5 Powerful Prayers for inner Strength (Prayer for strength during difficult times)

Prayers for inner Strength
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If you are looking for Prayer for strength during difficult times, these powerful prayers on this article will help you with inner strength.

At certain moments in life, we feel that the difficulties are stronger than us and we let our spirit feel down. The important thing is to be aware that we have a Heavenly Father who can do everything and would not hesitate to help us if we ask with faith. That is why today we bring powerful prayers to have inner strength and get ahead.

5 powerful prayers that will help you have inner strength

Having strength is extremely important to be able to overcome all the obstacles and tests that life places on us. When everything seems to be going uphill, the best thing we can do is entrust ourselves to God and let His Holy Will be done. Rest assured that with the help of him, you will be more courageous and will be able to face all the problems.

night prayers to sleep

1. Prayer to ask for strength and power

First of all, you should know that each obstacle in the way allows us to grow as people and acquire more wisdom; In this way, in the future, we already know how to act in the face of problems and how to make better decisions. But in order to overcome these trials, it is necessary to ask for the help of our Beloved Father through this powerful prayer.

Father God Almighty,

Grant me all the strength and power to overcome the vicissitudes of life.

I know my limitations and I know that without You, I cannot get ahead.

Your Presence is sacred to me, that’s why I always ask for your company.

Make me braver not to give up in the face of obstacles.

Allow me to overcome all tests with great courage,

Enlighten my mind so that I can understand what the purpose of all this is.

I want to grow spiritually and be a better Christian every day.

Do not forsake me my Lord, attend to my pleas.


2. Prayer for inner strength

Having inner strength is important to face any problem that comes our way; If we have the confidence to believe in ourselves, nothing and no one can destroy us. In turn, the help of the Father will allow us to find the balance to lead a full life, full of spiritual growth.

On this wonderful day, I cry out your Name Heavenly Father.

I open the doors of my heart for you to build it.

Come into my life and fill me with a lot of inner strength.

I want you to protect me with your divine love,

May you guide each of my steps,

Especially when those difficult obstacles in life come my way.

I know that this is the process of life and I must pass all the tests.

That’s why I ask for your help to have a lot of inner strength.

Make me be wise, determined and determined at all times.

I fully trust in You Beloved Father.

Thank you for your infinite blessings and unconditional love.


3. Prayer for strength to the Holy Spirit

Spiritual strength is a blessing granted under the grace of the Holy Spirit, who renews our being whenever we ask. Life’s problems sometimes require more than physical strength to deal with; for this reason, it is convenient to ask for the help of the Holy Spirit; Only then can we face any mishap along the way with hope.

Mighty Spirit of Love,

Look up at me, help me through this trial.

Have compassion for this cause that afflicts me so much.

You who were chosen by God to distribute your goodness to the world,

You are a source of life and love,

I want you to be present in my whole being.

Flood me with your great wisdom and distribute your seven gifts to me.

Have mercy, O Mighty Holy Spirit,

I humbly ask you to grant me your divine grace,

I need to face this adverse situation with your help.

Intercede for me before the Father so that his guidance and blessing may always be with me.



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Bible Verse For Strength And Healing

Prayers for inner Strength

4. Prayer for strength and encouragement

No matter how difficult the problem you are going through, you should not get discouraged or depressed; since with this, you will not be able to face the evil that causes you so much frustration and sadness. If you ask the Lord to renew your spirit with new courage, the weight of difficulties will be more tolerable and you will be able to get out of this situation soon.

Dear Father who art in heaven,

Today I want to humbly ask you to heed my call.

I want to go hand in hand along the path of good,

I want you to act as a shield in my life to protect me.

Allow me to achieve the designs you have prepared for my life,

Don’t let problems throw me off track.

Grant my soul the encouragement it needs so much not to give up,

I want to win this battle with all your help.

Don’t let me feel more despondent and exhausted, I need your divine strength.

Take away the weariness of my soul, and allow me to win this battle.

Quench my fears and completely renew my spirit,

Fill my life with your beautiful presence and blessings.



5. Urgent Strength Prayer

Sometimes unexpected news comes into our lives that make us fall into an abyss and we don’t know how to get out of it. In these kinds of moments that are so difficult to overcome, cry out for the help of the Creator to give you the strength to get up.

In this difficult moment that I am facing, I cannot find a way out.

These problems seem to have no solution, I don’t have the willpower to overcome this.

That is why I urgently need you to act in my life, Holy Father.

Come to me, calm my anguish, appease my pain.

I know that this is a trial period that I have to overcome,

But it is very difficult for me to do it without You, my God.

Fill me with strength, hope and courage to get up.

Take my hand and lead me on your beautiful path.

Make the new dawn full of peace and serenity for my soul,

Take away this heavy load that torments me.

Don’t abandon me, never leave me alone.

I want to feel your great compassion and mercy,

I know you will help me because I have a lot of faith.

I love you infinitely Heavenly Father.


Difficulties and difficult moments are obstacles that we cannot be sure of when they will arrive. Therefore, it is important to always count on God’s help and ask him through prayer to help us. Only the Most High can help you emerge victorious from every mishap in life, trust Him fully.

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