Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us manifest our deepest desires and bring us closer to God. But sometimes, it can be hard to know which prayers to use and how to make them work. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 6 miracle prayers that work immediately for all things. Whether you’re looking for guidance in your life, healing for yourself or a loved one, or a way to manifest your dreams, these prayers have been proven to be effective and are sure to bring you the results you’re looking for.
6 powerful Miracle prayers that work immediately
For serenity to arrive quickly in your life and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, it is necessary to resort to the help of the Father. It does not matter if the adverse situation has to do with finances, health or love, God does not deny his helping hand to those who are pure of heart and ask him with humility.
1. Prayer for a miracle
The best way we can approach the Holy Father is through prayer. The right words are the appropriate means to ask for that favour that we urgently need. The Lord waits for you to express yourself in a pleasant way towards Him, so do not hesitate to pray this prayer to ask for that miracle you long for.
Holy Father who art in Heaven.
Hear my prayer, heed this call of anguish.
You more than anyone know the adverse circumstances I’m going through.
That is why I need a miracle to manifest quickly.
I am aware that I cannot get out of this alone.
Extend your mighty hand to me,
Help me, O Merciful Lord.
Listen to everything that I expose to you today.
I praise you and bless you forever, grant me your divine help.
2. Prayer to ask for a financial miracle
These days, chaos reigns and financial problems are part of the lives of thousands of people around the world. If you need the Lord to help you overcome this complex financial stage, have faith and go to his Presence.
God Heavenly Father, Creator of Heaven and the entire Universe.
Dispel the darkness that clouds my sight today.
Join me in the storm, and make my financial problem be solved.
Don’t leave me alone on the street, I need to support my family.
Take care of my night and day, let me settle my debts.
Comfort me on this day, I really need it.
Give me encouragement to overcome all vicissitudes.
Help me Oh Heavenly Father in this hard time.
I beg for a financial miracle to manifest in my life.

3. Prayer for impossible miracles
There is nothing that cannot be fixed with the help of the Creator and his beloved Son, trials are part of life and we must face them, even if we don’t like them. This prayer is ideal for Jesus to light our way and grant us that miracle that we think is impossible.
Beloved Jesus who reigns in Heaven.
I am here, on my knees before Your Sacred Presence.
You who rose from the dead after three days, who faced so many difficulties.
Guide me in this most adverse moment.
Grant me understanding, wisdom and intelligence to know how to face this.
Make my path illuminated with your precious light.
Heed my call, Merciful Lord Jesus.
Nothing is impossible for you, that’s why I beg you to work in my life.
Transform this situation so that he emerges victorious from it.
Grant me this impossible miracle, I have faith.
I love you immensely, do not abandon me.
4. Prayer for a healing miracle
If you need a miracle to happen for your health, ask the Creator Father of the Universe. He will know how to answer you promptly so that your condition no longer afflicts you. Have a lot of conviction in every word and you will see how you return to being the same healthy and strong person as before.
Oh, Holy Father, healing Father.
My body no longer resists, this disease torments my soul.
Help me face this suffering, calm my pain.
Pass your healing hand over my body, I wish to recover.
Work in my favour, grant me this miracle for my health.
Allow me to regain all my strength, let the smile light up my face again.
Make me feel your Holy Presence in every moment.
Don’t make me feel down anymore, I want to be healed.
I ask that in your Sacred Name, health never lacks more in my life.
5. Prayer to the Virgin Mary for a miracle
It is no secret to anyone that the Blessed Virgin Mary has worked in favour of many people, thanks to her divine intervention. Trust in the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, she will bring you closer to the Heavenly Father, she will work for a miracle to be done in your life.
O Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of the Risen Jesus.
You are pure, sweet and good.
I love you immensely, I come to ask you to do a miracle in my life.
I beg you to help me and intercede for me before God and before your beloved Son.
May the grace that I request so much be attended.
Intercede so that help arrives promptly.
I ask you to be present in every moment of my life.
Don’t leave me alone, don’t abandon me, sweet Virgin Mary.
I trust in you, Holy Mother.
- 20 Money miracle Prayers That Works Immediately – Here’s How to Manifest Your Desires
- 30 Powerful Prayers for Financial Miracles and Breakthroughs
- 12 powerful Novena Prayers for Special Favors And Miracles
6. Prayer for an urgent miracle
If agony and despair are present in your life and you need a quick solution to your problems, pray this prayer. With the guidance of the Most High you will soon be able to get out of your sufferings on earth. Have faith because the Father will solve your problem quickly.
Holy and Merciful Father.
I come to You today, I am extremely desperate.
Hear me, Almighty God.
Help me on this day, I need your help to manifest immediately.
Come closer to me Beloved Father, grant me that urgent miracle that I ask of you.
I can’t wait any longer, I need peace and serenity in my heart.
I don’t want insomnia to continue to be part of my nights.
Let me rest easy, free from worries.
Drive away all my enemies, may they never harm me again.
I trust in your Holy Will Heavenly Father.
Open the paths so I can see your light.
I know you will work in my favour, I love you and bless you.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.