How to manifest your inheritance in Christ Jesus

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How do I manifest my inheritance in Christ? if this has been your question, then you are on the right article. Discover How to manifest your inheritance in Christ Jesus here.

Romans 8:16-17 “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God; and if we are children, we are also heirs; heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ; if at least we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. “

The Larousse dictionary defines inheritance as property acquired or transmitted by inheritance. In other words: it is what we take from predecessors, previous generations, in terms of character, ideology, etc. An heir is therefore a person who has received an inheritance.

A child of God is a person who has received the Son of God, Jesus Christ in his life as Lord and Savior by means of faith ( John 3:16), consequently, he becomes an heir of God and Co-heir of Christ as the verse quoted above underlines so well.

There is a category of Christians who are ignorant of the great inheritance they receive from God the moment they accept Christ into their lives as Lord and Savior. And we also have another category of Christians who are well aware of their inheritance in Christ but lack the spiritual maturity to come into possession of all that inheritance and manifest it to the whole world.

To benefit from an inheritance, one must first be aware of this heritage and ensure that you have the spiritual maturity necessary to assume, claim and manifest your heritage.


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Be aware of your inheritance in Christ.

Galatians 3:29 “If you are of Christ, then you are the seed of Abraham, heirs according to the promise. “

Abraham, also called “the father of faith”, had received as an inheritance from God, great promises for his posterity and himself (read Genesis chapter 17). We can cite the following promises, among others:

  • Fertility: “you will be the father of a multitude of nations” Genesis 17.4; 16).

While Sarah wife of Abraham was barren and advanced in years, God made a promise to her that from this woman would come out nations and kings. And God did keep that promise and from Sarah, Abraham had a son Isaac, from whose womb came Israel, the blessed people of God. Later God made the same promise to the People of Israel in these terms: “You will be blessed more than all the peoples; there shall be neither male nor barren female among you nor among your beasts ”(Deuteronomy 7:14 ).

Obviously, this fertility linked to earthly blessings is an image of the heavenly blessings that a child of God receives from Him. Indeed, when we come to Christ, we become a new creation, and the Spirit of God waters in us arid and dry places to make them fertile for the glory of God. Thus the Christian is no longer sterile in his contribution to the work of Christ. The Lord is personally responsible for equipping him with gifts, talents, and all good works so that he may bear fruit in abundance (Cf. John 15.16).

As an example, we can cite the apostle Paul who, although having no biological son, begotten by the work of Christ sons in faith who are among others: Timothy (1Timothy 1. 2 ); Titus (Titus 1.4); Onesimus (Philemon 10). So God can in His sovereign will not grant you children according to the (biological) flesh but reassure himself that your fertility is seen and known to all, by giving birth to you spiritual children who will impact their generation and bring souls to Christ.

 The Promised Land:

Canaan – the Land flowing with milk and honey (Deuteronomy 31.20)

God had asked Abraham to leave his country of origin to go to a foreign land that He would give him as an inheritance and he did so without delay. And God gave him and his seed, Canaan, the promised land, a fertile land flowing with milk and honey.

Today as children of God we are “blessed with all kinds of spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1: 3 KJV)   and we inherit the Heavenly Canaan, that place where Jesus went to prepare a place for us. (John 14.2-3). And there, more than milk and honey, we will be there forever with our Lord and Savior and there will be no more tears or mourning, but we will be in a state of eternal bliss (Revelation 21.4).

. The Presence of God

“And the Lord went before them in a pillar of cloud by day, to lead them by the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might walk day and night: the pillar of cloud would not be withdrawn not the day, nor the pillar of fire, by night, from before the people ”Exodus 13.21

The seed of Abraham, the people of Israel, benefited from the presence of God in their daily walk. So, God, Himself was supernaturally leading them in the path He Himself had marked out for them, and so they did not have to fear attacks from enemy nations, nor diseases or pestilences that might plague these lands. they were crossing.

In the new economy, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, dwells in believers and is the One who teaches us the Word of God and shows us the way by which we must walk to glorify God. We, therefore, have the permanent presence of God within us and we can now enjoy this presence by faith while waiting for the day when we will see Him with our own eyes!

Having become fully aware of our heritage in Christ, how then can we concretely manifest it?


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Concretely manifesting his inheritance in Christ.

Titus 3: 7-8  “That having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This word is certain, and I want you to insist on these things so that those who have believed God apply themselves to be the first in good works. “

Wisdom of God

To manifest his inheritance in Christ several conditions must be met namely, Such as:

  • Have faith in God.

 “Now without faith, it is impossible to please Him; for he that draweth near to God must believe that God is and that He is the remunerator of those who seek Him ”(Hebrews 11.6 ).

The basis is faith. If we do not put our faith in the Word of God, it will be impossible for us to manifest our heritage, since logically we do not believe in it. So having faith in the work of Christ on the cross is central to manifesting one’s inheritance in Christ. Otherwise, works that are devoid of all power from on high will be done and therefore sterile.

  • Trust in God.

“And being fully convinced that what He has promised, He is also mighty to fulfill it. (Romans 4:21) .

It is by having full confidence in what God says and does that we can fearlessly witness to the world of the work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and invite them, in turn, to put their trust in Him as well.

Trust in God enables us to look at His promises despite the headwinds, to let Him take the reins of our lives, fully aware that He is the one leading the boat and that He will certainly lead us on board. So we can bear fruit and manifest our heritage in this world, despite difficult circumstances.

  • Walk in a life of obedience.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, that one bears much fruit; for separated from Me, you can do nothing. John 15.5.

A life of obedience is essential to manifesting one’s inheritance in Christ. You cannot claim an inheritance, nor use it well if you live a life of disorder and disobedience to God. Otherwise, this inheritance instead of blessing us and therefore blessing others will rather be a hindrance to the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

As an illustration of our point, we can take the example of a carnal Christian (who does not walk according to the will of God) who received from the moment he believed a talent for singing, and who to minister, but his own life is the opposite of everything he sings about. His ministry instead of blessing and bearing much fruit will instead give the Gentiles an opportunity to blaspheme against the name of God. Thus, this Christian not only does not enjoy the blessing of God related to the obedience of His Word but also, prevents souls from coming to Christ.


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  • Have the necessary spiritual maturity.

“So that we are no longer little children, tossed about and carried here and there by every wind of doctrine in the deception of men, in their ability to use roundabout ways to lead astray; but that, being true in love, we grow in all things even to him who is the Head of Christ ”Ephesians 4 14-15.

Final Words:
To manifest our inheritance in Christ we must be “made men” in our minds and to achieve this we must take the time to read and carefully read the Word of God in order to put it into practice.

We cannot fully take possession of our inheritance if we do not take the time to know the person who gives us this inheritance. We must not only know it but also seek to imitate it and put His Word into practice. It is by doing so that we will be able to enjoy our inheritance and bear fruit worthy of His beautiful Name.

From what precedes, we understand that to manifest his inheritance in Christ, we must first know this inheritance and then put ourselves in the necessary conditions to live from this inheritance already in this century, hearing the moment when we will be eternal with Him.

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