Why Wait On God:
But those who hope in God will renew their strength, they will rise up with wings like eagles! This is a verse that we can find in the book of Isaiah 40:31, where we see a contrast between a man in the old creation (King Hezekiah, ch. 36-39) and a man in the new creation (ch. 40).
No matter how good and spiritual Hezekiah was because he was still in the old creation, we need to be finished and replaced by Christ! A person in the new creation, on the other hand, is one who has been regenerated through the living and abiding word of God.
Those who hope in God, What does this mean?
Human beings are like a drop of water and dust particles. We are nothing and even less than nothing, vanity, emptiness. When we know Christ in this way, we are qualified to expect him.
We put our trust and hope in Him. Then we give ourselves the wings of eagles to ride so that we can follow the course of the Christian life without fainting or getting tired. This is the same Christ who was introduced to us in Isaiah 40.
As human beings, we need the incomparable God incarnate in Christ to be our everything: He must replace us and be everything to us! If we are the ones who stop and wait for Jehovah, we experience his resurrection power, we will be transformed and we will soar in the heavens, like eagles!
Waiting for God: what does it consist of?
As Christians, we are “looking forward to and keeping in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah.” We expect relief when he causes the “destruction of ungodly men” (2 Peter 3: 7, 12) God himself is eager to put an end to all evil but is exercising restraint in bringing about the salvation of Christians in a way that glorifies his name.
The Bible says:
“God, though He was willing to show His wrath and make His power known, tolerated it with long-suffering vessels of wrath prepared for destruction so that He could make known the riches of His glory upon the vessels of mercy ”(Romans 9:22, 23).
As we await the day of Jehovah, we can sometimes be upset as the moral standards of the world around us are sinking lower and lower. At such times, it is well to consider the words of God’s prophet Micah, who wrote: “The loyal one has perished from the earth, and among mankind, there is no righteous one.”

How to find hope in God
When life is going well for you, it’s easy to feel hopeful. But when this fallen world brings trouble into your life, feelings of hopelessness can also appear. Fortunately, the hope that God offers is much more than a feeling: it is the reality of his presence with you.
You can experience that hope in any situation, even if your health fails, you lose your job, your spouse leaves, or some other tragedy hits you. Here’s how to find hope in any situation:
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1. Stop surviving and start thriving
Don’t let tough circumstances keep you from making the most of every day you’re alive. Keep in mind that even when times are tough, you can do much more than just put up with your current situation.
In fact, you can enjoy life to the fullest, even in the midst of the worst circumstances, when you remember that life if it is a gift from God and decide to embrace it. Ask God to help you notice his presence with you in every situation, and rejoice when you feel him close.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to renew your mind each day so that you can have the positive attitudes you need to prosper no matter what is happening in your life.
2. Choose to trust
When something bad happens in your life, don’t respond by arguing with God or rebelling against Him. Instead, trust God to fulfill His promise to use all circumstances, including bad ones, to achieve good purposes in your life.
Remember that God is perfect, so he cannot make any mistakes, and whatever he chooses to do it for a good purpose. If you’ve allowed something difficult to happen to you, there’s a reason.
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3. Learn and grow from your struggles
God allows you to experience challenging circumstances so that you can learn to love and trust Him more deeply, and so that you can further mature and develop strong character to be more like Jesus.
Keep in mind that God is more interested in your lasting holiness than in your temporary happiness because holiness will help you learn to choose what is best for you. Ask God to help you see your struggles from His perspective.
Let your struggles teach you what God wants you to learn from them. As you deal with difficulties in your life, stay focused on what matters most: eternal values, so that you can become a stronger person in the process.
4. Resist the temptations to sin
Don’t resort to sinful behaviors to try to escape the pain of difficult circumstances you experience; Doing so will only make your pain worse. Communicate with God, He will respond by giving you comfort that you cannot find from any other source.
5. Draw others to faith as they look at you
Other people are watching you as you deal with difficult situations. If you respond by being faithful to Jesus, they will be drawn to Him because you will show them what true faith in action looks like, and that is attractive.
So instead of complaining about their struggles or compromising your values by trying to deal with them, invite Jesus to shine his light through your life and reflect on the qualities of your character so that other people can see how a relationship with He can help them when they face their own struggles
6. Want what God wants for you
Do not make the mistake of thinking that God does not care about you if he does not give you what you ask. Realize that God loves you so much that He gives you what you need, even when it is not what you want.
Keep in mind that because of your limited perspective on life compared to God’s unlimited perspective, sometimes you ask Him for something that seems good but can actually hurt you.
Trust in the fact that God knows what it takes to have the life that brings you the best. Ask our Lord to align your wishes with his will for you.

7. Overcome fear
No matter what kind of situation you find yourself in, don’t be afraid, because God will always be with you and will have your best interests in mind as He loves you. Whenever feelings of fear creep into your life, turn to God for the help you need to overcome them and successfully navigate your circumstances.
Whenever you feel that God is calling you to do something that requires taking risks, go ahead without fear because God will give you the power to do what He calls you.
8. Consider the sky
Remember everything that awaits you in heaven at the end of your life here on Earth. Let the anticipation of the wonderful experiences you will have in heaven motivate you to face your current challenges with hope, which will give you the strength you will need to overcome any situation.
As you think about heaven, focus your mind on what really matters and let distractions pass so that you can live life to the fullest right now.

9. Don’t give up
Whenever your sense of hope begins to wear thin, ask God to renew you with a fresh dose of hope so that you can continue to faithfully deal with difficult situations that come your way.
Rest assured that at the right time, God will reward you for your faithfulness if you do not abandon your faith in the midst of difficult circumstances. Count on God to give you more hope every time you ask.
Why wait on God?
Have you ever eaten unripe fruit? You were definitely disappointed in the taste. The fruit takes time to ripen, and it is worth waiting for that to happen. There are other circumstances under which it is rewarding to wait.
“It is good for one to wait, even in silence, for Jehovah’s salvation,” says the Bible. (Lamentations 3:26; Titus 2:13) In what ways should Christians wait for Jehovah? How can we benefit from waiting for it? Here are some of the many reasons why you should wait on God:
- Has good plans for you
- For his abundant goodness
- Because it will serve its purpose for you
- Will complete what started
- He will set your plans
- Will guide you
- Your way gets brighter every day
- You are his work
- Wait on God because all the things that happen to you will be beneficial to you
1. Wait on God because He has good plans for you
Because I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for well-being and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). God has specific wonderful plans for each of his children. He has a plan for you, and it is a plan for good.
2. You will see the goodness of God
God promises that believers will see His goodness in this life. You will certainly see his goodness in heaven, but also here. You will see that God answers prayers and meets needs. You will experience their joy. You will see it work on your children.
Do not give up! Because God tells you “but those who hope in Jehovah will renew their strength” Keep waiting on the Lord because he knows what the perfect moment is. Be strong and have courage in your heart. Your hope will not be disappointed. You have hope for the future!
3. Wait on God because he will fulfill his purpose for you
Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? Sometimes I wonder if I could be losing God’s will for my life. But God promises that He has a purpose for my life and He will fulfill it! This gives me great hope!
He will absolutely fulfill his purpose for you. You can’t even stop God from making His good, rich, and blessed plans come true.
4. Wait on God because he will complete what he started
And I am sure of this, that the one who started a good work in you will complete it on the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1: 6) God finishes what he begins. When God saved you, He began an incredibly good work in you: transforming you into the likeness of Christ.
Everything you go through, good and bad, is controlled by his sovereign hand to conform you to Christ. He will not fail. There will be no “unfinished” believers in heaven. God works in your life every day and on “the day of Jesus Christ” you will be like him.
5. Wait on God because he will establish your plans
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. (Proverbs 16: 3) Maybe you don’t know where you are going in life. But if you seek the Lord, you have a sure hope that He will set your plans as He has promised. Let’s be honest: there are many times when you cannot carry out your own plans.
But God is not like that. If you entrust your work to the Lord, he will establish your plans. He will make your plans align with his plans, and then he will make those plans come true. You can wait on God because he is the one who will carry out your purposes.
6. Wait on the Lord, He will guide you
God Himself, the one who controls all things, the God of infinite wisdom, will PERSONALLY advise you with his eye on you. Wow, who could hope for more than that!
Ask God to instruct you, teach you, and show you how to live a life that pleases Him, and He will. He will guide you on the way forward. He will instruct you, teach you, guide you, and advise you. Although the way forward may seem unclear at this point, God will be the one to make it visible.
7. Wait on God because your path is getting brighter every day
But the way of the righteous is like the light of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until the whole day. (Proverbs 4:18). Your path may be dark right now, but if you keep seeking the Lord, He will make your path brighter and brighter.
8. Wait on the Lord, you are his work
Do you think God has prepared good works for you to enter? It certainly has, and it will guide you in those good works. You are his workforce, and every day he makes you more and more like Jesus Christ. Nothing can prevent you from completing that job.
Scripture tells us that when we wait on the Lord, we will gain strength! We will be like eagles, with renewed wings, as the verse says. If you have become tired and/or overwhelmed by the worries of this world, it is a clear sign that you need to change what you are putting your hope in.
Are you putting your hope into your work? Government? The economy? Another person? People who put their faith in other things will always end badly, but those who hope in Jehovah will have their strength renewed and all things will help them for good.