Powerful Prayers for him to love me

28 Relationship Prayers for the Dating, Engaged and Married Couples
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Do you need him to love you and feel you and as much as you want? Pray these prayers for him to love you more every day and to respect you forever.
Prayers that you love only me
Love is a topic of conversation of encounter, a cause of pain in the soul, and a cure for any evil that affects our spirit. That is why faith in prayer is so important so that he loves me more every day.

Without a doubt, love is one of the most controversial feelings because the way people love is very different from others, and the way they express it is infinite.

Each type of love is different:

  • The love of a mother
  • The love of a father
  • the love of the brothers
  • friendly love
  • family love

But what most afflicts our hearts and makes us suffer is undoubtedly the love of a true relationship.

We like to feel necessary, totally loved, desired, and remembered.

We like to feel special and remember that the Father created men and women to form families and thus be able to spread the dimension and the path of love, with the sound of trumpets, throughout the universe.

Allow yourself to love freely and pray some of the following prayers for him to love me forever, to seek human happiness, and to leave your partner in love with you.

Prayer for him to love me madly and feel jealous

Dear father! You know all my thoughts, and you know everything I am feeling right now.
You are the only witness to my truth, my testimonies, and my deepest desires.
You are my favorite confidant, and I am eternally grateful for your presence, for listening to me in past situations, and for giving me your knowledge, support, and unconditional love.
As you well know, ( name), I am in love with a person, (name).

I can’t get it out of my head; Little by little the feeling of affection and friendship that had turned into a deep love caught my attention.

I ask the Lord, for his help, his powers, his grace, his light, and his strength, that from this moment on, he (person’s name) falls in love only and desperately with me.
May you feel pleasure in my presence, that you think of me, and that you have the desire and the will to make your life with me by your side.

Allow me, God, to feel the deepest, happiest, sweetest, and most sincere love in your heart. I want him to love me so much that I go crazy and stay at my feet.
I want to have such a deep connection with him that, even if he moves away from me in the future, I will miss him and that we will be connected forever and thus I will never forget myself.

Father, I ask that I be his main thought when he wakes up and the one that fills his day.
That is the simple fact of seeing me with other men, or someone else dying of jealousy and realizing once and for all that he loves me as much as I love him.

Give him the courage and the condition to show your love and make the request.

  • 55 important Prayers for my husband
  • 11 Important and powerful Prayers for my son
  • How to Receive Answers to Your Prayers

Powerful prayer so that he loves me eternally

Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth.

It was you who created love and who is responsible for extending it to every corner and every being on the planet.

Your love is established deep in our hearts and teaches us to love sincerely and honestly.

I love my partner deeply, Lord, and I know that he loves me too. I fear that this beautiful relationship that we share today will deteriorate over time and that this will cause us to have to say goodbye in the future.

Holy Father, I practice honesty like a flag, just as you taught me, and that is why I come today with my heart in my hands open to you.

I am afraid, Lord, that my husband will stop loving me and will be captivated by the attractions of sin.

Protect my angels, my saints, my queen mother, from all evil and all anger. Surround it with the protective purpose of your sacred mantle, and fill it with sympathy and positive forces.

Make him feel the announcement of a deep love for me and that, while we remain in the earthly world, he can express it freely and without complexes.

He is a loving man, and I ask you to keep him that way in our future, Father.


Prayer to Saint Cyprian so that he loves me desperately

Dear Heavenly Father!

I want to thank you for all the times that you have shown me that your word is correct and that under your cloak of love and beloved understanding, everything will be possible. I believe so much in you; my faith knows no limits.

May my prayers reach the ears of my beloved (name)! That he can’t stop thinking of me like I always think of him!

Your faith protects our love, we are kind and healthy people. May he, (name of this angel) my Lord, fall madly in love with me, go crazy for me, to give me all his honesty and affection.

I pray that within 24 hours, my beloved, my man has me in his mind, so that he does not stop thinking about me, to the point of wanting to leave everything to look for me.

My heart is open to love, and I know it is the right one, we are both destined to be a single entity of love under your protection.

May your soul and body, Lord, intertwine with me, as well as your commitment, and may we continue to form a family together. Amen

11 Basic Foundations of a Happy Marriage

Intercessory Prayer for him to fall in love with me

These should be the prayers from you to God:

  1. Lord, I love this man with all my heart and wish he should love me back so that we can become great spouses tomorrow. Lord, let him begin to consider me before every other lady and divert his attention to notice me.


  1. Lord, protect my heart from being destroyed by the pain of not being noticed by him. I am going through emotional pains because I want to be with him all my life. I beseech that you should put my love in his heart once again.


  1. For many days I have not been able to get myself since the day I met him; Lord, this could be a trial to dry away my attention from every other good thing in life. I pray that you put peace back in my heart and make him fall in love with me as I do.


  1. My husband has changed his attitude towards me, this is why I came before you to bless me with the beauty and features that will bring his attention back to me. Lord, do not let me suffer this pain in vain.


  1. I love him with all my heart but it seems he loves someone else. Lord, show him how I feel for him and plant the tree of my love in his heart so that he will not have a choice other than to fall in love with me.


  1. It is quite unfortunate how I love him but he is not responding. If there is any way you can cause him to love me in return, Lord does it because I believe and know that you have a solution for a problem in life.


  1. May your name be glorified forever and ever. Lord, I am here before you; invest in the heart of my husband my love so that he will always be happy with me. I am in pain all alone; I beseech you to forgive me so that his heart will turn towards me.


  1. Lord, the highest, the owner of true love, the one that joins two souls together to love each other, please direct his heart towards me and let him fall in love with me for the rest of his life. I wish to be with him for the rest of my life.


  1. May the Lord open his heart to love me; may the Lord protect the man I love so that he will find that mercy to look at me because I am deeply in love with him. Bless me, with this man and let him be my husband.


  1. Bless me with the kind of man I want, introduce my love in his heart so that he will see me as he sees other women or better than that. I love him but he seems not to notice me. Lord, every soul needs a lover, please, link me with him soon.


  1. He may not be aware that I love him deeply. Bless me with his love so that I will be happy again; make my soul settle so that I will be able to lead a healthy life. If there is any sin that hinders me from having a husband, Lord, forgive me and bless me with his love.


  1. Lord, do not let him forsake me as the previous suitors have done, Lord have mercy on me so that we can be together anytime soon. Bless me with a man that will love and care for me. Make my life an epitome of peace and rest of mind.


  1. I beseech the Lord to protect the one I love and put my love in his heart so that he will look at me with eyes of mercy and love and care for me. Bless my home and make it easy for me to do all things with ease.


  1. Lord, bless me with a good thing in life, acknowledge my pain with true love and bless me with all I need in my life. Protect my heart so that it will find peace in the man it loves as he loves me back. Bless me with love and success.


  1. May my heart be blessed with every good thing of life; my husband is part of the best achievement in this life for me, please let him love me as I wanted. Let him take good care of me and make me smile all the time.


  1. If the only achievement in this year is for my husband to care for me once again, Lord let it be. I am getting tired of the pains I have been going through since the day we had the last quarrel. Let him fall in love with me once again.


  1. Bless me this year with something special. Bless me with goodness and it should be the love of my husband. I need him to look at my side and make me happy once again. Take good care of him for me and let me glow like sunshine before him so that he will admire me.


  1. You are the blessed God, the one great in power who can make things happen as supposed. My Lord, you are the highest, the owner of affection and passion. I beseech your holiness in my marriage, come and bless me with the love of my husband.


  1. Lord, the most blessed, God of mercy have mercy upon me. Let my man love me alone, divert his attention from other women so that I will enjoy his love. Protect him because I love him. Let him live long to stay with me.


  1. I pray that the Lord should not separate us especially at this moment I need you most. Lord, put a smile on my face through his love and bless me with endless love. I beseech your mercy to respond to my passionate need for my husband’s love.


  1. He has no idea how I love him, Lord, put my thoughts in his heart so that he will feel what I feel, love what I love, enjoys what I enjoy. Lord, you are the most capable, never let him turn away his eyes from me.


  1. I have always been lonely O Lord, I need a man that will understand me and care for me. I need a man that will always be with me to support me when I am weak and sick. Bless me with the most handsome man in the world.


  1. Lord, send to me a comforter to wipe away my sorrow. The pains I have gone through are becoming worst, Lord, make it easy for me to find the kind of man I need and deserve. Bless me with a good husband.


  1. I love him so much and my wish is to see him love me back. I pray that you give me the strength and ability to make him love me better than this. You are my Lord, the one that can do everything. Bless me O Lord.


  1. I have all the beauty a woman can use to attract a man, I am endowed with one of the best characters, Lord, I know that whatever you do not approve of will not be possible, please bless me with a man that will love me for who I am.


  1. May your light shine in my life; may you provide for me, the kind of man that will be my joy and happiness. Bless me with a husband that will be a comfort to my heart, bliss to my eyes, and help to my need.


  1. When there is love, life will be good and easy to live. Lord, I ask you for a good husband that will love me sincerely and cater for me and my kids for your sake and the sake of the truth that exists in his heart for me.


  1. Yours is the love that exists in heaven and earth, never let it be a burden or difficulty for me all my life. Address my issues and send unto me the most amazing and caring husband in the world. Let him find good reasons to love me better every day.


  1. Lord, I have no special power to make someone love me, but with you everything is possible. Lord, in your holiness, I pray that you open his eyes to see my value and his heart to love me better than any other woman around him.


  1. Lord, you can see my heart, and you are the one that gives love to whom you want. Please, I need his love, let him see me and ignite the fire of the blazing love in my heart in his heart too. Love me abundantly so that he will do also.


  1. My happiness is buried in the quest to make him understand that I deeply love him but it seems he is not looking at my side at all. Lord, in any way you can merge our hearts together for better for worst.


  1. Lord, my heart needs the love of your servant, the son of your servant, the brother of your servant, and the most beloved character and face I have ever met in my life. Prevent him from falling in love with other ladies now and forever.


  1. I deserve him alone, Lord, bless me with his companionship and make him love me with all his heart. Do not allow his attention to be diverted away from me for any reason. Make my life better off with him.


  1. I ask you, Lord, to join me with the most caring husband and you did. Lord, now I want you to increase his love for me so that we can enjoy each other until the end of time. I pray that his mercy prevails over his dislike for me.


  1. I pray that my life is blessed with the kind of love that it deserves. I think I have found the man I love O Lord, I beseech you to give me this man as my lover, let him have my interest in his heart so that he can take care of me and my kids.


  1. I have suffered a lot to find a good man, Lord, if he is good for me, please, in his heart for me and make my love in his heart permanent until we become one. Let him be proud of me anywhere he is.


  1. Your holy name will be praised forever; your merciful eyes should be directed to me this year so that my man will love me and request for marriage. I will forever worship you to put a smile on my face and bless me with the best love ever.


  1. Make my heart be filled with joy and happiness. Let my matter be important in his heart. Lord, you are the highest, please let my love in heart be the best. Let him see no other woman save me.


  1. May your name be glorified forever. God almighty, to you, belong all that is easy, to you belong all that is hard. Put my thought, love, passion, and sympathy in his heart so that he can care for me like a child and pamper me like his daughter and play with me like his wife that I am.


  1. I bless His holy name; He who created love as a passionate bond between a man and a woman, He who does everything and is capable of stopping any movement. Let your power be manifested in my life and put an endless smile on my cheek, joy in my heart through the love of the man I love.


  1. Dear Lord, I know you see my heart. I am in no way or form trying to manipulate people to my side, I will not say this person I love should fall in love with me. I will only ask that you open his eyes, to see the qualities that you have deposited in me. He seems carried away right now, but you can help me to make him focus with direction.


When this happens, he will be able to see me in a different light and appreciate what qualities I have in store as a woman for him. I am not in a haste dear God, as you have taught me to be patient, so I leave all to you to take perfect control. Thanks for answered prayers.

Eternal love

The word of the Lord has shown us on several occasions that there is real and sincere love.

We cannot be content with toxic loves that only harm us when God has made the decision to create a soul mate for us here on earth.

The eternal love of the couple will exist and will be together while we are in the arms of our Lord, that is, now and forever.

The love that has been blessed by God has no limits and he sees that his wife can overcome any problems and issues.

The love you have felt has no expiration date and will not be affected by external evil beings who only want to speak badly and see you suffer.

Trust in God; He has shown you that eternal love exists, and you will feel it.

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