20 Effective Ways to Meditate on God’s Word

verses against fear and anxiety
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Every Child of God (Christian) knows how important it is to meditate on God’s Word each day to strengthen our own spiritual strength and our connection with the Lord.

Understanding and following God’s teachings is a central foundation of the Christian faith. As you meditate on the scriptures, you think deeply and internalize God’s truth so that you can apply it to your daily life.

The good news is that there are many ways to meditate on scripture throughout the day, even if you don’t have a lot of time. Here is how to enrich your moments of biblical meditation.


Ways to meditate on God’s Words

how to meditate on GODS WORD

1. Plan your Bible meditation.

In this form of meditation, the first step is to choose the verse you want to meditate on. Do not choose verses at random. Instead, choose a single book of the Bible and work with that book each day during your meditation time.

If you are not very familiar with the Bible, you should start with one of the New Testament Gospels, such as Mark or Luke.

Advanced readers can also start with an Old Testament book, such as the Psalms. Be careful to read only a small part of the text at a time. Then choose one or two specific verses to meditate on.

You don’t have to hurry. Take as many sessions as you need to meditate on the selected verses before moving on to another book of the Bible.

2. Pray over the Bible verse.

A good way to meditate and apply the Bible verse to your life is to pray over it. Apply the biblical truth of the verse to your situation to the best of your ability and use it to pray to God.

  • For example, if you read a psalm that speaks of the attributes of God, you can worship him in prayer.

If you read a lament, you can borrow those words to help you when you are going through a difficult time. When you read advice, you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you put it into practice, and so on.

3. Mark the strong words in your Bible.

An easy way to meditate on God’s Word is to mark strong words as you read, such as active verbs and nouns that are important in a sentence or catch your attention.

You can also mark words or phrases that an author seems to repeat throughout a chapter or book. This way you can visually identify the ideas that stand out in certain sections or books. And when you come back to the section, looking at the highlights will help you remember what you’ve learned.

  • For example, try to highlight words like ” joy ” and ” rejoice ” from the apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians. You will understand why this card is commonly called “the card of joy”.

4. Read different versions.

You probably have a favorite version of the Bible. You don’t need to change your mind about it. But you can use other versions to compare the text and better understand God’s truth.

Different translators use different techniques depending on what they want to achieve with each version. Compare the more literal translations that focus on words with the more dynamic translations that focus on ideas.

Think about how each group of translators translated the verses you are pondering. This will help you understand the biblical text. Also, read the preface or translation notes of each Bible version so that you understand the differences between them.

5. Read the text out loud.

Another good way to connect with the biblical text is to read it aloud. You don’t have to read it too high. Read it so you can hear your own voice. But don’t rush. Focus on every word you read.

This way you will pay more attention to the text than if you skim through it with your eyes. In addition, you will hear your own voice, so your brain will be much more involved in the task (reading, speaking, and listening).

6. Write a verse by hand.

We live in a world full of digital data and electronic devices, but sometimes it makes sense to work in analog. Use this exercise for your Bible meditation: Handwrite the verses you want to focus on.

Do not rush. Pay attention to each word you write, think about its meaning, pay attention to the order of the words that the author has chosen to express the thought, etc. You can also do this exercise with different translations of the verse.

Write down three or four different versions of the same verse and compare them to, for example, the KJV, KJV, ESV, and NIV. You will have a closer connection and a deeper understanding of the text if you read and annotate the different translations of the same verse.

7. Write it in your own words.

Another good way to proceed by analogy and gain insight into the meaning of a particular verse is to write it in your own words. If you find it difficult, you can go from one verse to a group of three or more verses.

Make sure you stay true to the original meaning. If you find it too difficult, look for other translations or look for a commentary on the Internet to study the text further.

8. Display a verse in a conspicuous place.

The idea is to display a Bible verse in a conspicuous place in your home where you can easily see it throughout the day. Pick a verse you want to focus on or memorize. Be creative in displaying the verse in your home.

  • For example, if you have a whiteboard, write the verse on it. If you have a corkboard or bulletin board, copy it onto paper or print it out and put it on the board. Then each time you look at the verse, read it again and think about it for a moment. If something comes to mind, write those thoughts next to the verse. It is a good way to remember the text you are meditating on.

9. Use sticky notes to display a verse.

If you don’t have a whiteboard or other large surface to display a verse, you can also use sticky notes like Post-its to put your Bible verse in a visible place.

Write the verse by hand on a sticky note and stick it somewhere you will see it often, for example, on the computer, bathroom mirror, desk, fridge, dairy, etc. If you keep the text in a place where you will see it often, it will stay in your mind better.

10. Have a conversation with the text.

When you meditate on the Word of God, you can dialogue with the text by asking yourself questions and finding the answers.

  • For example, ask: “Who says this?” “Who is he talking to?” “Where are they?” “Who is this person?”, etc. For some questions, you may have to search the Internet for answers. If you are having trouble finding the answers, talk to your pastor to help you understand the text.

11. Take it with you.

Sometimes you read a passage from the Bible that touches your heart, that speaks directly to a specific need, or that says something about God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit that is especially profound. A good way to meditate on this part of Scripture is to have it close to you.

Write it down on a piece of paper and carry it with you in your pocket or bag. If you prefer it digital, save it to a note-taking app on your smartphone or bookmark it on your favorite Bible app. No matter how you do it, the important thing is to have the Bible verses on hand when you need them.

12. Talk to someone about it.

A good way to organize and consolidate the thoughts of your Bible meditation is to talk about it with someone. It could be another believer, your spouse, another family member, or a friend.

No matter. Invite someone to share their thoughts on the Bible and tell them your ideas and what you have learned from that particular Bible passage. Sharing what you’ve learned with someone is a perfect way to reinforce what you’ve learned and ask questions that will help you dig deeper into God’s Word.

13. Make it your wallpaper.

We need to be constantly reminded of what we are learning from God’s Word so that we can take those lessons to heart. A good way to face the verses you want to meditate on is to use them as a wallpaper for your smartphone or computer.

You can also use them as an image for your lock screen. There are many applications that allow you to choose a nice background and add the text of a verse to create a meaningful image.

14. Learn it by heart.

A good way to meditate on Bible verses is to memorize them. When you memorize verses, you can recall them at any time and meditate on them wherever you are. Repetition is the key to Bible memorization. You can use many ideas from this article to help you memorize verses.

You can also repeat the verse you are memorizing to yourself several times a day. When you start to memorize a new verse, take some time to repeat the previous verses you have memorized, so you don’t forget them.

15. Make a mind map.

You can use mind maps to study and meditate on the Bible. Mind maps help you organize your thoughts and ideas and explore them visually. You can find many resources on the internet to help you create a mind map. You can start by studying specific topics.

You can write a keyword or verse in the center of the mind map and then search for verses related to it. Then you can enter more verses and keywords related to the first verses you have chosen, and so on.

The mind map helps you see the relationships between verses, words, and topics. It is an effective tool to delve into the Word of God.

16. Hand lettering

If you like to express your ideas visually, you can do the same with Bible verses. Handwriting is a great way to turn the words of a Bible verse into beautiful art.

When you work on it, you have to think carefully about each word in order to choose a design that expresses its meaning. This way you can combine the art and the Word of God while meditating on the verse.

17. Bible Diary.

Another way to use art to meditate on a specific Bible verse or passage is Bible Journaling. If you don’t like to write or draw in the Bible, this method is not for you. But if you like to make illustrations in your Bible, Bible Journaling is a good way to deeply meditate on the Scriptures.

You will have to think about the text for a while before deciding what to draw. Then, when you’re done, every time you look at the illustration on the page, you’ll be reminded of what you’ve pondered, what you’ve learned, and what inspired you to create that particular work of art.

18. Create art inspired by it.

If you are a creative person and are attracted to expressing your ideas through art, you should find other ways to express the truth of the Bible so that you can meditate on the Scriptures while letting your creative juices flow.

In addition to handwriting and Bible journaling, you can also try using your favorite art to represent something you thought about while reading the Bible.

  • For example, draw or paint a scene that helps you remember a Bible event that moved you. Or compose a song or write a poem inspired by the Bible. There are many ways to use your artistic talent to make you think and remember the verses you are meditating on.

19. Sing it.

There are many more ways to use your creativity to meditate on God’s Word. Another idea for artistic brothers and sisters is to put the words of the Bible verses into a song. You don’t have to be a music composer to do this. Many people use melodies to remember what they have learned.

  • For example, young children and non-English speakers use the alphabet song to memorize the correct pronunciation and order of letters in the English language. That’s the idea here. Make up a simple tune or borrow another song and sing these Bible verses. This will make it easier for you to memorize them and keep them in your mind.

20. Write what you have learned.

You don’t have to memorize the Bible passage you’re reading to meditate on it effectively. For people who like to write, a good way to meditate on God’s Word is to write about it in a personal journal.

Even if you don’t like to keep a journal, you can write your thoughts about the words of Scripture you are reading. You can come back to it later if you want to remember something or go deeper into the text.

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Additional steps on how to meditate on God’s words.

1. Keep a journal with your favorite verses.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing in a journal, but want to keep track of the verses you meditate on, you can keep a simple verse journal. To do this, write each verse in a physical (paper) notebook or note-taking app.

Be sure to write any personal comments about what came to mind as you read the verse. You don’t have to write an essay. Write a few sentences about each verse, explaining why it caught your attention, what you have learned from it, what it teaches you about the Christian life, etc.

2. Research it

After reading and reflecting on God’s Word, you may need help understanding the full meaning of a verse. To dig deeper and learn more about it, you can research what different theologians and Bible teachers are saying about it on the internet.

Talk to your pastor to find commentators or commentary websites that agree with the teachings of your denomination. Make sure you use good fonts and avoid dubious content (and there is plenty of it on the internet!). You can also buy good study Bibles and Bible commentaries to help you in your studies and Christian meditation.

3. Listen to a sermon about it.

Another fantastic way to delve into a biblical text is to listen to a sermon on it from a respected preacher.

Good preachers explain the text and give suggestions on how we can apply it to our own lives. By listening to or watching a thoughtful sermon, you can learn useful lessons from the biblical text in question.

As with the previous recommendation, you should talk to your pastor to suggest good preachers. They may be classical preachers (such as CH Spurgeon) or modern preachers (such as John MacArthur).

On the Internet, you can find books, videos, and transcripts of sermons from many well-known preachers. Most of these resources allow you to search by Bible passage (book, chapter, and verse) or by keyword. These resources are very useful to enrich your biblical meditation.

4. Share it with your friends and followers on social networks.

Many of the suggestions above provide you with content that you can share with others, in person or through social media.

  • For example, you can take a photo of your handwriting and share it on Instagram or Facebook. Or you can share your wallpaper or the poem you have written. You can also create new content to share with your friends and followers on social networks.
  • For example, you can write a blog post, record a podcast episode, make a video sharing what you have learned about those verses or chapters while meditating, etc. And you can invite other people to contribute and comment, so you can get even more information about the biblical text from your friends and followers.

5. Create an action list.

When we study the Bible, we must keep in mind that we are not just looking for information. We need a change of mentality. And this transformation is only possible because God acts in our lives through his Spirit and his Word.

The Bible contains everything we need to have a relationship with God and live in a way that pleases him. But we have to understand it and put it into practice with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, when you meditate and take lessons from the Bible, write down what you have to do to put into practice what you have just learned. Make sure you start each item on your list with a verb. If necessary, you can also add subsections with the steps you are going to take to carry out the main action.

For example, Matthew 6:14 says, “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

As you meditate on this verse, the Holy Spirit may remind you of the people you need to forgive.

Then, in prayer, make a list of the people who have hurt you, pray for them too, and ask God to help you forgive them. You can also add subsections with more specific actions, like calling someone you want to forgive and reconnect.


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Dedicating a specific time to bring God’s work into your life by meditating on His Word is an important habit that will help you apply God’s ways in your life and be a better follower of God.

One or more of these forms of meditation will help you learn more about the Bible, enrich your prayer life and quiet time, and renew your mind ( Romans 12:2 ).

Try some of the meditation methods listed here and get ready to feel the wonders of a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

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