How to remain constantly under the protection of God?

Biblical Roles of Husband and Wife in the Family
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God is the ultimate protector, discover how to remain constantly under the protection of God in this article.

We adore the God who is called: “I am” (Exodus 3:14), and in order for us to really understand the meaning of this name, He makes us pass through certain circumstances to make us discover His attributes.

This is how all the attributes that He possesses, in 1 Corinthians 6:18 He makes us discover that He is a Father. Analyzing the duties of a father, one finds that one of the primary duties is protection. A father must therefore protect his children or his family in general. 

God is not only The Father, but He is also The Protector (Psalms 31:3,5; 37:39; 43:2).

Paraphrasing the passage from Luke 11:11-13, I would say this: if our earthly fathers, however bad they are, still know how to protect their children, then how much more would our Heavenly Father protect those who have children? need? It’s sad, but not everyone will benefit from God’s protection, hence the importance of knowing the prerequisites required to remain constantly under His benevolent protection.

Prerequisites to remain constantly under the protection of God.

It is important to note that God’s promises are always conditional. This means that we have our share of responsibility, things to do necessary to see their accomplishment. We will therefore list some prerequisites for constantly remaining under the protection of God.

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You have to identify yourself as His child.

We said that one of the Father’s duties is to protect his children a little earlier. So it is difficult to enjoy God’s protection if you are not identified as His child. And the identity of a child of God, we obtain it during the new birth, the day when we accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (John 1:12-13). The Holy Spirit, whom we receive at the new birth, also testifies to our new identity (Romans 8:14,16). So if you haven’t already, I strongly encourage you to receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

You have to want that protection.

Our God is the responsible Father who imposes nothing on us and does not impose himself on us either. He also likes to involve our will. God is always ready to help us, but it is up to us to call on Him. These few Psalms show us that it is the man who expresses the desire to be protected by God:

Psalms 17:8b KJV “Protect me in the shade of your wings.  

Psalms 22:21 KJV “Protect my soul from the sword, my life from the power of dogs!

Psalms 59:2 KJV “My God! Deliver me from my enemies, protect me from my adversaries!

Psalms 64:2 KJV “O God, hear my voice when I groan! Protect my life against the enemy I fear!


Never be afraid of adversity but always trust in God.

The King James Version of 2 Timothy 1:7 says it is not a spirit of fear that God has given us. Being afraid of adversity is a sign of lack of faith in the Word of God, which produces that faith (Psalms 91:5-7). But when we trust in God in the face of adversity, it indicates that we have faith in that God who is able to save us from any danger or destruction that adversity would bring. This is why the Psalmist says: “Then all who trust in You will rejoice, they will rejoice forever, and You will protect them; You will be a joy to those who love Your name.  Psalms 5:12 KJV

Fear will make you doubt God’s ability to protect you, and the Bible says he who doubts receives nothing (James 1:7). On the other hand, trust in God will ensure that a mountain is our point of elevation instead of being an obstacle because the size of the opponent indicates the size of your elevation.

Never turn away from God because of sin.

God is omnipotent and omnipresent but acts within scope. The Bible says that sin leads us away from God according to Romans 3:23 KJV, which states: “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. The Bible says, “No, the hand of the Lord is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear. But it is your crimes that put a separation between you and your God; it is your sins that hide His face from you and prevent Him from listening to you.  Isaiah 59:1-2 KJV

When we analyze Psalm 91, which speaks of God’s protection, we will notice that this passage begins with an appeal to closeness with God as a prerequisite to enjoying His protection. The Bible says, “He who dwells under the shelter of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalms 91:1 KJV

Many people read this passage out of fear because they need God to save them from evil (even though they are far from Him). In reality, the shadow has a range of activities, and it only benefits those who are close to what generates it. So, one cannot rest in the shadow of the Almighty if one does not know how to stay very close to the Most High. Before we desire shade (God’s protection), let’s make sure we are close to Him. So, if sin has taken you away from God, resulting in exposure to destruction, it’s time to apply this passage from 1 John 1:9“God does what He promises, and He is righteous. Then, if we confess our sins, He will forgive us and take away all the evil that is in us.  

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Knowing God.

The knowledge I am referring to here is not knowing God in the sense of information but rather knowing God through revelation, experience, and intimacy. Indeed, it is possible to know God without really knowing Him. God protects those who know Him. Psalms 91:14b: “I will protect him since he knows My name. 

The advantage of knowing God is that it dictates our actions in the face of adversity. The Bible says in Daniel 11:32b, “But those of the people who know their God will act with determination.

In conclusion, I will say this: there is no mountain God cannot smooth, no storm that God cannot calm. Let us call on Him at all times, and He will not hesitate to protect us, whom He calls His children.

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