28 Powerful Prayer Of Encouragement and Strength to Overcome Difficulties

Prayers for inner Strength
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have you ever needed supernatural encouragement and strength to face a difficult situation, but have no idea how to pray? God is waiting and wants to offer us strength in times of need. Don’t be afraid to pray and ask God to let his strength fall on you! When you are weak, tired, or not ready to stand up, and you don’t know what to ask for, say this prayer for Encouragement and Strength

If you are looking for information to help you make a prayer for strength, then let me tell you that here you will find everything you need to do it the right way, you just need to pay close attention, so that no problem prevents you from finishing the prayer and that way you get all the results you expect.

Prayer to Strengthen and Encourage your Spirit 

Lord, like David, I need your encouragement in a time of trial and anguish. Thank you for always being on the throne, always my God, ready to save. Also thank you for being the same God to me as you are to David. Thank you for always being close and always rescuing me from my fears and hurts. Lord, help me to remember that the dawn may be yet to come, that this trial will not last forever. Fill me with the hope that the dawn is coming and that your love will always prevail! In the name of Jesus, amen!


Prayer of Strength to Resist

Lord, I’m tired and I don’t know when this “race” will end in my life. I feel like I’ve always been running, trying to escape this judgment. Help me to stop trying to overcome my pain and run with resistance to the race that you have proposed. I know that because of you I am ultimately a victor in the trials of my life. I know that nothing in this world can separate me from your mercy. Please give me today a measure of your love; give me the strength to endure this test. Thank you for your love for me that never ends! And thank you for the crown of joy that awaits me forever in your Kingdom!

Prayer to comfort the spirits

My father, I want to walk wherever you take me, fight the battles that you allow, face the obstacles that you have established for me.
I will not give up, but I feel exhausted, I need you so much today. Like an empty jug, fill me with you, pour over me those heavenly rivers, divine currents that quench my fears, that give me the courage to win, that remove the fatigue from my soul and quench my thirst.
Rain on my life with all your love, God of my heart, Amen


Prayer for Hope

Lord, my Hope, my soul is dark and hopeless. I am before You seeking the help I should have asked You for long ago. Forgive me, for trusting in anything but You. In Your Word, You said that Your thoughts toward me are of peace, for a future, and a hope. Lord, thank you for thinking toward me at all. Let Your promises penetrate the deepest recesses of my soul and well up Your hope within me. Amen.


Supernatural Prayer for Help

God in Heaven, my soul is downcast within me. Life is stripping me of all strength. For those who seek You, You are their God of help. You do not sleep, and You keep us safe. What help and encouragement these words are. Thank you for preserving me from evil and defending my soul unto salvation. Nothing on this earth can strip that promise from me. Thank you for this blessed hope! Amen.


Prayer to Hold Fast

Precious Lord Jesus, You are my hope. Your word tells me to hold fast to the confession of my hope without wavering because You are faithful. Lord, I confess that my hope is wavering, even though I try to hold fast. Please take this beautiful promise that You have given me and write it with permanent ink on my mind and in my heart. Fill me with Your hope and help me not to waver. Amen.


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Prayer for Mercy

Gracious Lord, I have strayed from You and have damaged my relationship. In my heart, I feared You would not have me back. Then I remembered the beautiful story in Hosea where You brought back his rebellious wife. The symbolism of the mercy You extended to Your children causes my heart to hang onto a shred of hope. Please forgive me and help me learn how to consecrate my heart and follow hard after You. Amen.


Prayer for Compassion

Heavenly Father, Your Word tells us of how You will have compassion on Your children and subdue their iniquities. I love the word, subdue. Lord, I seek Your compassion and forgiveness for my life. I pray for You to subdue all my sins and cast them into the depths of the sea as promised. Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross to make this possible in my life. Amen.


Prayer for His Presence

Loving Lord, I thank you for the promise of Your presence in my life. You are the mighty One who saves and rejoices over Your children with gladness. Please quiet my spirit with Your love and rejoice over me with singing. As I struggle, help me remember Your steadfast and faithful love. There is no way I could walk through my life without Your love and constant companionship. Amen.


Praying for Light

Great and mighty God, I am at a low point in my life, with no strength. I stumble as if I am walking in the dark. I pray You would be my Light and Strength to guide me out of this darkness. Equip me with the ability to run like a deer through the steep terrain of my life and not stumble or fall. Please bless me with Your presence, encouragement, and hope. Amen.


Prayer for Loneliness

Father, there are times when I feel alone. I often feel like the hatred and strife of this world will consume me. In my helplessness, I turn to the beauty of Your Word. It is alive and penetrates the very marrow of my bones. Lord, I pray that Your presence will fill the void of my loneliness. Please pour Your hope into my spirit as I trust in the promises of Your Word. Amen.

Prayer for His Love

O, Mighty God, I know Your steadfast love for me is real, but there are times when I can’t feel it. I know You sent Jesus to die and pay the price for my sins because You did not want us to be separated. Keep Your eye upon me, deliver me from death, and keep me in Your presence forever. Thank you for watching over me in love. Amen.

Prayer for Rain

Precious Lord, I am at a point in my life where I need encouragement and strength. My soul waits for You because You are my Help and Shield. I pray that Your mercy and grace will rain down on my life. Grant me the encouragement and strength I need to make it through these trying days. The love that You pour over me brings me the hope to carry on. Amen.


Prayer for Faithfulness

Heavenly Father, I confess that I struggle to stay faithful to read the Bible and pray. I feel as though life chokes You out of me. If it weren’t for Your promise that nothing will snatch me from Your hand, I would despair. Lord, I will place my hope in You, and I will praise You. I will go forward in Your strength, and I stand my ground in Your grace. Amen.


Prayer for Peace

Eternal King, You sit enthroned in Heaven and watch over Your beloved children. I call out to You fully knowing that You are already aware of everything that I am dealing with in my life right now. You know the stress I am under and how weak I am. I am praying that You will give peace to Your child. Strengthen me and bring me out to a place of security. Amen.


Prayer for Encouragement

Mighty God, I thank you for giving me the faith to believe and trust in You. The life I was living would most likely have already killed me. Thank you for saving me from my hopelessness. I am struggling right now, Lord, and I need Your reassuring presence. You, God, are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Shower me with encouragement to walk victoriously on this hard road. Amen

Prayer for Focus

My Lord and Savior, Your Word says that Your thoughts towards me number more than the sand. I know I often forget that when I awake in the morning, I am still with You. I know nothing can separate me from You. Help me focus on this truth and not on my circumstances. I pray that even in my darkest night, there will be light around me because You are with me. Amen.


Prayer for Power

Gracious Lord, my joy in life has gone, and with it went my hope and strength. I know these emotions are intertwined because they are all an outcome of trusting You and taking You at Your Word. I have allowed life’s circumstances to choke out my hope and joy in You. I pray to the God of hope. I ask to be filled with all joy and peace so that in believing I may abound in hope by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prayer for Victory

God of Victory, I pray that You would speak victory over every area of my life. I have many areas that the enemy beats me up over daily, and I am tired of the battle.
I am choosing You today, Your plan, Your Word, Your holiness, and Your everything. Show me areas not surrendered to You and lead me to victory over them. Amen.

Prayer for Lordship

Jesus, my Savior, I humble myself in Your presence because You are worthy. You are worthy of all my praise because You made way for me to be called a child a God. Forgive me for placing myself above You. Come and take Your rightful place on the throne of my life. Grant me hope and joy as I live my life surrendered to Your lordship. Amen.

Prayer for Covering

Lord, my Shield, the enemy’s attack is on all sides, and I have used all my strength. You alone are my Shield and Defender, so I cry out to You for help. I stand behind my shield of faith, pressing on to gain ground because You are my Shield. My strength comes from knowing You are with me, and You are diverting all the enemy’s arrows sent my way. Thank you, Lord Jesus! Amen.


Prayer for the Valley

God of Light, the psalmist wrote, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me. Thank you for walking with me through every valley I endured. I pray as I tread through this current valley, that You would once again be my Light in the darkness. Thank you that Your presence is a constant source of encouragement. Amen.


Prayer for Love

Lord of Unfailing Love, do not fail me now! I come before You burdened by the pressures of life. Ever since I started my relationship with You, Your love has encouraged me. It has been a compass to bring me back to You when I have strayed far from Your path. Your love has called me out of many pits. I ask that You would wrap me in it once again as You encourage me and keep me close. Amen.


Prayer for Freedom

Lord, Chain-Breaker, You are worthy of all my praise. I stand before You freed from the chains of my past, which were dragging me to death. Thank you for setting me free. Lord, I have once again entangled myself in problems, and I am in bondage to them. My Chain-breaker, please give me the strength I need to break free. Amen.


Prayer for Sustaining

Lord of Power and Love, I am Your child, and I sing Your praises because of Your faithfulness to me. Your love has and will sustain me. Your power has saved me from my sins and will save me from my troubles. I pray for my current situation and ask that You would be the light that goes before me and the guard behind me. You have given me strength and courage many times, please do it again! Amen.


Prayer of Shelter

God of Enduring Faithfulness, thank you for always answering when I call. The answer may be no, but it proves You are listening and You care. I come to You because I need encouragement that only comes from sitting at Your feet. I bow myself before You and shelter in Your unfailing love. As I pause in Your presence, I hope to feel Your faithful love and protection over me and draw from it what I need to move forward. Amen.

Prayer of Praise

Lord of the Highest Heavens, while Your home may be in Heaven, You inhabit the praises of Your children. I am before You praising You for all Your goodness and love. May my worship revive my downcast spirit, and Your presence will flood my room. Fill me with Your hope as I step out in faith that You will break down obstacles and move on my behalf. Thank you, precious Lord! Amen.

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