8 Powerful Prayers for the Sick with Bible scriptures

Prayers for the Sick with Bible scriptures
Prayers for good health
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Prayers for the sick are powerful and meaningful. Whether you are praying for a friend, family member, or even yourself, these prayers for the sick can bring comfort and peace in times of need.

When we pray for those who are sick, we are asking God to provide healing, strength, and comfort. We are also expressing our faith in God’s power and goodness. Here are 8 powerful prayers for the sick.

Prayers for healing the sick

Have you ever been so sick that you can’t even get out of bed? If so, you know how difficult it can be to find the strength to keep going. Thankfully, there is a powerful source of comfort and strength available to you in prayer.

Prayers for the sick can provide solace, hope, and peace in times of illness and distress. Whether you’re praying for yourself or a loved one, here are 8 powerful prayers for the sick to get you started.

put God first

prayer for a sick person

This prayer can help you trust God’s sovereignty in the midst of sickness.

Lord, you are sovereign and all things that happen to us you have under control, at this moment I stand before you, by the precious blood of your beloved son to ask you for the healing of my brother in Christ.

Lord, you know his situation, you know because of the difficulties he is going through and that he has been in severe pain and discomfort for several days and although he has undergone medical treatment, he has not yet fully healed, for this reason, I appear before you, with the faith of that you hear my prayer so that you heal him in the name of your beloved Son.

Please help my brother in Christ, Lord, to wait for your healing, so that we can be patient in the midst of difficult times and teach us to trust you despite any situation, Lord, if doctors are necessary to heal this disease, give them wisdom and grace so that what they formulate is what my sick brother needs, but we believe that you have the power to work supernaturally even without their need.

Lord, if it is a disease due to a sin of my brother, forgive his sins and bring healing in the name of Jesus, or if it is a test for my beloved brother, help him to overcome it and come out victorious, Lord, this is for you. We ask in the name of your beloved son Jesus Christ, Amen.

“Aren’t two sparrows sold for a quarter? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father. For even your hairs are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” ( Matthew 10:29-31 ).

Healing prayers for the sick friend

Lord, I stand before you, to ask for the health of my friend who is convalescing and needs your compassion.

Comfort him in this moment of illness and ease his suffering. We ask you to release and heal them in the name of Jesus, the one who died for our sins and defeated death so that we may live a life of abundance in Christ Jesus.

Lord, understanding that you have sovereign purposes with my friend, we ask that you bless him and protect him from the evil one and his attacks, that you renew his strength and heal what afflicts him in your loving name, amen.

“A friend loves at all times and is like a brother in time of trouble” ( Proverbs 17:17 ).

Healing Prayer for a long illness

Oh God, Almighty Lord, at this moment I want to present before you, my loved one who has been sick for a long time and is discouraged by this great fight that he had so long ago.

Lord, you are great and powerful, and nothing is impossible for you, forgive the sins of my loved one and help him to believe in your healing, Lord, I ask you to please heal him completely in Jesus name.

Renew his heart and help him to persist in prayer, to keep asking, to keep looking, to keep calling as you told us to. Lord, please ease the anguish of my loved one and heal him as you did a daughter of Abraham who suffered even for 18 years ( Luke 13:16 ), show him your grace, and please hear this prayer.

Lord, may my loved one see your power and glory, and may his healing be for your glory, honor, and praise in Jesus name. Amen.

Healing Prayer for the sick child

Heavenly Father, at this moment I stand before you, to ask you for the life of my beloved son. Lord you know my son, help him in this difficult time and heal him please in Jesus name.

Lord, please forgive my son’s sins and forgive my sins and those of my family, Father, you know what it means to me that my son is sick, it gives me sadness, anguish, pain, and weakness, Lord I know that all things work for my good, but please I ask you to work in the healing of my little one.

Please bless and heal my son in the name of your beloved Son. Give him back his smile and the desire to play. Rebuke all the work of the devil on my son and on my family and please I ask you to work in the healing of his body and that he be completely healed in the name of Jesus.

Prayer for the sick family member

My Lord, my castle, my liberator, at this hour and without deserving it, I present myself before you through the blood of your Son Jesus Christ, to ask you to intercede on behalf of my loved one, so that you please help him and give strength in their battle against this disease.

Lord, help him to remember that everything is possible so that he believes and hopes in you. He strengthens his body, his soul, and his spirit. Please be a shield around him, and fill his heart with joy believing that you can work supernaturally on his life.

Father, help him to have an unshakable faith despite the difficulties he is going through and that even though the medical exams say bad things, he remains in the faith of your beloved son, believing that you are capable of healing him.

Lord, strengthen him at this moment, and may he have a permanent faith, without which no one can please you and guard his life and heart against the enemy, and please rebuke all the work of the devil in the health of my loved one and forgive his sins in the name of Jesus, amen.


Prayer for the pain suffered by a loved one due to illness

Glorious Lord, please put your healing touch on my loved one who is in agonizing pain right now.

Consider the groan of my loved one, and listen to our cries and pleas for help. I ask you in the Name of Jesus that this pain go away right now and not come back. May my loved one lie down and sleep peacefully, undisturbed. In your loving compassion, bring peace and liberation. Amen.

Prayer against the fear of dying from a disease

Oh Lord, Rock of our Salvation, I intercede for my friend who is experiencing so much fear in this battle against his illness.

Remind my friend that you have not given us a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of power, love, and self-control. Help my friend to invoke your Name when fear rises, and to rest in your embrace. Surround my friend with the shield of faith with which he can quench the darts of the enemy that attack him; be a refuge and a protection. Amen.

Prayer for my healing from sickness

Heavenly Father, thank you for your love, kindness, and favor for me always. Lord, you know me, you know the pain that has afflicted me for some time, that is why I want to ask you to forgive my sins, to help me do your perfect will, and in that perfect will you bring healing to my life.

Lord, I am afflicted at this moment, I cannot work, I am weak and sad because of my health situation, that is why I ask you to help me, to be close to me in these difficult moments, as the scripture says: “Close Jehovah is to the brokenhearted, And he saves the broken in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18).

Lord, I trust in your favor, in your grace, and in your mercy towards me, help me to endure this moment and wait on you until healing is complete and I can return to my normal life. I trust, Lord, that this moment of anguish and suffering is temporary, but that you, in your immense favor, will listen to me and heal. Amen.

“God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, nor will there be more crying, nor clamor, nor pain; for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).



Prayer has the power to heal and comfort those who are struggling with sickness and disease. Whether you’re looking for prayers for a loved one, yourself, or a friend, these 8 powerful prayers for the sick are sure to bring peace and solace during a difficult time.

From prayers for the sick to prayers for healing, these words of comfort and hope can help bring light into a dark time and bring strength to those in need.

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