How Old Is God? A Serious Examination of a Difficult Question

How Old Is God
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For centuries, people have asked the question: How old is God? The answer to this question has been debated and discussed by theologians, philosophers, and everyday people alike.

In some religions, God is said to be eternal, while in others, he is said to have been around since the beginning of time.

So, what is the truth? Is God truly eternal or was he created at some point in the distant past? In this article, we will explore the different theories and beliefs about the age of God and attempt to answer the age-old question: How old is God?

How Old Is God?

The Bible describes God as being eternal and everlasting. This means that God has existed from the beginning of time to the present and is without a beginning or end. There are many ways to answer this question, but most people would agree that God is eternal.

Here are the answers to your questions. If you don’t believe in a Creator God, you should ask yourself how old is Jesus? He was born in 221 BC, crucified in 33, and rose from the dead three days later.


Jesus was born in 221 BC

There are several possible reasons why people might claim that Jesus was born in 221 BC. First, Luke’s birth story is similar to Matthew’s. Second, Luke uses the census taken by Caesar Augustus to place Jesus’ birth.

Finally, some scholars believe that the gospels were written after Jesus’ birth. But the truth is that we don’t know for sure. We can only speculate. In this article, we’ll consider both arguments and see which one is most credible.

The gospels of Matthew and Luke indicate that Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great. Herod overthrew Antigonus in 37 BCE and ended the Hasmonean Dynasty in Judea.

As a vassal of Rome, Herod served at the pleasure of Rome, and he supported the allies of the Roman Empire. In fact, scholars have concluded that Herod died in 4 BCE, so it is unlikely that Jesus was born during his reign.

The Gospels also mention significant historical figures. In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus was born during Herod’s reign, which coincides with the census and Slaughter of the Innocents.

The story of Jesus’ birth includes the mention of Jewish scribes and priests, as well as the Slaughter of the Innocents and the famine. In Luke’s gospel, the birth is described in detail by shepherds and magi. It is also possible to read the gospels without Herod’s death, but it is not a good idea.


He was crucified in 33

Jesus was born in two B.C. and began his ministry at age 30. Although His earthly ministry was brief, it is important to understand that he was crucified in 33 A.D. and that His birth is key to understanding the 70 Weeks of Daniel. Although his ministry was short, his life and death are significant and His birth is central to the study of Daniel. If Jesus were to be crucified in 33, he would have been thirty-three years old.

The date of his crucifixion is problematic because the Jewish calendar has three Passovers within four years, which would make a.d. 30 impossible. In fact, there are many conflicting dates for Jesus’ crucifixion. According to the synoptic gospels, His public ministry lasted about two or three years. However, the events surrounding his crucifixion are not included in the synoptic gospels.

While the exact location of Jesus’ crucifixion remains unknown, we know that his body was placed on the cross between two criminals. One of the criminals was named Longinus. Blood flowed from the spear wound. In addition, Jesus’ death was marked by seven statements, some of which were recorded in the Bible. This also included several supernatural events. The Gospel of John relates the two events as an account of Jesus’ life.

He rose from the dead three days later

In the Bible, a man who died on the cross and rose from the grave three days later is called a resurrection. That means the risen Christ was alive and able to perform miracles. The risen Christ commanded his followers to tell no one about his resurrection. They also had to remain silent, and not tell Mary and Martha. This makes us wonder, how old is God?

Jewish burial customs require three days to pass, according to the Talmud. Those practices are based on a Jewish custom that makes sure the dead are really dead. The Jewish custom is for a person to rest in a tomb for three days before a funeral can take place. Jesus’ resurrection took place three days after his death, which is the reason why a Jewish burial is required.

Jesus used the term third day to describe the resurrection. Scripture refers to the third day of Jesus’ death as the beginning point of the three days. The Bible does not mention the sealing of the tomb as part of the time he was in the grave.

That’s why the third day is so important. And while this seems like a random detail, it actually holds meaning. For example, Jesus predicted that he would rise on the third day, and his disciples include it in their gospel.

Last words of Jesus

He is eternal

There is no time for God. God is unrestricted by time, so He is not negatively affected by the passage of time. Furthermore, God reaches out to mankind throughout eternity, as His creations do. God’s eternal nature means He has no beginning and no end. In other words, He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. In other words, God will always remain the same, even if creation ceases.

Since God is eternal, He cannot die, so we can have confidence that He will always be there for His people. He will never get old and will rule the world forever. We can trust Him in every moment, and that’s why He is the only true God. In addition, God will never age, so we can rest assured that we can always trust Him, even when times get tough. Whether we understand this concept or not, God is eternal.

The medieval debate over God’s eternality involves Christian, Jewish, and Islamic thinkers. Augustine and Boethius shared a similar position, believing that God is timeless and infinite. In fact, nothing could be more perfect. Anselm elaborated his view in his Proslogion by defining the “grammar” of divine powers. The Proslogion is an extensive treatise on the nature of God.


He created the universe

The only thing that science, religion and philosophy agree upon is that God created the universe. In his Creation week, God created the Milky Way. Other galaxies were undoubtedly created as time progressed. It is not known whether God was alone for an infinite time or not, but there is no doubt that there were beings created in the image of God in other worlds. This argument is not persuasive because of its arbitrariness.

The story of creation in the Bible shows that God began his work on creation when the universe was without form and light. He did not think, remember, or have any memory of the creation before beginning it. During all this time, His infinite intelligence wasted eternity in nothing. It may be surprising to consider that God had a plan for a perfect world.

It is also possible that God was working on some concepts that were beyond time. God might have been formulating God’s Own Country, thinking of putting men from Mars and women from Venus in the perfect union, drafting Mother Earth, and even teaching Jesus how to play marbles.

God and creation share the same two essential characteristics: their internal nature and their external form. As a result of this universal prime energy, they engage in give and take actions to construct a foundation for reciprocation. Moreover, God is the subject partner of each creation and the rest of creation, each of which is the embodied expression of the truth. It is no surprise that there is a relationship between God and creation – it is like comparing a subject with an object.


He knows the future

Among the fundamental features of God is his omniscience, which is the basis of prophecy. Isaiah declares in chapter 41 that God alone knows the future, whereas the gods of the nations claim to know the future. The challenge that God issued to the other gods was to predict the future and declare its outcome, but they failed. As a result, the nation of Israel went into exile.

We know that God is eternal, so he is able to know all the details of our lives. In fact, Psalm 147:4 says that God knows everything about the future. He created the world and allowed sin to exist. This means that He is omniscient, and can see everything that is going to happen and make plans accordingly. It doesn’t mean that God just sits back and watches everything happen, because he created the universe and allows sin to operate.

So how old is God? The Bible reveals that God knows all things from eternity, even the future of man. If God can know everything from the past and the future, how does He know the future? Only God knows everything because nothing can be future without God. In fact, without God’s knowledge, he could never know the future, which is impossible. And since God knows everything, he is the only one who knows the future.


He has no age

The Bible states that God has no age. The question “How old is God?” assumes that God has an age, which is not the case. God exists outside of time and space. This makes it impossible to categorize God’s age. Furthermore, age is an irrelevant parameter for God, since He created the universe from nothing. Therefore, God has no age. God is eternal. Therefore, there is no limit to the age of God.

The eternal, timeless nature of God leads us to believe that God is neither old nor young. He holds the universe together and is never absent. Because God is always present, we can trust Him and look forward to our future. The promise of a future and life everlasting is given to all those who trust in God. God’s age is not determined by the age of the creation, nor is it relative to ours. Moreover, God promises a brighter future for those who trust Him.



It is a question that has been asked by people throughout history: How old is God? Depending on which religious tradition one follows, there are a variety of answers to this question. For example, in the Bible, God is portrayed as an eternal being who is not subject to the same laws of time and space that govern the world.

This would suggest that God is not bound by any measure of age or time. However, some religious traditions have attempted to calculate God’s age by looking at the age of the universe and other references in the Bible. Above, we have explored the various answers to this age-old question and examined the implications of each.

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