Great and powerful Prayer for hope and guidance

great and powerful prayer for hope and guidance
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On this post are Great and powerful Prayer for hope and guidance to help you in times of need.

Why prayer for hope and guidance?

Prayers for hope  and guidance are necessary for every believer.

There is often situations that bring us down and we can lose hope and sometimes even faith.

These simple prayers will help you handle the problems and see the light at the end of times.

Checkout these Bible scriptures on emotional healing

Evening prayer for unshakable hope

Father God in an ever-changing world and society, who completely rejected the truth of your word, thank you.

That you are our inexhaustible Savior who knows the end from the beginning and has the universe in the palm of your hand but not Develop an unshakable confidence in me in the hope that he is there for me knowing that I have already begun in Christ.

I can learn more about Your divine and perfect nature attributes: the more I know you, the more I trust you  the more I trust you, the more I love you.

I knew this unshakable hope in your promises despite evil and malice, it seems to be suffocating.

Everything is good and clean, for your plans and purposes humanity will be realized one day when Christ will be everything, in everything and the whole world is subdued in His feet and he rules and rules over the earth like the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

I can hope in you and live my  life according to your praise and glory, in the name of Jesus, Amen.



One of the best prayers for hope and courage

Heavenly Father, I only hope in You because I deal with so many people

the storms of life that constantly hit my door, with increasing intensity.

God, they look like bubbling waves

defeat all the things that have increased intensity in my life

Please help me lord to see you and keep knowing the hope that I have in you.

without you I am nothing, but with you leading my life has everything I need to stand firm in the faith.

Thank you God for making a new one by your grace creation in Christ and thank you for that promise of hope to be in Him for me.

Thanks for building my hope to you when I first believed – but forgive me God, for  years I knew that I had distanced myself from You as I was strive, in my own strength, to be the captain of my own life and negotiate by its little spikes and swell with my own skills and cunning.


My God, I ask Your forgiveness for being so careless with my relationship with You, for only You are worthy of me

praise and thanksgiving because only You are the source of men in my life and space of hope – you are a faithful person

Shepherd and Stone on Who my hope was founded.

God I pray as the intensity of the storm of life increase around me so that I get closer to you and leave all my hopes to You, for You alone are worthy, In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


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Effective prayer for new hope

Thank you Father that my eternal future is built on Christ Jesus my Lord and I pray that I may cling to the hope I have in him, knowing that he who died on the cross for pay the price for my sins, and lure me with his cords of eternal love in his family, is faithful to complete the good job he started in my life because his word holds true forever and ever.

May I never forget who my hope is, knew that He became sin for me, that I might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Can I stand firm on the confession of my faith and develop a living hope that lasts fast in the day of trouble – know that I can encounter everything in Him that this life drives me away.

My hope is indeed built on nothing less than the Lord Jesus Christ and his righteousness – thank you for the living hope I have in Him,


Prayer for spiritual hope

Thank you Father that our hope, which is rooted and rooted in Christ Jesus is not only for this world, but has the most glorious and eternal prospect, for as Paul said Corinthian believers that if we only hoped in this life, we would be more to be pitied than anyone else, but praise God, that our hope is in Christ, who rose from the dead.

Thank you Father that our citizenship is in heaven and in Christ Jesus is that blessed hope, which we all look forward to, knowing that when we see him we will be changed in his likeness – what a glorious hope we have in him,  a hope that is guaranteed for us in heaven, for which we praise and glorify Your holy name.

May we put our hearts and minds on the things above knowing that Christ is seated at the right hand of God and our life is hidden with Christ in God and we are complete in Him.

Father thank you for this spiritual hope that we have in Him, knowing that He is our eternal and abundant life and that when he appears we too will appear with him in glory. Praise your holy name, amen


Thanksgiving prayer for my hope in Christ

Father, I want to congratulate you and thank you for the living hope, I have my Savior in Christ Jesus.

Thanks for the confidant the certainty that I have in Him to know that my eternal future is assures me in heavenly places – in Christ Jesus, mine Savior.

Thank you that my hope is firmly anchored in him and eternally safe in Christ, the rock of my salvation, and in me pray that day after day that I can hold on to the blissful hope that is placed in front of me.

Look to Jesus, the author and the finisher of My faith: to know that my Lord Jesus Christ is the pillar of our soul, and who is both confident and steadfast – loyal and true.

I praise you and thank you for my wonderful hope in Christ.

that he died for me so that I could have an abundance of hope in this World and in eternal life.  amen.


Prayer for guidance and protection

Check out these prayers for guidance and protection.

Allow God to guide your way and help you stay safe on it.


Prayers for guidance

Here is a short prayer for guidance

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your guidance. Forgive me for getting ahead of Your plans, and help me know when to stop and listen for Your direction. Your ways are perfect, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Prayer for guidance from the Holy Spirit

Lord, I pray you would move the Spirit more boldly in my life. I know that any sin can grieve and diminish the voice of the Spirit and I pray against the temptation to sin.

Lord Help me crave your presence more than I crave sin.

Help me grow in the fruit of the Spirit and so walk closer with Yourself. I pray for guidance from your Spirit- let your will and promises always be a meditation of my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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Short prayer for guidance during life challenges

Lord, I’m here today with open hands and an open heart, ready to depend on you to help me through the day and all it will bring my way. Help me be like Nehemiah, help me come to you for guidance, strength, provision and protection.

As I face tough choices and hard situations, help me remember my belovedness, help me remember that I am Your child and Your representative to the world around me. Help me live today in a way that brings honour to Your holy name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


If there is man to pray then there’s a God who answers Prayers. Compiled above are collections of Prayer  for hope and guidance and they go as such; Great and powerful Prayer for hope and guidance.

Evening prayer for unshakable hope, One of the best prayers for hope and courage and more.

God bless you.

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