How do you have strong faith and Stand Firm

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The Christian faith has never been so tested as it is today. The Word of God is more and more diluted. The certainties of yesterday are called into question. Truth is travestied.
Evil is applauded
while good is blamed. Those who want to live an authentic faith are more and more threatened and treated as intolerant, enemies of freedom. More than ever, we need an unshakable and solid faith to resist all the promises of happiness that the world holds out to us.

Standing firm through the storms requires faith built on a solid foundation.

Fundamentals of the Christian Faith

What is your faith built on?

When you ask some Christians why they walk with the Lord, they answer by telling you everything the Lord has done for them: “I was sick, the Lord healed me”, “God gave me a child”, “He gave me a job”, He delivered me from drugs” It’s all good. The Lord often uses miracles to call us to Him. The Bible also tells us to count God’s blessings. But if that’s what your faith is based on, I guess you’re a long way from having solid faith. Because as long as he lives, man will always have needs and challenges, and there will be times when God will not give in to your requests when your prayers go unanswered. Your needs will not always be met as you wish. If you only walk with the Lord because He provides for you or works miracles in your life, what would you do then? Especially if a more attractive offer is made to you?

Many people follow God because they are afraid of Him. They fear that God will strike them if they don’t do this. They are so scared of going to hell. It is a faith-based on fear and awe. Having lived such faith for years, I can assure you that it is the most wavering faith that exists. The fear of God presents us with a wicked God, and it makes us hypocrites. We obey God reluctantly. We are as if remotely guided. In my case (since that’s what I know the most about). I was constantly frustrated, angry with God, tormented by thoughts of rebellion. “Why does God want me to do this? Why shouldn’t I do this? Why did God create hell, yet I did everything to keep His commandments without conviction, peace, or freedom.   You can see that it is not such a faith that can withstand all bad weather! 


What foundation for a solid faith?

Matthew 7:24-25

Therefore, whoever hears these words that I say and puts them into practice, will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain fell, the torrents came, the winds blew and rushed against this house: it did not fall because it was founded on rock.

1 Corinthians 3:11  

For no man can lay any other foundation than that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ.

The foundation of unshakable faith in Jesus and His Word. It is the encounter with Jesus that changes and transforms life! Look at the apostle Paul. What made him someone who ended up looking like mud, who was willing to undergo bodily suffering for Jesus? This man had met Jesus! I am not saying that Christ must appear to everyone as to Paul! We meet Jesus through His Word and deep communion with Him.

Concretely, it must be based on a deep and personal encounter with Jesus to have a solid faith. We often look for everything except Jesus. We come to the Lord for the wrong reasons, and we live a fearful Christian life. Christ must be the foundation of our life.


Anyone who believes in Him will not be confused. Romans 10:11

If you are still confused despite years of conversion, do some introspection to find the reasons that hold you back to God. If these are self-serving reasons based on seeking other things than a deep thirst for God, it is time for you to seek Jesus in His Word. Read or re-read the Gospels, let the words of Jesus penetrate your heart, find in Jesus a friend, a companion for good and bad times. Walk with Jesus for what He is for you and not for what He can give you or because you are afraid of Him.

The encounter with Jesus gives us a new identity, a new vision of ourselves and of the world. Everything that was of value to us and  everything that could reach us easily becomes secondary. This is how we become strong, solid, not by   our own strength but by him who is in us and in whom we have placed our hope.


What is the power of faith?

We often wonder if we have enough faith to act in a given situation or even to operate in a certain dimension. Sometimes we even doubt or question our faith in God in the face of certain circumstances. We imagine that to speak of the power of faith inevitably alludes to the capacity to act in the supernatural by doing extraordinary and miraculous things. In addition, we tend to believe that it is reserved for a category of people who are overestimated or taxed as “super anointed” or “hyper consecrated” to manifest faith.

However, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ teach us about the power of faith in these words: “…: Transport yourself from here, and she would transport herself; nothing would be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20 (KJV).

Based on this Word taken from the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew, we will discover in this article the real meaning of the power of faith and how to manifest it.

Faith, no matter how small, is powerful.

Luke 17:5-6 (KJV): “The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. And the Lord said, If you had faith like a mustard seed, “

The mustard seed is renowned for its insignificant size, as it is one of the smallest seed grains. However, when it is sown and grows, it can reach up to three (03) meters in height:  Matthew 13: 32 (KJV) “It is the smallest of all seeds; but, when it has grown, it is taller than the vegetables and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come to dwell in its branches.

The comparison that is made here between the mustard seed and our faith leads us to realize that the Lord does not expect us to be men or women with an impressive level of faith. This is why He emphasizes the “size” of our faith even before mentioning the exploits it is capable of producing. This is key to understanding the quintessence of the power of faith. 

Indeed, the faith that your God expects you to manifest results from complete dependence on Him, complete trust in what He is and is capable of producing in and through your life. Thus, the power of faith finds its full meaning in the disposition of a heart ready to accept Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and personal Saviour. It finds its manifestation in every person’s life determined to confess and believe in the Word of God made flesh. This Word confers all Its power on the faith which we are led to manifest; that strong faith that rests on the infinite power of God, who calls into existence things that do not exist. 

Experience the power of faith in action.

Matthew 17:20 (KJV): “You would say to this mountain, Move from here, and it would move; nothing would be impossible for you.  

The second lesson that the Lord gives us is that we cannot speak of the power of faith or experience it without first taking concrete actions of faith, such as speaking to times, circumstances, or obstacles. Present to us. In other words, one cannot pretend to manifest the power of faith without having an active faith.

Indeed, faced with the sycamore tree or the mountain (that is, any situation contrary to God’s will for us or the impossible things that we have to face), the attitude to adopt for any person who manifests faith is to face it with the Word (“you will say”) or take a leap of faith because our lamentations and complaints cannot change the course of things.

We need working faith. For active faith uproots and plants; it reverses and repositions. It destroys and builds. Working faith is not limited to the status quo. She works to restore the order of things. She is victorious in the face of adversities and triumphs over difficulties. Working faith transcends visible and invisible forces to enforce the reign of Christ. This is why any Christian who wants to experience the power of faith will have to order, declare, proclaim by the power of the Holy Spirit. In a word, he will have to pray by faith.

In short, if we look at our inabilities and weaknesses, if we do not submit ourselves to God and do not believe in His Son Jesus Christ, it will be impossible for us to manifest a strong faith. Do you want to experience the power of faith every day of your life and lead a victorious life? I, therefore, invite you to have this daily attitude of believing, acting and confessing.

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