10 ways to develop a powerful Prayer life

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Our real life is our spiritual life and Life is a Battle field, these brings us to know the 10 ways to develop a powerful Prayer life as a believer.

Is your Prayer life weak? Do you want to improve your Prayer life?
Keeping a consistent Prayer life has always been a difficult task for most of us.

That could be the reason why you are on this post, I have a good news for you because you’re going to see 10 ways to develop a powerful Prayer life, How to develop a consistent prayer life and not just that but also How to deepen your prayer life and to develop a powerful prayer life.

Jesus lived a victorious life and for us to live a christ like life, we ought to pray always.

Christwin is always set to help you live a triumphant life and this topics is going to help you archive your desire.

Read more

  • Short prayer for strength
  • Short prayer for healing and recovery
  • 10 hindrances to prayer and how to overcome them

So then, how can one improve their Prayer life? Your answer is right down 🔻

Here’s the 10 ways to develop a powerful Prayer life for a victorious living.

10 ways to develop a powerful Prayer life

10 ways to develop a powerful Prayer life

1) Begin with thanksgiving and praise and worship.

Thanksgiving praise and worship are
essential to entering God’s presence and
staying alert there. These things work to
draw us to God and keep us alert in His
Psa 100:4 Enter His gates with
thanksgiving And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
Col 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer,
keeping alert in it with an attitude of

2) Pray with the Bible

10 bible verse about humility

All our needs are in the word of God, the bible.
The way to combat that is to pray scripture over your list. Ask God to show you in His word how to pray for people and things in your life.

Start with scripture. Take the verses that you read and actually use them to guide your prayers for others.
Open the Bible, start reading it, and pause at every verse and turn it into a prayer. This is a great way to pray, especially if you are new to it.

3) Look for answers

God answers prayer. Look for these answers and document them. It becomes a testimony of his grace and goodness as we see our prayers been answered. It can also be a picture of His sovereign influence over our lives as we see them answered in ways that we were not really wanting or expecting.

Sometimes it takes the perspective of time to see how He is working, and sometimes we may never see the reason behind certain answers this side of Heaven, but it is still a comfort and joy to know that the God of the Universe is listening and responding.

4) Pray Different Types of Prayer

While studying bible Scriptures about Prayer, you’ll discover examples of different types of prayers. These Prayers include prayers of examination ( Psalm 139:23-24 ), prayer for confession and repentance ( Psalm 51 ), thanksgiving ( Psalm 75:1 ), and petition (Ephesians 6:18) and lots others.

These types of Prayers often goes together in scriptures, For instance, prayers of confession often goes with thanksgiving, as we praise God for his grace, forgiveness Prayers ( Psalm 51:14 ).

Paul also linked thanksgiving with prayers of petition, encouraging believers in Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV), “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
By practicing different types of biblical prayers, we can develop a powerful Prayer life.

5) Make prayer a priority in life

We make time for the things we consider important.
We can talk all day about wanting to
exercise more consistently, but until I
make it a priority and put it on my
calendar, it’s not going to happen.

So, make prayer a priority in your life.
Carve out time in your schedule –write it on your calendar and set it as a priority appointment.

6) Combine Prayer and Fasting

Combine Prayer and fasting

Another great way to a powerful Prayer is prayer with fasting.
Fasting is great spiritual exercise to power up our prayer lives.

Jesus christ deliberated on the rewards of both prayer and fasting in Matthew 6:5-1

He also showed examples of these disciplines by going to the wilderness to fast before beginning his ministry (Luke 4:1) Some passages throughout Scripture likewise showed the importance of fasting and prayer before important events decisions.

Esther, for an example entreated God’s people to fasting and prayer before she approached King Ahasuerus to prevent the genocide he’d approved (Esther 4:16 ). Later in Acts 13:2- 14:23, we also see the church fasting and praying before appointing ministry leaders.

7) Be persistent with your Prayer

A great way to develop a powerful Prayer life is persistent with your prayers.
Come to God boldly and do not be afraid to pray the same prayers over and over again. In fact, the Bible says that persistence is important.
“Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” I Chronicles 16:11
The parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18: 1-8 is a clear example of this.

Jacob wrestled with an angel in his persistence in Genesis 32: 24-32.

We are to keep asking, focusing on our cries to God one day at a time.

8) Never get discouraged

Prayer doesn’t come easy for most of us. You’ll go through seasons where your prayers are vibrant and other seasons where they’re a struggle. You’ll fall off track with your daily prayer habits and lose focus.
This is normal. Just keep at it!
Keep pressing forward. Pick up where
you left off.
Keep the conversation open with God
and allow him to lead you back.

9) Document prayers and their answers

This is a discipline that is certainly not required but can be a tremendous blessing. Consider documenting your Prayers.
A documented Prayer and answer can keep us focused when it’s time to pray. It can also give us a place to keep the lists we mentioned above.

Finally, it acts as a way to remember the grace and power of God.

Documented Prayer can help your prayer life and draw you closer to God.

And lastly on these 10 ways to develop a powerful Prayer life, you must;

10) Discipline yourself by Prayer.

The only way to develop a consistent prayer life is to consistently pray. Discipline means guiding your thoughts and actions in ways that they don’t always want to go.
1Ti 4:7-8…On the other hand, discipline
yourself for the purpose of godliness (train yourself to live a godly life); (8) for
bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things.

Prayer is important and above are 10 ways to develop a powerful Prayer life for Consistent prayer and to deepen our faith, develop our relationship with God, and keep our lives on the path to follow Jesus.

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