How To Overcome Sexual Temptation In Relationship As Youth

How To Overcome Sexual Temptation In Relationship As Youth
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As a youth, it can be difficult to keep your relationship on the right path when it comes to sexual temptation. It is no secret that the internet and media have become increasingly sexualized, leaving us with more temptation than ever before. Even in the most committed relationships, it can be a struggle to stay away from temptation and remain faithful. But it is possible. Here are some tips on how to overcome sexual temptation in relationships as a youth and protect the integrity of your relationship.

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How To Overcome Sexual Temptation In Relationship As Youth

How to avoid and overcome sexual temptation in a relationship before marriage, Why Do I Keep Sinning? How Do I Stop having sex out of wedlock? How Do I Overcome the urge to sin?

These are the top questions people ask. No matter where you live, your age, or your background, we will be tried and tested with sin in our lives. Living in a world full of sinful temptation even makes the battle for purity much tougher, as sex before marriage is a sin before God and against your body.
Most people think having sex before marriage is Norma as the majority find nothing wrong with it, instead see it as a means of satisfying the opposite sex’s sexual desires.
Many people are aware that sex before marriage is totally wrong and they’re looking for how to overcome the desire and pressure to sleep with the opposite sex.

Though the world is getting darker every day, fornication are being promoted on TV’s and on adverts sign post, Christians are to stand out and be able to differentiate, sin is a sin, either legalized by gov rulers or social rulers, Christians are to know they’re light,
“While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.”John 9:6 or shall a darkness over shadow light, the answer is no “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not”. John 1:5

It is surprising to see oneself falling victim to sex before marriage all the time, the reason being that the right knowledge needed to avoid it is lacking. If this is your case, read further to discover how you can avoid sex before marriage.


How to avoid sexual temptation in a relationship

We all know that sexual temptation is a real struggle for many young couples in relationships. When it comes to the issue of sexual temptation, it can be difficult to know how to handle it. For many young couples, the temptation to engage in sexual activities before marriage can be overwhelming. But these steps can be taken to help overcome this temptation and lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

1. Recognize it as a sin: The first step to avoiding sin is to recognize it. See it as a sin and make a decision to overcome it. You cannot stop committing sin unless you have convinced yourself that it is wrong. To avoid fornication is not an individual thing, it is a commandment of God.

2. Declare A War Against It: To resist the temptation to commit fornication is actually a war. “War” is a powerful word because lust is a powerful desire. God calls the struggle with sexual sins a “war.” The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul .” This is a battle you must win. You are fighting for your glorious future and destiny. Wrestle for purity.

3. Keep Dating In Perspective: It’s harder to overcome the desire to sin when you are so attached to a person you are in a relationship with, the Bible actually commands you to get married. If you are not ready to marry that person, then you are just using the relationship to serve your own rebellious lusts and it should be ended if it cannot be kept holy (as in dating without fornication). Break up before they break you. Stay away from fornicators, whether they are Christians or not. Avoid them like a plague.

4. Stop pornography: Pornography is an instrument of evil. Cut off all sensual and sexual media out of your life: movies, comic books, novels, articles, blogs, jokes, TV shows, sensual poetry, and music. Stop fantasizing and daydreaming about having sex. It will drain you and draw you deeper into sin. Feed your mind with God’s Word instead.

5. Ask God For Help: When you find the temptations very challenging, call upon the name of Jesus Christ. Pray to God for help with that specific sin in your time of testing. You can be free from the bondage of sin. You can conquer lustful desires. You cannot do it by your own effort tho, you need the help of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him.
6. Repent Of Your Mistakes: If you’ve fallen into sexual temptation and have committed fornication, the Lord can heal and restore your soul without fault. All He needs you to do is for you to renounce all affiliations with those you’ve joined yourself to. Confess, and repent of the sin of lust and fornication, and you can be made clean and new through the blood of Jesus.

God is the Creator of life, love, marriage, and sex. He knows what’s best for you. He will give you the wonderful gift of marriage. Obeying His plan is always right and always blessed.

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No one is perfect yet, we are all walking toward perfection. There are many other sins of which we need to rid ourselves, not just fornication.
However, for many people, this is the sin that warrants the most concern.

Fornication is a sin against your body.
“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies.” 1Corinthians 6:18-20.

And like Daniel, I (hopefully you too) have purposed in my heart to please God in my body and in my spirit.
“But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself.”
~ Daniel 1:8


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