Here is the Meaning Of The Parable Of The Lost Coin
The parable of the lost coin indicates God’s true attitude toward sinners. “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?
And when he finds it, he calls his friends and neighbors and says: Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin. In the same way, I tell you that there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over a sinner who repents.
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What is the meaning of the parable of the lost coin?
In the illustration, the sinner is compared to a valuable coin that has been lost. The woman does not take a lax attitude towards her lost possession. First, you light a lamp, necessarily spending oil, so that you can see clearly.
Then, instead of looking here and there, she uses a broom or some utensil to sweep her house and reach places that would otherwise be inaccessible to her. Above all, search carefully. There is no hint of indifference, only diligence. This coin was valuable; she must find it at all costs.
Jesus wanted the religious leaders to understand how he felt about those who were lost. When we are lost sinners, we are not “out there” somewhere far from God. God longed for us so much that He took the final action; offered his son as a scapegoat. This he did to cleanse the sinner from sin and restore him to himself. He would go through any means, any expense to bring them to him.
But within this clear and evident meaning there is a not so apparent spiritual meaning, a meaning applicable to all of us; because, as the Lord assumed our humanity, all that is true of him in the highest degree is also true of us in the lowest degree. If the Lord came, as He said, “to seek and to save what was lost” (see Luke 19:10), His command for us is also “Seek and you will find” (see Matthew 7: 7).
In the parable of the silver coin, we have the image of a woman searching for a treasure that she once had but has lost. You know that it is somewhere in the house, and you also know that if you search diligently, you will find it.
It is a common experience of our human nature that we do not like to lose something that we once had. It may be a very small loss, but it bothers us. If we had given it away, we probably wouldn’t have missed it; We might even have felt better because someone else is enjoying it. But when we lose it without knowing how, the loss irritates us; and sometimes the effort we make to recover the lost item is out of all proportion to the value of the thing itself.
Also, as spiritual beings, we are aware that our mind or soul has lost some attribute that it once had, there is in all true men and women the instinctive desire to recover what has been lost. The silver in the word represents truth or beliefs.
The belief in a good and wise God, in heaven, and life after death is very real to us when taught in childhood. But as we age, doubts enter the mind. You say, “I wish I could believe, but I can’t.” There is still some desire left, although reason seems to deny it. There is a feeling that something has been lost.
We speak of money and material wealth as treasure. But there are other more valuable treasures. If it did not exist, God would be unjust, because many can never achieve material wealth. There are treasures of the spirit and the soul that anyone can achieve if they want to. These are true riches and cannot be given or taken away like the changing fortunes of the world.
The parable of the lost coin indicates the mission of the Son
Jesus became the light of the world; “The true light that enlightens every man” (see John 1: 9).
Jesus provides the light for sinners to be found by God, just as the woman needed light to carefully search for her lost coin. Every sinner is special to God There is rejoicing in heaven over “each one” who repents.
We are all individuals of great importance to the Father.
The woman could have been content with possessing the remaining nine coins; they represented great wealth and status to her. Instead, he searched carefully, not wanting to leave it to chance that his coin could never be claimed. And it was not enough for her to harbor this knowledge alone. Tell your friends and neighbors to share in the celebration too.
The parable of the lost coin also gives us a glimpse of what the Lord delights in.
In this parable, once the woman has found her coin, she calls on her friends and neighbors to share the good news. When a sinner is restored to fellowship with God, it is a cause for rejoicing. This is the whole plan of salvation; for this Christ came.
This is the splendid, wonderful, and most glorious act in the history of the universe. God searches for sinners and rejoices when they are found. He is not content with any sinner turning away from him: “He is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but all to repent” (see 2 Peter 3: 9).
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Have you lost anything of value?
In light of this, we must all ask ourselves from time to time, ” Have I lost something of value that I once had? Have I lost that condition of implicit faith and trust in my Heavenly Father that I once had?”
This trust in the wisdom and love that always guards us was no less real because we were too young to express it; it was a state of faith whose quality was unknown to ourselves and at that moment unappreciated: the confidence of childhood. We say that we have “grown out of it.” No, we haven’t.
We have lost it for a while. But the Lord wants us to find him again. Says:
“Truly I tell you, if you do not turn around and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
We only lose the truth when we don’t practice it. The loss of any good principles or any truths of our practical daily life diminishes our happiness and the happiness of the world.
We cannot afford to lose any heavenly principle from our minds and lives, because such loss is a beginning on the way down. And this is especially true of the principle of implicit belief and trust in the Lord.
What the coins represent
The ten pieces of silver represent all the truths necessary for our life and spiritual development. One of these truths is the truth that all knowledge of God and spiritual things comes from revelation, and not from any ability in ourselves to discover it.
When we look at the world and see the foolish things that men do by trusting themselves, the rivalries, and discord; we must have little confidence in our wisdom.
Yet some regard those days of simple trust when there was faith and reverence as foolishness, and these days, when we know that the things of this world are the only things worth fighting for when we don’t care about anything but we consider ourselves to be days of wisdom.
Today the souls of men possess many treasures. We have learning, education, reason, and many delights. We can have all the treasures, but this one that is represented in the parable by the piece of silver that was lost, a full and perfect belief and trust familiar to early childhood and fortunately still enjoyed by some adults as well.
The lost coin is still in the house. God, in His infinite wisdom, has ordained it in such a way that nothing we have once accomplished is destroyed. The state of trust of childhood remains somewhere within us.
We have lost sight of it, but it has not disappeared. It is still hidden in the soul, it is still in the house. And it is the divine purpose that we reach that state again to a fuller degree. So the Lord commands: “Seek and you will find.”
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And our parable tells us what to do to find it.
First, light a candle and sweep the house. The house is our mind or soul in which all our treasures are. Our mind is an abode in which we manage to store many things and also lose many things.
The candle that lights our search is the truth of the Lord. “Your word is a lamp to my feet” (see Psalm 119: 105). From him comes the whole truth. He is the light of the world. Everyone who receives and understands something of the truth is lighting a candle, and by its light, he can guide himself from youth to adulthood and old age.
The little boy in Sunday school who learns the first lessons of the Lord’s commandments and precepts is lighting a candle enough to light his little mental home. The wisest scholar in the universe learning the deepest truths of the Word is nothing more than lighting a candle obtained from him who is the light of the world.

The Lesson of the Parable of the Lost Coin
The lesson of the parable for each of us is simply this: Once we are fully convinced of any truth, let us immediately make use of that knowledge to rid ourselves of whatever is foolish, false, or wrong in our hearts and minds. If we do this, we will recover the lost treasure. We will regain the state we once had and lost.
That condition of trust in the Lord to which we have alluded was never really lost. He was submerged by the things of the world, buried under the dust of worldliness, madness, and pride.
When the mind has cleared of our wrong ideas and ambitions, we will find the lost piece of silver, the true faith that seemed lost. And when we find it, we will have a new delight, as represented in the parable by the fact that the woman calls her friends and neighbors and says: “Rejoice with me, because I have found the piece that I had lost.”
In the parable, it is a woman who is said to search for the lost silver coin. This is because the woman represents the affections, and it is in the affections, in the will, where the initiative is. If we seek to recover the lost treasure, it is our will or affection that prompts us to find it. The intellectual powers can win many things for us, but they cannot recover for us the lost treasure.
We must have the will to achieve regeneration, rebirth. If we reach again the state of confident happiness that we had in childhood, it will be because we have exercised our will, our love, or affection as our Heavenly Father has recommended in this simple parable. What woman who has ten pieces of silver, if she loses one piece, does not light a candle and sweep the house, and search diligently until she finds it?
Meaning in the spiritual realm.
If the coin fell to the ground, it fell into one of the dirtiest places in the house, making it impure. The fact that the woman swept the floor indicates that it was dirty. This desecration of the coin shows what sin does to a person: It pollutes, thus polluting him (see Titus 1: 15-16). The only spiritual cleansing agent that will cleanse uncleanness is the blood of Jesus Christ (see 1 John 1: 7-9)
Several things are involved in finding the woman and finally finding the coin. His motivation to find the coin is due to the value she placed on it. She also suffers from the loss of the coin, while the coin, of course, feels nothing. The woman represents the church through which God works.
In God’s eyes, the sinner, represented by the coin, is not only a suffering being, like the sheep he takes pity on, but he is also precious, created in the image of God and assigned a part in it. carrying out your plans. In the illustration of the sheep, the lost person is seen from the perspective of man: he is someone who suffers and therefore needs salvation.
In the illustration of the coin, the lost person is seen from God’s perspective: he is someone of great value, whose loss God feels. As we consider this, we must realize the great effect of sin on the glory and interests of God.
The lamp represents both the Word and the Spirit of God (Psalm 119: 105). Both shed light on the plight of sinners and provide solutions to their problems. Spiritual enlightenment enables the church to see how to help sinners who cannot see their fruitless condition. Just as the woman must sweep the floor of rubble, the church must make her surroundings clean and pure by sweeping the filth from her domain (see Isaiah 52:11).
Doctrinal corruption makes it difficult to see through the rubble of false teaching. Today, the doctrines have been so corrupted in Christianity that it is impossible to find spiritually pure teachings within it.
The woman’s diligent search for the coin shows a dedication to looking carefully and continually (see Ecclesiastes 7:25). She is not casual in her search for the coin, but organized and systematic, and persists in the work until it is completed. Sadly, there are always those who attend the church of God who works vigorously and earnestly for a short time and then quit.
Final Words:
The entire illustration shows her as enthusiastic, hopeful, and joyful in her responsibilities. This is the attitude we must have when we do God’s work in preparation for his coming.
We have all sinned, and we are worthy of God’s judgment. The Father sent his only son to satisfy that judgment for all those who believe in him. Jesus, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that he died for our sins, took the punishment we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you believe and trust your heart, and receive Jesus only as your savior, declaring: that “Jesus is Lord”, you will be saved and you will spend your eternity with God in heaven.