10 Powerful prayers for someone facing jail time

prayers for someone facing jail time
prayers for someone facing jail time
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Praying for someone who is facing jail time can be incredibly difficult. It can be tough to know what to say or how to best support someone while they’re in jail. And, even worse, it can be tough to know how to support them once they’re released.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help ease the transition and provide a supportive environment for your loved one when they’re released from jail. In this post, we will explore some powerful prayers you can pray for someone who is facing jail time.

How to pray for the speedy release of a prisoner.

For God to hear the pleas of a prisoner’s freedom prayer, you only need to have faith; As Jesus said “whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you, but ask in faith.” In this way, when a direct communication with God is achieved, he listens and grants each of the requests.

Here are powerful prayers you can use to pray for someone facing jail time to get out of prison.

bible verses god never changes

Prayer for someone facing jail time

Dear Lord,

I ask that you would keep my friend safe during their time in jail and that you would give them the strength to face anything that comes their way. Please help them to remember that they are loved and that You are with them always.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for the Redemption of the Prisoner

Dear Jesus, You are my Savior and my Redeemer. I know that whom the Son sets free will be free indeed. I ask that You grant salvation to [name]; that he/she might believe in Your gospel and have faith in Your name. Please mercifully grant repentance from sin and a new heart to love You. It would fill my heart with joy to know that You have redeemed another sinner, in spite of their sins. I pray this in Your holy name. Amen.


Prayer for the Faith of the prisoner

Lord Jesus, You sustain all things that exist. I ask You now to sustain the faith of [name], who is now in prison, and use this time of isolation to make their faith grow bolder and their testimony for You grow stronger. Use him/her as a messenger of the gospel to those who are also incarcerated. Let this trial be used for good and holy purposes, in a way that will make an impact for eternity. Amen.


Joy Prayer for the Imprisoned

God Most High, You are an infinite source of joy for those who love You. I pray that You would supply [name] generously with joy so that the praises for You continue night and day. I pray that he/she would experience the joy of the apostles, who sang hymns while locked in chains. I pray that the joy of Your servants would move the hearts of unbelievers and bring souls to You in faith. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

Prayers to ask to get out of jail

Lord, today I address you as your son

I know I made a mistake and I have paid for it.
I ask you, Lord, to remove from me those chains that keep me in this jail
. My Father, allow me to show that I am a renewed man, let me get out of this place as soon as possible.
I promise to do good and help change other lives.
Let everything be done according to your will, amen.

Provision Prayer for the prisoner

Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your daily providence. I am grateful that You grant Your beloved children with help and relief when they call to You in faith. I pray that You would act in a special way to provide for the needs of [name], that he/she may find comfort and contentment with the things that You provide. I ask that You might be merciful to provide enough food, sleep, and rations to make this incarceration pass smoothly. Amen.


Prayer for a Blessing in a Court Appearance

Blessed Father, I ask that by Your mercy You would grant [name] a blessing during the upcoming court appearance. I trust You with the outcome, and I believe that Your grace is sufficient. I ask only that You would be merciful, and that You would grant strength to bear the events that lie ahead. Grant wisdom to make good and Godly decisions and help us to honor You despite this humble situation. No matter what the outcome, I will give You praise. Amen.


Prayer for God’s glory

you have found me, you have forgiven me and you love me.
I walk on these truths, I put my feet firmly on the rock of Jesus.
When I get out of jail I put my hand in the hand of Christ so that his Spirit may guide me.
Come guard my mind, let it be filled with your glory, let it be declared that I am a new man.
And Lord, upon being released from this physical prison, let me know your freedom in my soul. Help me to rebuild my life, to always shower love and kindness, and to find a new path for my life.

Prayer for the Forgiveness of the Imprisoned

Jesus my Savior, I praise You and thank You for forgiving a wretch like me. Although I didn’t deserve Your mercy, You granted me Your righteousness and all the joy of heaven. I pray now that You would grant forgiveness to [name] for the crimes that were committed. May it be that those who were affected would show forgiveness. Please let me hold no grudge or lack of love. And most importantly, I pray that You would forgive his/her sins and make them as white as snow. Let all heaven rejoice when forgiveness is proclaimed. Amen.


45 Short Prayer for peace and strength in Trouble Times

5 Short prayer to overcome fear and anxiety

What does it mean to be free in Christ

prayer for freedom from imprisonment

Lord, I know that I am not “the one” to question your actions and in fact, I do not do so, beloved father, nor will I ever do so,
but on this occasion, I ask you, I beg you, that your will be to give freedom to (name of person) who is confined in a prison.

Father, we are human and we err by nature, only you are perfect, only you know what is right and what is not. Even so, Lord, I ask for your mercy for the person who is trapped today, I ask for her life, for his soul, for his prompt release, for his happiness and that love for you flourishes within him. .

I ask that your path be guided and only go in your direction, that evil be eradicated and only think about making your neighbor happy.
Kind Father, I ask that only desires for happiness and harmony reign within him, that only love and joy be lodged in his heart.

Give him patience, beloved father, leave your mercy high, show him that wickedness and pride will vanish from his life,
show him that hope and faith are the last to be lost.

May your light illuminate his cell where he is being held today, forgive each of his faults, and give him that benevolent look that his heart yearns for so much, he has already paid for his actions, and his lesson has been learned. Amen



Being in jail is commonly a consequence of mistakes made, if you feel sorry and believe you deserve freedom, Above are some Powerful prayers for someone facing jail time to get out of jail.

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