7 Life Lesson To Learn From Sin In The Bible

sin that leads to death
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One can not live a free life under sin, here is 7 lessons that sin teaches us.

The title of this article might shock you at first impression. I know it feels a little weird that you can get something good out of something as bad as sin. And yet, falling into sin can teach us a lot of things when we keep the right attitude. As you read you will understand that it is not about glorifying sin or encouraging sin, but rather finding the key to overcoming it.

The Bible tells us this: ” In the day of happiness, be happy, and in the day of trouble, meditate on your ways …  (Ecclesiastes 7:14). In this, sin can be seen as the day of misfortune, for it is the day when you disobey God and bring misfortune onto your life. Meditating on your ways on such and such an occasion would allow you to consider not where you fell but what made you fall, in order to be enlightened on what to do not to fall back into this sin. So yes, falling into sin can teach us things that will be useful to us as we continue to walk with God.

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1. In man there is nothing good.

Romans 7: 8 (NJV) “For I know that good does not dwell in me, that is, in what I am by nature. To want the good is within my reach, but not to accomplish it “

Romans 7: 8 (Living Word) “From experience I know that in me, that is, in my natural being, no good dwells. It is not the good will that I lack, but rather the strength to carry out my good intentions ”

When you have not understood this elementary prerequisite of the life of faith, you have not yet finished with the life of sin, because you are not yet ready to give up your carnal being to be crucified. Indeed, God has endowed man with intelligence. Because of this, we have a natural inclination to do what is in our best interests and to refrain from doing which will obviously serve to harm us. Although the present century has clouded the minds of many, there is a general tendency unique to mankind to protect and conserve what we find good, while getting rid of what is bad.


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So I write these few letters with a note of hope, telling myself that if man knew how much his natural being has nothing good to bring him, he would not hesitate so much to deliver it so that ‘he be crucified, Every man is born with the nature of sin inherited from Adam. It is therefore corrupt at the base. It is therefore a mistake to believe, as we have tried to instill in us during our studies, that man is born good. In man no good dwells. The Apostle Paul saw his natural being as a prison, which prevented his mind, however well disposed, from living the life of God, for he said: “… Who will deliver me from the body of this death? “. Indeed, your carnal nature, except to destroy yourself, is of little use. She keeps you chained in sin, and by sin keeps you chained in the bonds of death in all its forms; and this, in all areas of your life: failures, illnesses, bankruptcy, debts, divorce, apostasy, etc. However, there is no way to beautify a carnal being to make him more benevolent and less harmful. The flesh is only good for the cross.

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2. For man this is impossible.

Romans 7:19 (Living Word) “I do not manage to accomplish the good that I propose to myself and I commit, in spite of myself, the evil that I had nevertheless decided to avoid. “

The Bible tells us that without the law there is no sin (Romans 5:13; Romans 7: 8). Sin is the obvious and blatant observation that it is impossible for man to obey the law by His own strength. God gave the law to man, among other things to prepare him to receive grace. In fact, God was not really deluding himself in giving the law to man; He knew that it was not possible for the carnal man (in whom the Holy Spirit did not yet dwell) to please Him by his efforts at holiness. This is why with the law, He also gave the sacrifice which was the means of purifying oneself after sin, because the Law would inevitably give life to sin. Likewise, each sacrifice was foreshadowing of the supreme and perfect sacrifice that was to come through Jesus. One of the aims of the law was therefore to make man understand that it is not possible for him, at least in the carnal dimension, to do anything to please God. Thus, man would long for grace and would know how to give it the right value.

Even today, even having this grace available, many of us want to please God through our efforts. We want to meditate more on the Word, pray more, and abstain from all sin. Only, without grace, this could not be possible. Thus, sin comes to remind us each time we seem to get rid of it, that in man, this is impossible, in order to bring us back to the feet of grace.

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3. We need Grace.

Joyce Meyer once defined Grace as ”  the power of God, freely made available, to enable us to do easily, which is humanly impossible  “. Understand that God, knowing that it is impossible for us to obey Him humanly, provided in Jesus Christ, the supernatural capacity to do so. This is why it could not be more absurd to think that Grace opens up a avenue for us to sin with impunity. No ! Grace is God who provides the strength to do His will, because to carnal man it is impossible. How then can we take hold of this Grace? The Apostle Paul gives us the way par excellence:

Galatians 2:20 (KJV) “I was crucified with Christ; and if I live, it is no longer I who live, it is Christ who lives in me; if I now live in the flesh, I live in faith in the Son of God, who loved me and who gave himself up for me ”

Die to the flesh, die to oneself, die to the nature of sin; this is the way to receive the life of God in oneself and to be able to obey Him. Having said that, we must take care to maintain ourselves in this new life on a daily basis. Whenever our carnal desires call on us, we must remember that we are dead to the flesh and are not indebted to it, to satisfy its lusts (Romans 13:14).

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4.  Sin makes us humble.

Sometimes the Lord gives us the grace to abstain for a longer or shorter time from certain types of sins that were then our daily lot, we begin inwardly and sometimes unconsciously to be proud of ourselves, as if the merit we was coming back. We whisper to ourselves, ”  I am no longer at this level  “, ”  I no longer commit certain sins  “, ”  the Lord must be proud of me  “, ”  now I am able to obey Him. », Monopolizing us with a Glory which is not ours, ignoring that it is the Lord who produces it in us. Sometimes we even come to feel superior to others still grappling with our past faults. We feel better Christians than them, closer to God than them, etc. And then a little reminder, we fall into a sin that we thought we had definitively conquered. The Lord allows it as if to tell us “  poor fool, it is not you who deserve it but Me; it is not you who are holy, but it is I who produce it in you  ”. We then learn humility, to abandon ourselves to God and to give Him glory with the life that He produces in us.

5. Sin makes us compassionate towards others.

When you fall into sin, it makes you less hard on your other brothers who in turn come to bear the brunt of it one of these days. You know what they need is love and certainly not to be accused and labeled. You know what it feels like to be in such a situation and what you need. So you can reach out to help them get up, as often as needed.

Indeed, the problem with “too holy” people in the church, in reality sinners who deceive themselves, is that they are (like the eldest son) ignorant of the depth of the Father’s love and do not can manifest it.


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6. Sin reveals to us unsuspected dimensions of the love of God.

Sin reveals to us when we step out of the deep dimensions of God’s love. It happens sometimes, when you catch yourself in certain situations that you know perfectly well to be contrary to the will of God, that you start to feel guilty. You tell yourself like the prodigal son, that you are no longer worthy of the Father’s love and even have difficulty in coming to seek His forgiveness, however available. So when God comes to you as with Peter saying to you ”  listen, I still love you and no matter what you have done, I forgive you! », You are confused by His love and this takes you to a whole other dimension of intimacy with Him. This is why, you will have noticed, the people most sincerely attached to God like Paul, are people who have gone far in sin and whom the Lord has nevertheless gone in his grace to seek. They do not have the same conception of love and grace as the others who try to earn the love of the Father by their works.

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7.  Sin reminds us that we must never let our guard down!

We must be constantly alert in our walk with God and whatever our spiritual level, never believe ourselves to be immune from sin. Sanctification is an everyday affair, every moment. Every time you let your guard down, you pay it cash. Staying on guard means watching over your behavior every minute, watching over your words and thoughts. It is constantly asking through prayer, the strength of God to resist sin, and at no time indulge in the pride of believing that we have become sufficiently spiritual to do without it. Sin is constantly lurking in our path, and we need the strength of God to overcome it.

So let us be careful not to indulge in sin, lest we grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom we have been sealed, for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30).

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