3 ways to live a consecrated life

6 Ways to Acquire wisdom from on high
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Here are 3 ways to live a consecrated life in God

What is consecration and how do you get there? learn more below

A life of consecration.

To consecrate oneself to God is to set oneself apart for Him, to serve Him.
As born-again Christians, we want to be those who continually follow Christ, serve Him, and honor Him with our lives. Consecration is therefore a personal decision. We decide to set ourselves apart for God, we decide to honor Him with our body and our life. It is synonymous with holiness. Here is a recommendation on this subject that the apostle Paul gives us in the letter to the Romans:

“I urge you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which will be reasonable worship on your part. “(Romans 12: 1)

God asks us to offer ourselves to Him as a sacrifice. It involves surrendering to Him, letting yourself be used by Him. It is the best worship, the most beautiful offering that we can give to Him, He who did not hesitate to offer His only Son on the cross for us.

In order for God to use us as He wishes, we must 1. Be humble and come to Him with an open and willing heart, ready to obey His instructions; 2. Let Him get rid of our old soiled clothes (old mentalities, old habits, sins, etc.). For to be set apart is to be separated from all that does not please Him, in order to do whatever pleases Him. So, give our God our year 2018, and our lives at the same time. May Christ not simply be our personal Savior, but may He truly become our Lord, who reigns over us.

3 ways on how to live a consecrated life

 Here are some tips that will help us live a life of consecration for our King.


1. Fasting and prayer.

“… She never left the temple, and she served God night and day in fasting and prayer. (Luke 2:37)

The time we take to fast is a special time we decide to set aside for God. We choose to deprive ourselves of food for a period of time in order to approach Him. It could be for three, seven, ten days, or even twenty-one days. Some even go up to forty days. It is important to go there out of conviction or obedience to the voice of God and not out of obligation or to please people. When we fast, we replace our usual food with the Word of God, and we put aside all distractions.

The benefits of fasting are multiple, not only on the physical level but especially spiritual because it makes us more attentive to the voice of God and to His directives for our lives. When we are weak, this is where the Spirit comes in to strengthen us.

The ideal is to make fasting part of your routine in your life. 

2. Cling to the Word of God.

“How will the young man cleanse his path?” By leading according to your Word… ”(Psalm 119: 9)

The Word of God is a lamp, a guide for the child of God. She assures us to walk in purity of heart and of life.
Why? Because it comes to probe our hearts, to expose all that is contrary to God in them, but also to free us. She doesn’t just clean, she fills and she adds.

By His Word, God creates, guides, directs His children; He makes faith in us grow. When we hold onto the Word of God, constantly meditating on it, we can be sure that we are in God’s will and always arrive at our destination. If we want our new year to be a success, if we want to get into all that the Lord has in store for us, let us abide in the Word, let us rewrite it in our hearts constantly, let us be attentive to what God is telling us by she.

Psalm 119 is a complete psalm that brings us back to the importance of the Word of God, and which exhorts us to hold on to it. Let us understand that the Word of God is the foundation on which we must build our lives. 

There is no success possible without it. Everything that is not founded on it therefore on Jesus Christ is called to collapse. When we build on it and with it, we can be sure that we have built on something solid, no matter what. We have built on the rock.
Storms and waves can never destroy what has been built on the right foundation. Let us thus attach ourselves to the Word of life, the Word of truth which has the power to transform our hearts.

“I keep Your word in my heart, so as not to sin against You. “(Psalm 119: 11)


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3. Understand what God calls us to do.

“For we are His work, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared in advance, that we may do them. (Ephesians 2:10)

God had a plan for each of us long before the foundation of the world. There are things that He has prepared ahead of time for our lives. It is therefore important that we harness ourselves to seek Him, so that He may reveal His plan to us.

We all have a mission, a purpose on this earth. When we understand what God calls us to do, we stay focused. We don’t waste our time and resources in all kinds of distractions, because we know that there is a specific plan, a cause attached to our life. Let’s put aside all distractions, forget about the past, and constantly look ahead, to what God promises us.

So let us give ourselves entirely to the cause of Christ, no matter what form it takes in our lives. Never get in the rough with God.
It will surely require some sacrifices from us, but let us not be afraid to do the will of God for us, because the reward will be even greater. Even when things seem a little blurry, let’s trust God. Let’s ask Him questions if there is any. Let us leave it to Him to reveal to us this wonderful plan that He has for us, and for our year! Let us run expressly towards the goal that God has set for us. We will always be the winners.

“Brothers, I don’t think I got it; but I do one thing: forgetting what is behind and moving towards what is ahead, I run towards the goal, to win the prize of the celestial vocation of God in Jesus Christ. ”(Philippians 3: 13-14)

if we are to live a life wholly consecrated to God, let us seek Him through fasting and prayer, hold fast to His Word of truth, and embrace our call in Jesus Christ. He is not just a Father, but He is also our Bridegroom. In the same way that Esther’s submission earned her a prominent place with the King, so may our life be consecrated and fully subject to God’s plan for us

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