthew 6:33)
As life progresses, we forget our foundation as God’s people. Sometimes we begin to place other things before the Lord, and this verse is a perfect reminder of God’s promises, that if we put Him first in all things, we will have our reward.
Seeking the kingdom of God and his justice will open the door to all other needs in this world. Financial needs, relationships, and even small details can be overlooked.

3. All who receive Jesus may be called children of God (John 1:12)
This is one of the most important promises of God, as it comes into the context of salvation. If you believe and receive Jesus, he will give you the power to become a child of God. You don’t need to work for your salvation; it is a gift from God when we simply believe in it.
4. If you love God, all things (good or bad) will help you for good (Romans 8:28)
Sometimes life doesn’t turn out the way we thought it would. Sometimes circumstances beyond our control enter our lives and put us in a place of struggle or pain. Even bad things happen to God’s people, but Paul wrote “all things work together for good.”
5. Nothing will separate you from God’s love
We live in a sinful world full of promises and conditional relationships. Sometimes even those closest to us disappoint us. Despite this reality, our greatest need is to be loved unconditionally.
We want to be loved with perfect love, sacrificed and forever despite our shortcomings by someone who knows us intimately. Furthermore, we want to be supported and inspired by that love not only to be a better person but also to leave lasting impressions on this earth.
God provides that to us as no one else can. That is what theologians have wanted to express over the years by saying that we have a God-shaped hole in our hearts; there is a space that we were created with that only God can fill. And the love that was determined for us to need is strong and unshakable.
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The apostle Paul, who founded the early church, writes:
This is one of the most wonderful promises of God, that he loved us, has loved us, and will continue to love us until the end of time. It has been so much like that, that he has given his son as a sacrifice to give us the most precious gift that “salvation” can exist.
6. You will never be alone
God is always with you, and you must keep him in mind. When your heart is broken, God is there to comfort you. When no one else understands you, the Creator of your heart does and sends the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to help you.
When you feel left out, isolated, or rejected, remember the wounds in the hands of your Savior, wounds that speak volumes about understanding your pain and loving you infinitely.
Do you really understand the magnitude of God’s promise to never leave you? The Bible emphatically proclaims this by stating that:
Even if your father and mother abandon you, the Lord will keep you close ( Psalm 27:10 ).
God’s promises assure you that you have a father and a friend who will never abandon you.
7. You will be redeemed and have an eternal home in heaven
Psalm 121 describes God as our inexhaustible protector who gives us an eternal home. The psalmist assures us:
“The Lord watches over you, the Lord is your shadow at your right hand … The Lord will protect you from all harm, he will watch over your life; The Lord will watch over your comings and goings.” Now and forever”.
We worship a God who never abandons us, and he wants a relationship with us both in this life and beyond. We have been blessed with the promises of God through faith in Jesus Christ. It is by his blood that we have been washed and accepted by our holy God.
This plan of redemption was Christ’s task, and it was all done with love ( John 3:16 ). The Holy Spirit is calling you today, reminding you of all that God has done for you and wants to be in your life. Look at him, take his hand, experience his salvation.
8. God formed you, and He has a special plan for your life
The God who created creation and his plan of redemption through Jesus also created you. The psalmist praises God’s work in Psalm 139 saying, “For it was you who formed my inner parts; you united me in my mother’s womb.
God has a special plan for you to extending more than you can imagine. The psalmist continues: “Your eyes saw my unformed substance. In your book were written all the days that were formed for me, when none of them still existed.” This means that your existence is not a mistake.
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9. God’s plan for your life is hope and not harm
Our world knows brokenness and sin, but God knows hope and restoration. Jeremiah 29:11 says that the Lord does not have plans of harm for you but of peace and hope. ‘”God’s plan for your life includes hope and a prosperous future, or one in which you have peace.
Psalm 103 lists many ways God wants to bless you. The psalmist exclaims:
“Praise the Lord, my soul, and do not forget all its benefits: who forgives all your sins and cures all your diseases, who redeems your life from the abyss and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires.”
God is watching over your well-being, and working daily for your renewal, integrity, and healing. In addition to blessing us, God has big dreams for our lives, and he invites us to continue. Obedience often requires faith and risk, but God will delight in your dependence on Him and He will always be there to support you.
10. The risk God is calling you to take is worth it
You were created with a purpose, but you cannot achieve that purpose without obedience. We must be willing to trust the Creator and go out, taking his hand by faith. Important figures in the Bible risked a lot.
For example, we can study the stories of the patriarchs in the Old Testament or of Paul in the New Testament to discern healthy risk through common elements. Importantly, the risk God calls us to take will be calculated, not reckless, based on faith, not fear, and based on our identity.
It will require us to face uncertainty, and even to be persistent in that uncertainty, which is doubly difficult! However, if you remain faithful and don’t give up, the Bible promises a rich harvest ( Galatians 6: 9 ). Even if the result is different from what you expected, God will do all things for your good (Romans 8:28) and unlock the adventure of a vibrant faith relationship.
11. You have a special strength available through faith: the power of Christ
If you are facing an uphill battle, repeat this verse to yourself frequently:
” I can do all things through Christ , who strengthens me ” ( Philippians 4:13 ).
God will never call you to a place and leave you unattended. Rest assured that God is fighting for you. His favor will surround you like a shield ( Psalm 5:12 ). You have an unsurpassed ally in our God, because if God is for you, who can be against you ( Romans 8:31 )?

12. God will hear your prayers and move through them
In John 14: 13-14 it says that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name will be granted to us. While we cannot control God’s response to our requests, prayer opens the door for God to act through our beliefs. In addition, we can continue to trust that God has heard us and experience his peace since it is one of the promises that the Bible offers us.
God’s promises hope for life and well-being. Through these, we can be sure that if we walk in the ways of our Lord, we will not only have salvation assured but also a life of protection and security, because all things will help us for good.