Alcoholism has become a very frequent problem today, which brings a lot of grief in the family environment. In this post we will analyze some peculiarities of this disease when it is the husband who suffers it, the Bible as an instrument of healing, how to pray a prayer for my alcoholic husband, an example of a prayer for the healing of this patient, and some precepts of the God’s word.
Bible as the instrument of salvation
The Holy Scriptures are an inexhaustible source of words and testimonies of spiritual help to those who turn to them. In it, we will find stories of people who achieved what they wanted and believed in, and who inspire us to also achieve well-being and share it with others.
Through its reading, the fundamentals with which to guide and encourage the alcoholic can be obtained so that he can face and fight to achieve his salvation. It is possible to follow the teachings that Jesus left through the Apostles in the Bible and thus have the exact and timely words to help the alcoholic brother.

Some of those words are:
- Have faith in God For your healing. As we know, faith is having the certainty of something that is expected, fully convinced even when that something is not yet seen. It is having something more than a belief, more than a conviction of something invisible to the eyes.
It is very difficult to have faith, but you must trust in the grace of the Holy Spirit, who is the one who encourages and drives.
In this sense, it is recommended to listen, read and meditate on the Word of God, in such a way as to be able to have the tools and the appropriate message to address those who are ill with alcohol. Through this study, we will learn more about the promises that God gives, to help mitigate and aid in the healing of the sick.
It is said that to have faith, it is essential to know the one who gives faith, hence one must know more and believe in God who promises, who is true, and who does not lie, to transmit that faith to the sick.
- God of the impossible. As spiritual beings, we must believe with total certainty that we can count on an Almighty, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent God. In Him, we must trust to guide us in our mission to pray and bring comfort and reassurance to the sick alcoholic.
- The sacrifice of Jesus. This was the legacy that Jesus Christ left us when he died for us on the cross. He left us his great faith, which he demonstrated despite all his suffering during the painful passion that he had to suffer.
He knew that the sacrifice that he had to fulfill by the will of the Father, who had sent him, was necessary and that God the Father would save him, just as he saved humanity from sin, thanks to his faith.
All of this was suffered by Jesus and we must make it known to the sick person about that faith that Jesus had and that he can also have it that he can be saved if he faithfully and fully trusts in God’s mercy.
The following verses below are recommended to establish the necessary knowledge and wisdom to help the alcoholic brother:
- John 6:35
- Romans 1:17
- Ephesians 3: 16-17
- 2 Corinthians 5: 7
- Mark 11:24
- Romans 15:13
- James 1: 6;
- Hebrews 11: 6
- Hebrews 11:11
- 1 Peter 1: 8-9
- Mark 10:52
- James 1: 3
- Romans 10:10
- John 11:40
- John 11: 25-26
- Romans 14: 1
- Corinthians 13: 2.
How to pray for my alcoholic husband?
Living with a person who is ill from alcohol involves many cumbersome and painful situations, which require a lot of patience and tolerance on the part of the couple and the family in general. This is because sometimes the relationship with the alcoholic becomes aggressive, violent at times, which can lead to very unfortunate events. So,
- The first thing is to pray asking God for the strength and wisdom to be able to properly handle according to his precepts the critical moment of dealing with the sick by alcohol.
- Ask God for advice, recommendations, and actions to follow to help both the alcoholic and the couple, and even the family members immersed in this crisis due to alcohol.
- To count on God as the inspiration of that prayer, who has been for many and for many the refuge that welcomes them, since he is the ideal person who gives hope in times of difficulty.
- Asking for love for the alcoholic person, even when it is problematic, can cause physical damage, as well as spiritual and psychological damage.
- Ask that the faith, forgiveness, and perseverance of the wife increase in her daily living with the alcoholic husband, as well as that of the other members of the family.
- Hold on and always resort to prayer to gain victory over the demon of alcoholism.
As the Sacred Scriptures say for God there is nothing impossible, that is why with Him it will be possible to overcome demonic temptations.
- What the Bible says about healing and praying for the sick
- pray without ceasing meaning and Explanation
- 20 Prayer points for mercy and favour
We can also give the alcoholic husband some tips that will serve him for his healing and final salvation after praying:
- Trust in God and leave everything in his hands.
- Let yourself be guided by what your words say and do not doubt because that is how you keep what you are asking for.
- Read the Bible daily to keep its word alive and thus increase faith.
- Do not allow circumstances to steal the peace.
- Get up in the morning with God as your first thought.
- Be grateful for what has been received and for what will be received, even if it has not yet been received.
- Have faith that what is asked is already done.
- Rejoice in the promises of God, because a thankful heart is always happy.
- When praying to God for something, refer to the Words as studied and pray accordingly.
10 Powerful prayers for an alcoholic husband
Deliver Them Prayer
Heavenly Father, I bow before you asking for your intervention regarding our husbands. They are into alcoholism and it is getting worse every day. Deliver them, Lord. Let them understand that their bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit and they should glorify you with them. Let them put their families first before their worldly pleasures. Reveal yourself to them that they may get to know you and see that you can forgive their sins and deliver them from their bondage. Draw them close to you, Lord. Amen.
Free Them Prayer
King of kings, We pray that you can listen to our cries concerning our husbands. They are trapped in alcoholism. Our families are affected in unpleasant ways. Free them from this bondage, Lord. Renew their minds. Guide them towards you. Give them the courage and strength to fight this addiction. Hold their hands and lift them out of it. Our trust is in you. Your great power can move mountains. Nothing is impossible for you. Amen.
Break Their Ties Prayer
Everlasting Father, We are on our knees praying for our husbands to stop taking alcohol. They are straining our families. We know that the devil is using alcoholism to destroy families and in Jesus’ name, he will not succeed. We believe that you have the power to reverse their conditions and restore our families to happiness. We are putting our faith in you, God. Break their ties with alcohol and set them free. Amen.
Open Their Eyes Prayer
Mighty God, Our hearts are troubled because of our alcoholic husbands. They’ve been taken captive by alcoholism and it’s destroying their lives. We pray that you may deliver them from this scheme of the devil. Let them remember their roles as the heads of the families and carry out their duties with sobriety. Open their eyes to see the good beyond the alcohol. Let their focus be on who you created them to be. Guide them towards your light, Lord. Amen.
Hold Their Hands Prayer
Sovereign God, We come before you, standing in the gap for our husbands. They’ve been bound by the destructive power of alcohol. Help them break free, Lord. Take away the thoughts of alcohol from their minds and replace them with constructive thoughts. Let them get to know you and surrender their desires for earthly pleasures to you. They won’t do it on their own, they need you, God. Hold their hands and let them feel your unending love for them. You are our only source of hope. Amen.
Change Their Ways Prayer
Lord, You know our weaknesses and we can’t overcome them on our own. Our husbands’ weakness is alcoholism. Set them free. Take away their demonic thoughts of alcohol and give them the desire to serve you. Let them open their heart to your message of salvation. Change their ways, God. Change their characters and attitudes. Your works are perfect. Be their strength in this moment of weakness. Amen.
Save Them Prayer
Mighty God, We humble ourselves before you, seeking your help in dealing with husbands who are alcoholics. Give us the strength to be strong for them as they battle this spirit of alcoholism. Let your Holy Spirit minister to them that they may change their ways and keep their bodies pure and pleasing to you. Let them learn of your abundant grace and the love you have for us all even those who see themselves as unworthy. Save them, Lord. Amen.
Renew Their Souls Prayer
Lord in heaven, You are the God of greatness and we come before you praying for a miracle for our husbands who are into alcoholism. Change them. Renew their souls. You’ve changed people who had done the worst things to be good people in society; people who are now role models to others. Surely, nothing is impossible for you, and your works are perfect. Deliver them from this spirit of torment. Set them free. Let them desire to serve you with all they have. Amen.
Refresh Their Thoughts Prayer
God All-powerful, You promised to be with us always. We, therefore, claim your promise of being always with us and ask for a breakthrough regarding our husbands’ ties with alcohol. Lord, we ask that you may loosen the grip that the devil has on them. Deliver them and set them up for greatness. Refresh their thoughts that they may see what the alcohol is costing them in terms of family and their relationship with you. Amen.
Nourish Their Souls Prayer
God in heaven, We thank you for you know the desires of our hearts. We pray that you fulfill our desire for having happy families. Let our husbands quit taking alcohol. Remove any thought of alcohol from their minds. Give them the focus of getting to know you and let their hearts meditate on your promises of strength, peace, and sufficient grace. Let your word nourish their souls. Amen.
Characteristics of an alcoholic husband
Recent publications reveal that alcoholism as a disease is affecting an increasing number of people worldwide, including all those who maintain a close relationship with the patient.
One of the most affected is the couple since it is the one who must deal directly with him and is the one who experiences the worst moments of crisis of the alcoholic. Let’s look at some of the peculiarities of a sick alcoholic.
- Lose control. It can be observed in the patient that they no longer have the freedom to decide when to drink and when not to drink and with the passage of time the amount of alcohol and the frequency of consumption increases. The person can no longer avoid starting to do it and has no control to quit since it is difficult for him to stop.
- Live on excuses. He uses excuses and lies to go in search of a drink and a suitable place to drink. The family has trouble following up to try to dissuade him.
The patient looks for a way to justify why they go to the bar, indicating that they do so because of the problems they are going through, lying about the amount they consume and becoming defensive or secretly drinking, disguising the evidence, and isolating themselves from everything and everyone.
- It harms your health. Even when you know the risks of binge drinking, you no longer have the capacity to give due weight to the problems that it creates, both physical and psychological.
- It damages your relationship with your partner. It is a devastating disease for a relationship to live with an alcoholic, due to the arguments that are generated, the emotional exhaustion, and the impotence of those who want to help him. Even when the patient tries to quit, he does not have the willpower to do so, even if it involves sexual dysfunction.
He is presented with a distortion of reality and he no longer has confidence in what he does, or in what is entrusted to him, especially in what concerns the care of his children, if he has them, he does not have the due control to face this task.
- It is unstable in its behavior. He suffers from depression and emotional disorders, which affect communication with his partner. Presents mood swings, is always aggressive and irritable.
- He suffers from temporary withdrawal. This happens when you stop drinking for a few hours, which leads to palpitations, hallucinations, sweating, anxiety, and tremors, which disappear as soon as you use alcohol again.

- You have blackouts. He does not remember what he speaks, he does not keep commitments, he does not know how to say no.
Disease or vice?
According to what is established following the clinical studies carried out, a vice is a habit of doing something harmful or reprehensible from a moral point of view, but that the person does not control and thereby harms himself and others.
There is some controversy regarding referring to alcoholism as a vice since it has been established that vice is a practice not socially accepted and that it is usually carried out by perverted and immoral people.
Perhaps this description does not fully fit alcoholism due to the negative connotations regarding perverted and immoral people, but it can be accepted in terms of people losing control and spontaneously abandoning themselves to that vice.
It is worth highlighting here what the World Health Organization (WHO) points out in this regard, which contemplates and studies this disease in many countries. The WHO emphasizes that there are serious physical, psychological, and social results on the subject and society caused by the behavior of alcoholics.
It should be noted that spiritually it is established that alcoholism is a sin incurred by a person tempted by the devil who enslaves him with drinking and destroys both her and her family. Each of the members in some way bears the consequences of that disease.
However, by acting spiritually united and relying on the Word of God, the patient can reflect, allow himself to be guided, and act according to the divine precepts, which will redound to his benefit when he leaves the drink of his own free will. Therefore, everyone will benefit.