How to Receive Answers to Your Prayers

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How to Receive Answers to Your Prayers.

Everyone pray believing God for their answers, but what happened when the answers doesn’t come?

Find out more on how you can receive answers to your prayers.

God does not answer us according to sentiments but according to insights.
Gathered on this post are how you can receive answers to your prayers.

Those who live by God’s plan do not struggle in life. So, to receive answers to your prayers, you are to pray and live according to God’s will.

8 ways to receive answers to your prayer.

Have you ever wondered why your prayers are not answered by God? Have you been discouraged because you seem to get nothing out from your prayer life? I’ve been in that place too. However, thanks be to God for His word which assures us that He listens to and responds to our prayers.

Readmore: Prayer For Healing And Recovery

In my personal prayer life, I’ve learnt some strategies that have helped me to grow in faith to trust God to answer my prayers.
The following are 8 steps how to receive answers to your prayers.

1. Identify what you need to pray about.
Before you can receive answers to your prayers, You need to identify what you pray about or what you’re are believing God for in prayer. If you pray for nothing in particular, that is what you’ll get, nothing. You won’t even be able to determine whether or not when God answers your prayer because you don’t know what you want.

2. Research scriptures to find out what God’s word saying concerning  that your need.
To get your prayer answered, your needs should have a scripture backing it. After you have identified what you
want, it is time to search the scriptures to find out what God’s word says about your situation or need.

3. Write down what the word of God has to say about it and personalise it
And then when you have found out what His word says about your situation, it is now time to write down every scripture that says something about your situation or need. Personalise what the word of God has to say and replace the pronouns or names with yours.

4. Pray the word of God back to Him
Having scriptural backing its not enough most times, you need to Stand on the word of God to pray.
Have faith in the word of God and pray as well as meditate on it until you catch a revelation from it.
The Bible says in James 5:16 that “…The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Persevere in prayer.5 Ways To Grow Your Faith As A Christian

5. Be specific in your prayer
Praying without focus is praying without expecting an answer. When you pray, be specific. Don’t pray without focus but pray concerning the need or situation you have identified. For example, when you pray to God for breakthrough in career or business, you have to be specific. When you’re specific in prayer, it will help you know when God answers your prayer.

6. Believe the word of God absolutely by faith.

Hoping that God will answer your
prayer isn’t faith, but rather faith is
knowing for sure that God has answered your prayers. Trust that God has answered for your prayers and thank Him for it as you wait for its manifestation. Receive whatever
you have prayed for and by faith, see it accomplished.

7. Listen to God after you’ve prayed
Don’t pray and just leave the presence of God without listening to what He has to say. Prayer is communication with God, therefore, listen to what the Spirit of God ministers to you in prayer. Listen and act on whatever He tells you to do. He may ask you to sow a seed, reach out to someone or something else. Obey what He asks you to do and follow whatever guidance He gives you.

8. Make God’s will the reason for your existence.
It is praying and living in God’s will that gives you answered to your prayer.
There are two categories of Christians: those who make their plans and bring them to God for approval, those who go to God to get His plan to live by it. And those who live by God’s plan.
Those who lives by God’s plan do not struggle in life. So, to enjoy answers to your prayers, you are to pray and live according to God’s will.

Above are 8 steps how to get answers to your prayers, for addition to this, kindly use the comment box below.

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