35 powerful prayer for children success

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Here’s 35 powerful prayer for children success for every caring parent to use pray for the success of their children.

It is the desire of every good parent to see their children succeed.

Successful children will always bring joy and gladness to their parents.

You’re here because you need prayer for children’s success probably, Prayer for education success, Prayer for a child’s success in school, Prayer for children in school, or Prayer for my child to do well in school.

Good News! Welcome to the right post.

These 35 powerful Prayers for children’s success will empower your children with the spirit of excellence, thereby causing them to excel in all areas of their life.

To see your children succeed in all areas of life, it is expected of you as a parent to pray for them with all your heart, and then expect to see the glory of God made manifest in the lives of your children.

Why pray for children’s blessings and success?

Children are God’s precious gifts (Psalm 127:3) and God will hold you responsible for the outcome of your children in time and in eternity.
It’s very important to pray for your children with these 35 powerful prayer for children success because they need your prayers.

we are in a technology generation where we have both good and bad information at our fingertips. It’s necessary to raise our children in the way of the Lord if we must see them excel in life. We must guide them in the direction of the Lord so they can succeed in life.


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Children are the heritage from the lord so, therefore, embrace The Responsibility Of Bringing Up Your Children in the lord’s way and praying for them using below 35 powerful Prayer for children success as a guide.

35 powerful Prayer for children success

Pray for the success of your children using the below prayer as a guide to help them Excel in life.


1. thank You for the gift of children You have given me. I ask for the grace and wisdom to train my children in Your Way, Lord, in Jesus’ name.

2. Father, I received the grace to always pray for my children, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

3. Father, thank you for children are your heritage and your reward in Jesus’ name.

4. Father, I cover my children by the blood of Jesus

5. Father, order the steps of all my children to the right direction in life in Jesus name

6. Father, Let the angel of the Lord always protect my children from danger in Jesus name

7. Father, let your wisdom rest upon my children in the name of Jesus

8. Father, arrest them as your arrested Saul who is known as paul in Jesus’ name.

9. Use my children mightily for your great purpose in Jesus name

10. Father, lead not my children into temptation but deliver them from all evil in Jesus name

11. Father, I separate my children from every ungodly influence in Jesus name

12. Father, let your mercy prevail over judgment in the life of my children in Jesus’ name.

13. I dissociate My children from any conscious or unconscious demonic groupings or involvement, in the name of Jesus.

14. In the name of Jesus, I release my children from the prison of any strongman in Jesus name

15. Let God arise and all the enemies of my home are scattered, in the name of Jesus.

16. Every evil influence and activity of strange women on my children be nullified, in the name of Jesus.

17. As I pray this prayer points for family let chains begin to fall from the hands of my children, my husband, wife, parents, relatives in the mighty name of Jesus.

18. As I pray this prayer points for family because I am a son/daughter of Abraham, connected to the seed of David, let all that I have lost and all that have been captured from me be released, and recovered in double portion.

19. Fire of the living God, like you, consumed Sodom and Gomorrah, consume the captors of my marital life as I pray these prayer points for my family.

20. As the grave could not hold back Lazarus at the sound of the voice of Jesus. Because I am joint-heirs with Christ, as I pray this prayer points for family let the grave release everything it has held back from my family.


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21. Let there be mysterious earthquakes and tornados that will shake the foundations of where the success of my family has been kept as I pray this prayer points for family.

22. Because there is nothing too hard for the lord that I serve, I declare that from today, every impossible situation that has been associated with my family is destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus.

23. I command the angels that were assigned to me to comb the length and breadth of the earth and release every wealth that has the name of my family on it and deliver it to me today.

24. Today, my family and I are delivered from the snare of the fowler and every noisome pestilence.

25. This year every strong man from my father’s house or every strong woman from my mother’s side who has locked my children in the room of failure open the gates and be disgraced in the name of Jesus.

26. Hailstones and fire for above begin to fall on every philistine that has captured, tortured, and ruptured the finance of my helpers today.

27. Because Jesus, my savior, and lord, was resurrected and delivered from the hold of death after three days. I decree that within three days, my family and I are delivered from every strange spirit of death, haunting and trailing my family.

28. Every territorial force of delay that is responsible for tying my children and me to a spot, thereby preventing us from being promoted and elevated, let thunder from heaven scatter them in the name of Jesus.

29. Let the arrows from God begin to slay the guardians of every strange calabash, causing childlessness in my family.

30. In the name of Jesus, let every principality and power standing on the way to my Children’s success, wealth, and financial dominion this year be destroyed and put to shame.

31. Let ballistic missiles visit the camp of any strange man or strange woman that has captured the hearts of my children and let them be bound with the same chains by which my family was bound.

32.Father, before a need arises in my family, let your supply be waiting, in Jesus’ name.

33. Every contention of hell against the well-doing of my children, I cancel them by the blood of Jesus.

34. Father, grant my children success in all areas of life.

35. Father, in the name of Jesus, endue every member of my family with the Spirit of Love, thereby empowering our giving lives for greater financial breakthroughs this year.


We serve a God who always hears us when we pray, 35 powerful Prayer for children success and family are compiled above to help you intercedes for your family.

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