The 7 Deadly Sins in the Bible
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The cloud of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12:1 is made up of people who have been mentioned in the previous chapter and who were characterized by their fidelity to God, at all times, these examples of faith should be a stimulus for us.

Cloud of Witnesses bible verse

Hebrews 12: 1-2
Therefore, we too, having around our great cloud of witnesses, let us shed all weight and the sin that beset us, and patiently run the race that lies ahead, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, which for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the reproach, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

We must bear in mind that we are not the only ones or the first to face the problems that life makes us face every day, others have already participated in this race and have won. The testimony of these people encourages us to continue and run with patience fixing our eyes on Christ.
And what else do I say? Because time would fail me counting Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, as well as Samuel and the prophets; who by faith conquered kingdoms, did justice, obtained promises, covered the mouths of lions, put out fiery fires, avoided the edge of the sword, drew strength from weakness, became strong in battles, put foreign armies to flight. Hebrews 11: 32-34
Fixing your eyes on Jesus is a warning to the Lord’s Church not to be distracted by looking at and paying attention to people and things that are not suitable. Turning away from Him our gaze will make us hesitate.

Don’t let everyday news, tasks, and circumstances distract you from the truth by dampening your spirits. All that the world puts before your eyes are vanities for the purpose of discouraging you.
Jesus Christ in the face of life’s adversities did not give up, neither did these heroes of faith, which the book of Hebrews shows us in chapter eleven, so you should not give up either.
Never take your gaze from Jesus, never take your gaze from the Word of God, the Bible, pray, never neglect your daily relationship with God, always be aware of his presence because this will keep you in continuous communion with Him.

Having a close relationship with God in the person of Jesus through the work that the Holy Spirit is of vital importance in the life of a child of God, will allow you to always be well informed and know how to discern if what is received or heard Is it good or bad. Fixing your gaze on Jesus is practicing prayer daily, letting yourself be carried away by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Everything you need is in Jesus, in Him the Father is pleased and the Holy Spirit is put into action to minister and supply your spiritual and physical life. In moments of weakness and weakness, continue to believe even if you do not understand what is happening, and do not turn your gaze from the Lord because it is in this attitude of faith that you receive the promises and blessings.
But without faith it is impossible to please God; because it is necessary that whoever approaches God believes that there is him and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him. ” Hebrews 11: 6.


Why fix our eyes on the “great cloud of witnesses

God has given us a powerful weapon to use against any attack on our faith. “Therefore we also, having around our great cloud of witnesses, let us put off every weight and sin that beset us, and patiently run the race that lies ahead” (Hebrews 12:1).
Bible verses about God's Mercy

Take your eyes off those falling around you. Instead, fix your eyes on the “great cloud of witnesses” who have already risen to glory! This verse represents an army of victorious saints from all ages who are above us, as if they are sitting on platforms, cheering for the saints who are still in the race! Hear her cry: “Take away that sin; there is victory! We won! We fought to the death and did not fall… because God kept us! Our faith never wavered. Run with patience, keep going, the truth works! We are victors! “

Whether a few preachers fall, whether a few thousand preachers fall, whether those you trust fall! Does that mean the devil is gaining power? Does it mean that there will only be a few victorious? Look up and see the great cloud of witnesses, all dressed in white!

Was it all worth it? Ask Noah. “My whole generation fell! Only eight of us keep the faith, but we don’t give up for 120 years despite the violence, rampant sin, and mockery. You too can win. “

Tell the devil: “If sin is so all-powerful and you say that everyone is a fake, then what about that big cloud? Where did that army of witnesses come from? If sin is so strong, how is it that many were freed? Look at that triumphant army of witnesses, waving palms and wearing crowns of justice. How do they do it?”

“Satan, you stole and ruined their homes, sent your henchmen to throw their children in rivers, cut them to pieces, cut off their heads, stabbed swords into their bellies, whipped and beat them, cut their throats, and without Yet they did not succumb. His faith prevailed! “

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