Every time we think of idolatry, people all over the world worshiping images of plaster, stone, or precious stones come to mind and the consequences of idolatry that these people would drag. However, idolatry goes much further than that, and you would be surprised to see how many times as God’s people, sometimes we are idolaters without realizing it.
That is why, on this occasion, we bring you this article on the Consequences of Idolatry, and most importantly, how not to be idolaters, hoping in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that the Holy Spirit may reveal Himself to your heart with these humble words.
What is Idolatry?
The first thing that needs to be discussed is the true meaning of idolatry. Understanding that it is a concept that seems once the commandments are revealed to Moses, making reference to this sin to the disobedience of the first commandment that is “Only your God shall you worship”.
This means that idolatry is nothing more than giving the place of God to another thing, person, object, or activity, anything, that steals God’s first place in your life and becomes the object of your idolatry.
And it is very easy to judge others for idolatry and see the projections of this sin, but it is difficult to have the humility to recognize and accept our faults, and thus ask God to transform our hearts, to this type of people God gives them a special place.
How do I know if I have been an idolater in some way?
Being an idolater obviously brings great consequences to the spiritual life, even in the soul and in the physical, deterioration can be noticed, because far from God for us there is only perdition, need illness, and deterioration.
We alone cannot know if we have been idolaters or not, but thanks to God for his provision we have his Holy Spirit who is the one who scrutinizes our hearts and our lives to the depths and reveals to us what is in each one of us. as long as we allow it.
Examples of Idolatry in the Bible
- King David, a man whose heart was according to God’s, according to the sacred scriptures, knew this truth perfectly.
- That is why we see how it is expressed in the Psalms asking God to scrutinize his heart and seek if there is anything crooked and see that it guides him towards the eternal path.
- Only the Spirit of God can reveal to us if we have been idolaters or not, and how many times we have put things in our priorities that distance us and separate us from our beloved God.
- In the Bible, idolatry has to do with worshiping idols, surrendering, and worshiping another god other than our heavenly Father.
- In all biblical stories, it is visible how people worshiped strange gods and paid tribute and sacrifices. Abraham’s ancestors served other gods through idols.
- The Egyptians worshiped figures that represented their gods and in their temples, there were figures of animals that represented their religious beliefs
What does God say about idolatry?
God establishes in his commandments that: You shall love the Lord your God with all your strength, with all your soul, and with all your heart.
The first two commandments, speak that we should not place other gods before God and that you will not make yourself the image and likeness of anything that is above in the heavens and what is on earth… It also expresses that you will not bow down before them; nor will you adore them; because I am your strong and jealous Lord.
God is jealous of us from idolatry and this has consequences, so we should not put anything in the place that corresponds to Him in our lives, either with other religions or objects of worship.
“Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.”
Things that take God’s place in our lives.
- When God established that we should not place gods before Him; he not only referred to other gods; but also to everything in our hearts that occupies the place that we must give to Him.
- This class of idols can be represented by work; children, family, friends, social networks; television, radio… and endless other things that separate us from the presence of God.
- Even in the church; as Christians, we can also fall into idolatry and place our leadership, position, and status before God… although we are surrounding ourselves in his presence we are not close to him.
- Well, we are vain in the things we have managed to achieve in his name, but we do not sincerely give the glory to Him.
“Those who pay regard to vain idols
forsake their hope of steadfast love.” Jonah 2:8
Consequences of Idolatry.
Because of the infidelity of his children, on occasions, he has generated the fury of God and brought as consequences of idolatry, punishment, and destruction to the high places, where they have profaned the faith and the commandments of the Father.
The afflictions of those who have followed other gods are multiplied, and God will depart from them and they will not have his favor. Likewise, those who indulge in their own lewdness and iniquity will not inherit the kingdom of God.
When the affliction comes, they will cry out to foreign gods and these will not respond because the only one who has the power to help them and bless them turned away from them because of the idolatry that was in their hearts.
“The more they called them {the prophets}, the more they turned away from them; They continued to sacrifice to Baals and burn incense to idols.” Hosea 11:2
Turning the Face to God.
None of those who go to God are thrown out, that is why it is very important that you seek him with all your heart, read things related to God, seek His face in prayer, read the Bible and accept his saving grace, and always take a few minutes For God.
- God loves us greatly; let us turn our face to Him; removing idols and infidelity from high places and putting us to account; so that God restores our lives and we can be before the presence of him.
- Sanctifying ourselves before Him with a humble and broken heart; in this way, he will be able to heal our rebellions and afflictions. Because we worship idols that do not hear us, nor can they see; neither do miracles nor healings.
- Our father who is in heaven; you eagerly long for us; waiting for our hearts to turn to Him with a sincere and reverent attitude to worship and praise Him with all spirit and truth.
- Living righteously following his commandments; doing good to others without diverting ourselves to foreign gods that will bring ruins to our spiritual life, if God has not already made us free from idolatry; Why want to continue wearing the yoke of slavery?
- God made us free; it is the beginning, omega the beginning, and the end; there is no one like him and no one outside of him, who has loved us with that endearing love with which he gave us freedom.
“Not to us, LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for your mercy, for your faithfulness.” Psalms 115:1
Some Consequences of Idolatry.
- To be an idolater is to give anything the place that God deserves, for example, if you decide to stay home on a Sunday to watch television instead of going to God’s house to honor Him, and to receive from Him, then you are being idolatrous.
- Without the intention of hurting feelings, or falling into theological discussions, we simply must give God the first place in our lives, in our time, in our emotions, and in everything we do.
- Therefore, we must understand then that the main Consequences of Idolatry are spiritual coldness and finally our spiritual death, that is, when we are idolaters we lose the most beautiful, special, and important thing that is part of our lives, our relationship with God.
- In the same way, a series of curses are unleashed on our lives that will reach us wherever we go, these terrible consequences can be consulted in our Bibles in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28, where both blessings and curses are listed.
- So it is in our hands to choose the blessing or the curse for our lives and the lives of our families, if we give him the place that the King of Kings deserves, or if on the contrary, we go after any false idol.
What Is Idolatry In The Bible: 3 Types of Idolatry and Idols