Meaning of Amen in the Bible

5th commandment
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Have you been asking Why, Do We Say ‘Amen’ or What Does it Mean? ask no more, Here is the meaning of amen in the bible.

What does ‘Amen’ mean and why do we say it every time we pray?

If you’re looking for the meaning of amen in the bible, continue reading to uncover all about the biblical word.

There are words that simply differentiate some people from others, for Christians expressions like “God bless you”, “Brother”, and “Amen”, are characteristic.

That is why this time we want to ask you the meaning of Amen in the Bible, hoping that the Holy Spirit will bring a beautiful revelation with these short and humble words.

Meaning of amen. 

The word Amen is an expression of the Hebrew culture whose meaning is simple and denotes “so be it,”.

This is how this short word is used as a kind of seal within spiritual contracts, understanding that God has put both the power of life and the power of death in our mouths through our words:

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
and whoever loves it will eat its fruits.

Proverbs 18:21


Furthermore, the Bible clearly states that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven, (Check your Bible at Matthew 18:18) just as whatever we lose on earth is loosed in heaven and comes down in the form of blessing to our lives.


What meaning does Amen have in the Bible?

The amen of the Bible is Christ, the seal of creation. The bible shows us the nature of the trinity because from Genesis to the apocalypse God appears in the plural, this is how in Genesis 1:26 he appears

“Then God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”

Later it is denoted that everything that exists is sustained in Him, and also that in Christ all the promises are yes and without Amen, thanks to the sacrifice he made for his creation that he loves and loved that he gave himself for her.

All the promises that God has made are “yes” in Christ. So through Christ we respond “amen” to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV

That is why every day we must thank God for a new day and a new opportunity because we know that His mercies are new every morning and that He is our only and true God who never disappoints us.


When to say Amen?

As Christians, we sometimes wonder when it is correct to use the expression amen, and when it is not appropriate to use it.

That is why we bring you a small list of opportunities where without a doubt you must respond with an amen with all the strength of your heart and your faith.


-An amen is always to bless. 

Without a doubt, every time you hear a blessing, whether for yourself or for another person, you must respond with an amen because in the spiritual world it means that God will make it possible for that promise to come to its place.


-An amen indicates that you have learned your lesson. 

Many times when we hear the word of God, we feel that God is inevitably speaking to us, that is why we say Amen in the most appropriate way for that moment.


-An amen to claim a promise from God. 

The Bible is full of the most wonderful promises of God for our lives, that God has placed there so that we have a full, happy, abundant, and victorious life.

Therefore, as children of God, we can confidently come to the throne of his magnificent grace to claim the fulfillment of those promises. Well

God is not a man, that he should lie,
nor a son of man, that he should repent.
He said, and he won’t he?
He spoke, and he will not execute him?

Numbers 23:19

It should be noted that you cannot claim promises that you do not know and that not everyone enters the holy place, to get there you must have a lot of faith, a humble heart, a life given to God, and a relationship with the Holy Spirit, and therefore, Of course, you must know the word of God, knowing that you will be able to say AMEN to his promises.

Therefore, we invite you to establish a relationship with God, to receive the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross for our sins, to receive him as your personal savior, and to read the Bible and seek the presence of God in your life.

-An amen to close sentences. 

Whenever you finish praying, it is good to say amen, it is not that you need to say it to seal a contract with God or something like that, but the: In the name of Jesus Christ amen indicates what we have explained to you previously.

Christ is the seal of creation, his name is Above all names, before his name knees bow in heaven, on earth and under it, that is our God, and closing our prayer with his name and an amen, is a beautiful privilege to give him honor, give Him glory, and give him thanks.


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