Here is a selection 3 Powerful healing Prayers for a Sick Brother
Having a sibling who is ill in health can cause great despair.
For those cases, there is nothing better than a prayer. If you are here it is because you have a sick brother, so you know what he feels. I invite you to pray this prayer together for a sick brother, whether it be from our family or others.
The family is the most important thing, it is the one that God gave us, and it is the one that will always be there for us. Let us declare together that neither death nor disease has a place or power in our brother . May it is the kingdom of God in your life.
Prayer for a seriously ill brother
I believe that you are the God of the supernatural, the only one who makes the impossible possible.
I put my faith in you Lord, I declare my brother healthy.
And I know that very soon it will bear witness to your great power.
I place my brother in your hands, Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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Prayer of healing for my brother

King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You who have the power to calm storms, to move mountains, and raise the dead. I make this prayer for a sick brother, believing that the sickness will make this statement.I cover my brother and the sick of other families with your powerful blood.
I declare that your kingdom is established in my home and in my brother’s life.
In your kingdom there is no sickness, there is no anguish and there is no pain.
That is why I declare that there is no disease in my brother’s body.
He is holy in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Lord, because I know that you listen to the prayers of your children, in your Holy name I cast out every evil spirit that has wanted to inhabit my brother’s body.
I cast out every disease that has harmed his life.
From now on my brother is healthy, because you, almighty Father,
already suffered on the cross for our sins and diseases. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Prayer of gratitude
For that I thank you, despite our sins, you continue to love us unconditionally.
Your mercies are renewed every morning, even without deserving it, you love us, thank you for so many blessings. I know that in the next few days my sick brother will be able to say:
“Christ heals me” Amen.
God wants your healing
To end with these 3 prayers for a sick brother, highlight an important message that will bless your life. Health is important in our life, health is what makes us enjoy every moment, every minute that God gives us.
This is one of the main reasons why God wants to heal you, you, and your brother.
When one of his children suffers, God is saddened, that’s why he doesn’t want to see you sick.
In the bible, we can see many people who cried out to Jesus for healing. And anyway, Jesus didn’t leave anyone sick.
Final Words:
You just have to have faith for your brother to heal, Jesus also healed many people because others interceded for it. But there is something in common in all the healings that Jesus did, and it is faith. Jesus always ended the healing with ” Your faith has made you well .” Have faith as you pray this prayer for a sick brother.