20 inspiring Prayer for exam success

20 Inspiring Prayer for exam success
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exam success does not depend on your preparation only but many things most especially Prayer and compiled here is list of 20 inspiring Prayer for exam success.

Praying for exam is a very important things you need to do before going into an exam hall and this is why we havec compiled these powerful and inspiring Prayers for exam success here for you as you prepare to archive success on your exam.

When it comes to success in exam, There are two vital things to do among many others before going into an exam hall.

The first thing is that you must have done your best to prepare for the examination while the second vital thing is Prayer.

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prayer to succeed in exams is very important aspect any believer need not to neglect as it helps alot both spiritual and physical.

Someone may ask, why do you need Prayer for success in exams?

Prayer for exam success

Why do you need prayer for exam success?

Examination success ether written or oral does not only depend on physical preparations or on how prepared you are but on many factors.

Although hard work and being well prepared are the keys as the world perceived but, there are many other things to think about and Prayer is the first.

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For instance, There have been cases of people who prepared very well for an exam, they wrote the exam very well but when the result came out, they failed the exam. Also, stories have been shared of people who prepared diligently for the exam, read everything they could but when they got to the examination hall, they went blank out and didn’t know what to write despite the preparation.

Situations can be different but they show that sometimes knowledge is not enough.

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your examiner mood when marking your script matters alot. Mistakes happen during marking, compilation, and recording. Above all, you should trust God for the success you expect in your exam.

That is why Paul said in Romans 9:16 “So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy.”

We have put together these inspiring Prayer for examination success for you to help you out even as you prepare for to archive the success in your exam.

Prayer for success in exams

20 Inspiring Prayer for exam success

1. As I approach the period of this exam, I pray that the spirit of diligence will be upon me, so that I will be able to prepare well for the exam in Jesus Name.

2. I pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide my focus on areas that are relevant to the questions in this forthcoming examination in Jesus Name.

3. I receive retentive memory and quick understanding as I prepare for this exam in the name of Jesus.

4. I pray for an excellent spirit just like such that made Daniel and his colleague ten times better than their equals to rest upon me in Jesus Name.

5. Just like Your word says that I have more understanding than my teachers, therefore based on this promise, I will succeed in this exam in Jesus name.

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Prayer for exam success

6. I receive God’s strength and I speak against every form of sickness before and during the exam that will be a hindrance to my success in Jesus Name.

God inhabits the praises of his people

7. My mind is at rest and not under pressure. And anything that will put my mind under pressure or make me lose my peace in this exam period, I come against it in Jesus Name.

8. I came against anything that will prevent me from writing this exam in Jesus Name.

9. I pray against every spirit of forgetfulness in the name of Jesus.

10. Oh Lord, every area of my brain that is under lock and key, I command them to open up in name of Jesus.

11. Holy Spirit, please help me remember everything that I have been taught and have read in Jesus Name.

12. I pray for the grace and strength of mind to resist any form of cheating during my exam in name of Jesus.

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13. I pray against any form of implication and deception into wrongdoing in the examination hall in Jesus Name.

14. I cover my exam centre with the blood of Jesus. There shall not a case of seizure of results or centre cancellation that will result in my failure in Jesus Name.

15. I pray against all forms of anxiety, fear, and nervousness that cause exam fever, forgetfulness, and mistakes in Jesus Name.

16. I pray that the favour of God will follow my answer scripts as the examiner marks them in the name of Jesus.

17. Everything will work for my good and for my success in this exam in Jesus Name.

18. I pray against any form of mistakes during the marking of my scripts, the calculation and grading of my scores and the recording of my final mark in Jesus Name.

19. As I write this examination, I will not have any reason to rewrite it in Jesus Name. The next time I will have to write an exam will not be at this same level in the name of Jesus.

20. Lord, I thank you because the result of this examination will be outstanding and it will be worthy of celebration to the glory of your name. And at the end of it all, I will not take glory to myself but return it to You in Jesus Name.

Scriptures on Prayer for exam success

Scriptures on Prayer for exam success

You can read and meditate on this scriptures.

Daniel 1 verses 17 to 20

  •  Psalm 119:97 -100
  •  Daniel 5 :12
  •  Philippians 4 :13
  •  Proverbs 16:3
  •  Isaiah 41:10
  •  James 3:17
  •  1 John 2:20
  •  John 14:13, 17/26
  •  Romans 8:11
  •  Ephesian 1:17 – 22
  •  Isaiah 11:2
  •  James 1:5

Note; though Prayer for exam success is a vital key to success in exams also have in mind that prayer alone is not what will make you pass your exam. You have to be diligent in preparing for your exam and at the same time be prayerful for you to enjoy sweet success. Good luck on your exams.

God bless you.

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