55 Prayer for finances wealth and prosperity with scripture

Prayers for Financial Breakthrough
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55 Prayer for finances wealth and prosperity with scripture

Check out this powerful 55 Prayer for finance (money) wealth and prosperity.

God said in Deuteronomy 8:18: And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

Wealth is of the Lord and the plan for you is for to be rich, wealth and live a prosperous life.

Check out this list of powerful Prayers

To cut all short, below are powerful Prayer for finance, wealth and prosperity with bible scriptures.

1. Father, I thank you that it is you that gives me power to get wealth, that you may establish your covenant which you swore to Abraham.

2. Forever your word is settled in the heaven

3. Settle this word forever over my life, my children, and my descendants in the name of Jesus.

4. Father, I station and place these words at my life gates and those of my bloodline.

5. Father, let everything needed to bring this word to pass be released into my life in Jesus name.

6. Every man, woman, angel, gift, talent, knowledge information, needed for this word to manifest in my life, be released into my life in Jesus name

7. I declare and decree that wealth will receive and cloth me and my descendants as we step into our lives and at every gate that we enter, in the
name of Jesus.

8. Father, every time the Courts of Heaven convene, and my finances are spoken of, let this scripture stand and testify for me, my children and my descendants to the coming of Jesus in
the name of Jesus.

9. Let this word be fruitful and accomplish everything you have designed it to in my life in Jesus name. (Isaiah 55:11).

10. Master, let every revelation locked into this scripture which is set to manifest at different time lines, be revealed to me, my family and my bloodline in the name of Jesus.

11. Father, I activate every anointing that is locked into this word, by the voice of the blood of Jesus.

12. I declare and decree in the name of Jesus that you have given me, my children, my descendants, power to get wealth in Jesus name.

13. I declare, and decree wealth is now part of our heritage because of this scripture in Deuteronomy 8:18.

14. Every time when poverty steps up and testifies against me and my bloodlines in the Courts of Heaven, let this word manifest and become a voice and a witness for me, my family, my children and my descendants in the name of Jesus. (I John 5:7)

15. Father, I bless you and I give you glory for today generational chains of poverty, the prison doors of poverty are broken over my life, my children’s lives and my descendants as I declare this word in the name of Jesus.

16. Father, let this word create paths to wealth, and wealth creating opportunities in my life, my children’s, my bloodline and my family in the name of Jesus.

17. Father, let this word create paths to
creativity, innovations, inventions that will bring generational wealth into my life, my family, my bloodline and descendants in the name of Jesus.

18. I hid this word in the name of Jesus for the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe.

19. Let Deuteronomy 8:18 become a memorial for me, my family, and, my bloodline in the name of Jesus

20. I declare and decree that this word will continually manifest in my life, my children/s life, and my descendants forever in the name of Jesus.

21. Lord, I continue to speak this word over every day, every month, and every year of my life and of my children’s lives, my descendants and those of my bloodlines.

22. Every time the enemy raises a flood, Lord raise a standard with this word.

23. Father, let Deuteronomy 8:18 become a key that will open generational doors of wealth and prosperity in my bloodlines in Jesus name, that your covenant may be established in our lives.

24. Let it open storehouses of wealth not only in heaven but also here on earth in the name of Jesus.

25. Let Angles assigned to wealth creation, power, influence, be attached, activated and let them minister to me, my family and bloodline because of this word.

26. Every generational voice that raises contrary to this word, blood of Jesus raise and answer it because the blood of Jesus speaks a better word. (Hebrews 12:24).

27. Father let the wealth of the Gentiles come to me, my family and my bloodline in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 60:5)

28. Let men bring to me the wealth of the gentiles in the name of Jesus ( Isaiah 60:11)

29. Order my steps , to places of wealth, and to wealth creating opportunities, for the steps of a righteous man are ordered of you. ( Psalm 37:23)

30. Let my eyes be opened that I may see andnrecognize opportunities to create wealth, in the name of Jesus

31. Let my ears be opened , to hear of
opportunities to create wealth for the glory of your name

32. Let the hidden riches in this nation open up to me, my family and my bloodline in the name of Jesus(Isaiah 45:3)

33. Make known to me the secrets of this nation in the area of wealth creation in the name of Jesus

34. Blood of Jesus speak for me, and, plead mercy, forgiveness, the story of salvation and redemption, for this reason was the son of God made manifest that we may have life and have it in abundance in Jesus name.

35. Father crown my year with your goodness and, let my feet drop prosperity behind them in Jesus name. (Psalm 65:11) .

36. Silver and gold belong to you O Lord.
37. The cattle on a thousand hills and every beast of the forest are yours O Lord

38. You desire that I may prosper and be in good health. (3 john 2)

39. I declare Exodus 6:6-8 to be my portion and that of my family in the name of Jesus.

a. Bring us out from under the burdens
of the Egyptians
b. Rescue us from the Egyptians
c. Redeem us with an outstretched arm
and great judgments


40. I declare that you are bringing my family and I into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs that flow up out of valleys and hills, (Deut 8:7)

41. A land of Wheat, barley, vines, fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey (Deut 8:8)

42. We will eat bread without scarcity and will lack nothing (Deut 8:9)

43. A land whose stones are iron and whose hills we can dig copper (Deut 8:9)

44. Thank you Lord for the good land that you are bringing us into

45. Father we thank you that the hand of the wicked taskmaster in this nation is broken over my life and that of my family in the name of Jesus (Ex 1:11)

46. Every scheme of the principality over this country to keep me in financial bondage is destroyed in Jesus name

47. I declare that I am seated in heavenly places in Christ, far above every principality, power, might, dominion, ruler, power, and every name named in this age and in the age to come (Ephesians 1:20-21, 2:6)

48. I declare that I will break into new wealth frontiers in the name of Jesus

49. Every limitation of wealth creation in my life, caused by my gender, my family, tribe, bloodline, community and Nation is broken by the power of the blood of Jesus

50. Let every wicked voice disqualifying me from partaking of the new season of wealth, or entering into new realms of wealth because of my family, bloodline, gender, tribe, community, nationality, be nailed to the cross of Christ in the name of Jesus

51. Blood of Jesus cry mercy at every accusation of poverty from the enemy over my life and my family

52. I enter and partake of realms of wealth, that have been released into my family, my community, my nation in the name of Jesus

53. I stand in the office of a King and priest and ask for keys, secrets, strategies, provisions, and, anointing for wealth creation, released in this season. Let them manifest, in my family, my life, my bloodline in the name of Jesus (Rev 5:10)

54. Let every prophetic word in the area of wealth released over my nation manifest in my life in the name of Jesus

55. Let not your word concerning wealth go back to you void, let it accomplish that which it was intended to accomplish in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 55:11)

Father I thank you and bless your name, forever be glorified in my life

Also Read;

  • Faith without works is dead meaning with full explanation
  • Faith come by hearing the word of God
  • 5 Ways to build your faith in God
    The earth is of the lord and the fullness thereof, wealth and prosperity is your heritage.
    Above are Prayer for finance, wealth and prosperity with bible scriptures you can meditate on as you pray.

God bless you.

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