Meaning of Peace be with you and explanation in the bible

Peace be with you
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Peace be you is a phrase used by Jesus in the bible, on this article, we bring you the meaning and explanation of the statement “peace be with you”.

Christianity has just commemorated during Holy Week the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. There are many conjectures that have been woven around these historical facts to deny their veracity; however, those of us who have believed accept the resurrection as an absolute truth.

In fact, we understand as the apostle Paul expresses in his first epistle to the church of Corinth (15) that if we denied the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our faith would be completely in vain; Well, we would simply be believing in another mortal, just like all of us.

So starting from our faith, we wonder what happened after the resurrection and when reading in the Holy Scriptures the different narratives of the evangelists, we find this blessed phrase: “Peace be with you” (with you, with you). The phrase was repeated over and over again by the Master in the different encounters he had with his own after having defeated death. 

The apostle John, the beloved disciple, recounts that when the night of that day arrived, the first day of the week, when they were gathered in secret, due to the fear they had because of the persecution of the Jews, Jesus appeared in their midst greeting them with these words: Peace to you. And after showing them his wounds, he again told them: Peace be with you.

As a Jew, Jesus greeted his followers with the traditional “Shalom aleichem”, a greeting that expresses the desire for health, inner peace, tranquility, calm, and well-being among people and between God and human beings. Like all things that are repeated without putting the heart into them, this greeting could go unnoticed by some. However, for those of us who believe, thinking about the impact and transcendence of these words in the lives of the disciples fills us with a very deep feeling. 

For this reason, every time we can greet someone expressing our sincere desire for peace in their life, we do it trying to touch Heaven, putting all the possible love of our hearts into the words. Thinking about those words of Paul to the Philippians, when he advises them not to worry or worry about the things of life, but to take them to God through prayer with prayer and thanksgiving. Then: “The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7).

Again, the last time he visited them while in his resurrected body, he greeted them by saying: “Peace be with you.” But, they were frightened, so she showed them her hands and feet saying: “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle, and see; for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see that I have.” (Luke 24:39) And he ate with them while explaining how in him what was spoken by Moses and the prophets had been fulfilled.

After these visits, all his family was strengthened in their love and their faith in Jesus Christ. The greeting of peace became a reality in their lives, it freed all those who opposed their Master from fear. He granted them peace with God, from which true peace is born, the inner peace that prompted them to go throughout the ancient world bringing the good news of salvation despite all opposition. 

It seems that our faith has become only traditions, words that are repeated over and over again, losing their deep meaning along the way. We need to revive our faith, we need an awakening of our consciences to put into practice in our daily lives the truth of Christianity, the foundation of our faith: the cross and the Resurrection. 

In this way, we can find the much-desired peace of our souls.

Peace be with you!

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